Cat Dream Meanings and Interpretation

Cat often appears in our subconscious and it usually symbolizes a certain kind of character or people, especially woman. Cats are lazy, beautiful and cute, also a little selfish, short-tempered, greedy, sleepy and cunning, but they are loved by people. The servility of cats is different with the dogs'. The dog is loyal to its owner while the cat is not. Therefore, the dreams about cat indicate your character might be criticized, or you are hated by someone, or your property will be stolen.

Dreams about Cat

In the Oriental traditions, dreaming about a cat is auspicious but if the cat is very close to a mouse in your dream, i.e. the so-called "cat and mouse sleeping together", it will be inauspicious. It often implies you have failed to perform your duties and are suspected of malfeasance and malpractice.

Dreaming about failing to kill a cat or take it away indicates the misfortune. If the cat attacks you in the dream, it implies your opponent will do anything to denigrate your reputation and bring you property loss. But if you drive away the cat successfully, it means you will overcome great obstacles and eventually gain both fame and wealth.

1. If you are an unmarried dreaming about a cat, it implies you will have emotional issues, such as the unstable relationship.
2. If you are a married woman dreaming about a cat, it suggests family disputes or you are tired of the marriage life, feel the lack of passion in life, and you are unwilling to live such a plain life.
3. If you are an expectant mother dreaming about a cat, it indicates you will give birth to a healthy and lovely girl.
5. Dreaming about a clean cat symbolizes good luck and everything will go well with you.
6. Dreaming about a dirty dog suggests bad luck and you should pay more attention to your diet and remember that a closed mouth catches no flies.

Beating a Cat

Dreaming about catching a cat means a thief or bandit will break into your house but you won't suffer loss and the thief or bandit will be caught.
Dreaming about beating a cat means you won't be fooled by the deceitful tricks and you will see through the fraud.

Dreaming about beating a cat for no reason implies you will make an enemy and reminds you to be more tolerant and avoid disputes with others.

Keeping a Cat

Dreaming about keeping a cat predicts that you will gain money or get rid of the disease.

If you are a patient dreaming about keeping a cat, it implies you will recuperate and get rid of the disease.

If you are a woman dreaming about keeping a cat, it suggests you may encounter the unexpected things, either good or bad.

A Screaming Cat

Dreaming about a screaming or meowing cat implies the so-called friend is trying to harm you with all words and tricks.

If you are an expectant mother dreaming about a meowing cat, it reminds that you should be careful while going out and watch out the accident.

If you are a woman dreaming about a meowing cat, it suggests the hidden rival in love is eying covetously to look for a chance to compete for your boyfriend.

Dreaming about an abandoned cat meowing nearby implies the decline of luck for wealth and reminds that you should control your shopping desire and spend wisely.

Bitten by a Cat

Dreaming about bitten by a cat means there are villains around you and reminds you to be careful about friends around.

Dreaming about almost bitten by a cat implies the powerful competitor in life or work but you will defeat him/her eventually.

A Dead Cat

Dreaming about a dead cat suggests you are in low spirits recently, or addicted to something irresistibly.

If you are crossed in love and dream about a dead cat, it reminds you that you should no longer indulge in the pain of breaking up.

If you are married and dream about a dead cat, it suggests the family members will have disputes caused by the different opinions on something and you should communicate timely.

A Talking Cat

Dreaming about a talking cat implies the opponent will launch an attack on you soon and you should handle it carefully.

If you are a man dreaming about a talking cat, it indicates you will have a formidable competitor in career and you should stay calmly.

If you are a businessman dreaming about a talking cat, it means the recent business circumstance is adverse and you should invest carefully to avoid the significant loss.

Multiple Cats

If you are a man dreaming about multiple cats, it indicates you are in great pressure and feel tired, so you should have enough rest.

If you are a woman dreaming about multiple cats, it means you will have problems with your husband recently and you should remember that peace is the most precious in family and never quarrel on trivial matters.

Cats and Other Animals

Dreaming about a cat catching a mouse or bird is auspicious and it implies your opponents will fight like Kilkenny cats and you can gain the benefit without doing anything.
Dreaming about a cat living with a snake in peace means the beginning of an angry fight.
Dreaming about a cat fighting with a snake indicates all disasters will pass away.
Dreaming about a cat attacking a parrot suggests you will outcompete the opponent to get the final victory.

Lastest Questions and Answers

I had a dream there were cat people, they functioned like humans . (0 Reply ) Asked by T***s

It wasn't like a cartoon or nothing they were cat people who moved like humans. The one the others were admiring or whatever pulled a whisker out of my mouth in the dream it had a clear cat canine tooth attached

Keep seeing cat in the dreams (3 times in 3 days) (0 Reply ) Asked by O***r

Hi, I keep seeing a cat in my dream 3 days in a row, only 1 cat each time, but 3 days in a row. Dream 1 - It was a black cat. Don't remember much else about the dream. Dream 2 - Black cat again. I dreamed I was asleep, woke up and the cat was sat next to me on the bed. As soon as I saw it, it got up and left. Had a feeling that it had some kind of infection I was worried about (worms/fleas etc). Dream 3 - Another cat, NOT black this time though. I opened my bedroom door slightly, and the cat came straight in. Junmped on my bed, but then jumped off again quickly and escaped through a slightly open window. Any interpretations appreciated, as 3 days in a row it probably means something. First 2 were black, third one wasn't. Common theme of coming close to me, but then escaping. I don't think I ever touched the cats. Thanks OP

Big cat dreams (like tigers, leoards not house cats) (1 Reply ) Asked by D***

I have had a couple dreams about big cats. I was just wondering if they mean anything in particular that someone can explain to me. I happen to have this big irrational fear of big cats. I've only seen them at the zoo as a kid and online videos, so there's never been a time when I was in a bad situation with one. Anyways I wanted to share these 3 particular dreams I've had. Dream 1: I had this dream a few years back and it's the first dream I've had like this. I remember that a leopard was chasing me and it was relentless. I ended up hiding in fetal position inside a closet on the top shelf. The leopard eventually left. Within my people and culture, it's known that anything related to big cats are bad. For example, back then in the days it was believed that tigers were able to transform into human form and would take away young girls from the village as a bride. Anyways I was young when I had this dream and I was kinda freaked out. These two next dreams were very recent. Dream 2: In this dream it was a tiger. I was in this big house with two grand stairwells going up to the second floor. There was this big tiger that essentially guarded or lived on the second floor. You could only go up the staircase so far up before the tiger came running down to stop you. I went up the stairs but once the tiger came running down I stopped going up and the tiger did not attack. I essentially found out up to which step I could go without being attacked. I ended up trying again and only went up to the cut off point and this time my cousin was there with me. My cousin ended up going one more step than the tiger liked and was attacked. I remember being incredibly terrified and woke up. I was pretty shook. This cousin of mine, we were close when we were young but now a days I do not talk to her. I do miss her and have been waiting to make up with her. Dream 3: This is the most recent dream. I was at the park with some of my family. It was just my mother, sister, and brother and I. We're all almost adults so I'm not sure why we were at the kids parks. Anyways we were done with the park and got into our car. I was sitting in the back with my sister. As she was closing the door I spotted a tiger looking at us from the top of a hill. It started to charge at us and I screamed Tiger! My mom sped up and the tiger followed. Unfortunately, we went back to the area where there was still mothers and children playing the tiger changed focus and went to attack them. We kept driving as I was googling the number for animal services. On the road we spotted 2-3 more tigers just running along. Then we noticed there was a baby tiger in the car with us. We ended up going home with the baby and was discussing what to do. My mother wanted to raise the baby tiger but I ended up doing a long spiel and how we have two dogs already and how the baby tiger isn't going to be small and cute forever. And then I woke up. Okay those were the dreams. I'm not really a religious person or someone who believes in all this type of stuff, but I am curious. If anyone could help me interpret these dreams It would be much appreciated.

Dream about a cat tail in the mouth of snake which has only head (1 Reply ) Asked by K***m

Want to know about the meaning of a dream in which I saw many snakes in different colors and a snake head, the snake head is alive and I saw his two actions, first he spit out black venom, my thought in the dream was that its only a head but it is alive and act like a snake and spitting venom, second thing I saw that the snake head has a cat tail in his mouth, my late father who was passed two years ago, is near me and I was keep saying that kill the snake, I call my brothers to kill the snake, my thought was that with a heavy object or iron hammer we can kill it. After that I am not sure what happen Want to know about the meaning of a dream in which I saw many snakes in different colors and a snake head, the snake head is alive and I saw his two actions, first he spit out black venom, my thought in the dream was that its only a head but it is alive and act like a snake and spitting venom, second thing I saw that the snake head has a cat tail in his mouth, my late father who was passed two years ago, is near me and I was keep saying that kill the snake, I call my brothers to kill the snake, my thought was that with a heavy object or iron hammer we can kill it. After that I am not sure what happen. If anyone can tell what could be its meaning, please tell me.

Dream of white tiger (1 Reply ) Asked by A***a

I saw this dream where o was looking for my younger brother. He was playing with bunch of kids; all kids were playing in dangerous place. If the get into a tunnel and follow a path, they will reach a big white snowy mountain on top of hill. And there is a big cave in the shape of a big white tiger. Also the tiger living inside is giant and white. I found my brother and was about to leave, as i thought my task is done. Then other two little kids went inside nit listening to anyone towards the tiger’s cave. I was about to leave thinking its nine of my business, but i couldn’t. I felt incomplete . I felt, i have to go there and help them and that is my purpose. Till I thought that kids were already on their way. I jumped inside the tunnel and ran behind them to call them and say not to call the tiger, or else it will kill you. I was running behind but by the time i reach there they knocked the tigers cave already. This was huge cave, with sclupture of white tiger. Until the tiger open the door, I quickly explained them that they have yo understand and get out of there with me. They agreed.and I hide them other part of door that leaded inside the cave. The tiger opened the door, and couldnt see us. Then he closed the door, bu that time the kids were turned into mice, with magical voice that was guiding me since the beginning the voice coming from somewhere ttop. They turned ito mice so that they could run fast. We all run togethr, back to home but the tiger found the smell of mice and now started chasing us. However, we could come out of tunnel which was our world, and inside the tunnel was the territory of white tiger. But, the tiger came out into our world. This made me and my one friend freak out so we started running towards my house. All these was non stop. Then again the voice said, if the tiger comes out his territory chasing you he wot be as strong adn he cant harm you if you run 50 miles away. However the diastance to my house was just 45 miles. 5 miles less to make this tiger weaker. But as soon as the tiger entered our house he turned into black cat with red eyes. He was still trying to eat us. All we need to do was give him some meat, and he would turn into a less strong animal and go back to his place. Here my friend denied to give him this beautiful oiece if meat as she had ti fulfil order of a client. I asked her but she refused, knowing we both could die. I thought she is very selfish ,greedy and stupid as she can risk her life for piece of meat to client and money. We both were in the ceiling jumping from one wall to another, the cat was also coming up as it could climb the wall. The room was actually full of meat in ceiling as it was my friends shop. I threw a big piece of rare and red meat , it fell down into a bowl of water and the cat started eating it very dangerously. Soon the black cat ( white tiger converted in black cat with red eyes, as it was loosing power in our territory, but still could kill us if change itself into cat) turned into a normal grey cat now. After finishing eating meat it looked me back deep in my eyes and left and went back ti its own territory. Under the tunnel, the white tigers territory. But i didnt see the normal cat changing into white tiger again. After itvwas all over, I could save many lives. I realised i fight my insecurities and defeated the situation and did what i was afraid to do, coz i thought i was meant to do or born to do aomething extra ordinary.