Chinese Zodiac Years Chart
Based on Chinese Lunar New Year (Most Commonly Used by Chinese People)
The Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) usually falls during 21 January and February 20, if your birthday is during this period in Gregorian date, you may belong to the zodiac sign of the last year. In the following table, the years’ starting and ending dates are clearly shown which help you determine your animal sign correctly.
Zodiac | Birth Years | ||
Rat |
1924 Feb. 05, 1924 - Jan. 23, 1925 |
1936 Jan. 24, 1936 - Feb. 10, 1937 |
1948 Feb. 10, 1948 - Jan. 28, 1949 |
1960 Jan. 28, 1960 - Feb. 14, 1961 |
1972 Feb. 15, 1972 - Feb. 02, 1973 |
1984 Feb. 02, 1984 - Feb. 19, 1985 |
1996 Feb. 19, 1996 - Feb. 06, 1997 |
2008 Feb. 07, 2008 - Jan. 25, 2009 |
2020 Jan. 25, 2020 - Feb. 11, 2021 |
Ox |
1925 Jan. 24, 1925 - Feb. 12, 1926 |
1937 Feb. 11, 1937 - Jan. 30, 1938 |
1949 Jan. 29, 1949 - Feb. 16, 1950 |
1961 Feb. 15, 1961 - Feb. 04, 1962 |
1973 Feb. 03, 1973 - Jan. 22, 1974 |
1985 Feb. 20, 1985 - Feb. 08, 1986 |
1997 Feb. 07, 1997 - Jan. 27, 1998 |
2009 Jan. 26, 2009 - Feb. 13, 2010 |
2021 Feb. 12, 2021 - Jan. 31, 2022 |
Tiger |
1926 Feb. 13, 1926 - Feb. 01, 1927 |
1938 Jan. 31, 1938 - Feb. 18, 1939 |
1950 Feb. 17, 1950 - Feb. 05, 1951 |
1962 Feb. 05, 1962 - Jan. 24, 1963 |
1974 Jan. 23, 1974 - Feb. 10, 1975 |
1986 Feb. 09, 1986 - Jan. 28, 1987 |
1998 Jan. 28, 1998 - Feb. 15, 1999 |
2010 Feb. 14, 2010 - Feb. 02, 2011 |
2022 Feb. 01, 2022 - Jan. 21, 2023 |
Rabbit |
1927 Feb. 02, 1927 - Jan. 22, 1928 |
1939 Feb. 19, 1939 - Feb. 07, 1940 |
1951 Feb. 06, 1951 - Jan. 26, 1952 |
1963 Jan. 25, 1963 - Feb. 12, 1964 |
1975 Feb. 11, 1975 - Jan. 30, 1976 |
1987 Jan. 29, 1987 - Feb. 16, 1988 |
1999 Feb. 16, 1999 - Feb. 04, 2000 |
2011 Feb. 03, 2011 - Jan. 22, 2012 |
2023 Jan. 22, 2023 - Feb. 09, 2024 |
Dragon |
1928 Jan. 23, 1928 - Feb. 09, 1929 |
1940 Feb. 08, 1940 - Jan. 26, 1941 |
1952 Jan. 27, 1952 - Feb. 13, 1953 |
1964 Feb. 13, 1964 - Feb. 01, 1965 |
1976 Jan. 31, 1976 - Feb. 17, 1977 |
1988 Feb. 17, 1988 - Feb. 05, 1989 |
2000 Feb. 05, 2000 - Jan. 23, 2001 |
2012 Jan. 23, 2012 - Feb. 09, 2013 |
2024 Feb. 10, 2024 - Jan. 28, 2025 |
Snake |
1929 Feb. 10, 1929 - Jan. 29, 1930 |
1941 Jan. 27, 1941 - Feb. 14, 1942 |
1953 Feb. 14, 1953 - Feb. 02, 1954 |
1965 Feb. 02, 1965 - Jan. 20, 1966 |
1977 Feb. 18, 1977 - Feb. 06, 1978 |
1989 Feb. 06, 1989 - Jan. 26, 1990 |
2001 Jan. 24, 2001 - Feb. 11, 2002 |
2013 Feb. 10, 2013 - Jan. 30, 2014 |
2025 Jan. 29, 2025 - Feb. 16, 2026 |
Horse |
1930 Jan. 30, 1930 - Feb. 16, 1931 |
1942 Feb. 15, 1942 - Feb. 04, 1943 |
1954 Feb. 03, 1954 - Jan. 23, 1955 |
1966 Jan. 21, 1966 - Feb. 08, 1967 |
1978 Feb. 07, 1978 - Jan. 27, 1979 |
1990 Jan. 27, 1990 - Feb. 14, 1991 |
2002 Feb. 12, 2002 - Jan. 31, 2003 |
2014 Jan. 31, 2014 - Feb. 18, 2015 |
2026 Feb. 17, 2026 - Feb. 05, 2027 |
Sheep |
1931 Feb. 17, 1931 - Feb. 05, 1932 |
1943 Feb. 05, 1943 - Jan. 24, 1944 |
1955 Jan. 24, 1955 - Feb. 11, 1956 |
1967 Feb. 09, 1967 - Jan. 29, 1968 |
1979 Jan. 28, 1979 - Feb. 15, 1980 |
1991 Feb. 15, 1991 - Feb. 03, 1992 |
2003 Feb. 01, 2003 - Jan. 21, 2004 |
2015 Feb. 19, 2015 - Feb. 07, 2016 |
2027 Feb. 06, 2027 - Jan. 25, 2028 |
Monkey |
1932 Feb. 06, 1932 - Jan. 25, 1933 |
1944 Jan. 25, 1944 - Feb. 12, 1945 |
1956 Feb. 12, 1956 - Jan. 30, 1957 |
1968 Jan. 30, 1968 - Feb. 16, 1969 |
1980 Feb. 16, 1980 - Feb. 04, 1981 |
1992 Feb. 04, 1992 - Jan. 22, 1993 |
2004 Jan. 22, 2004 - Feb. 08, 2005 |
2016 Feb. 08, 2016 - Jan. 27, 2017 |
2028 Jan. 26, 2028 - Feb. 12, 2029 |
Rooster |
1933 Jan. 26, 1933 - Feb. 13, 1934 |
1945 Feb. 13, 1945 - Feb. 01, 1946 |
1957 Jan. 31, 1957 - Feb. 17, 1958 |
1969 Feb. 17, 1969 - Feb. 05, 1970 |
1981 Feb. 05, 1981 - Jan. 24, 1982 |
1993 Jan. 23, 1993 - Feb. 09, 1994 |
2005 Feb. 09, 2005 - Jan. 28, 2006 |
2017 Jan. 28, 2017 - Feb. 15, 2018 |
2029 Feb. 13, 2029 - Feb. 02, 2030 |
Dog |
1934 Feb. 14, 1934 - Feb. 03, 1935 |
1946 Feb. 02, 1946 - Jan. 21, 1947 |
1958 Feb. 18, 1958 - Feb. 07, 1959 |
1970 Feb. 06, 1970 - Jan. 26, 1971 |
1982 Jan. 25, 1982 - Feb. 12, 1983 |
1994 Feb. 10, 1994 - Jan. 30, 1995 |
2006 Jan. 29, 2006 - Feb. 17, 2007 |
2018 Feb. 16, 2018 - Feb. 04, 2019 |
2030 Feb. 03, 2030 - Jan. 22, 2031 |
Pig |
1935 Feb. 04, 1935 - Jan. 23, 1936 |
1947 Jan. 22, 1947 - Feb. 09, 1948 |
1959 Feb. 08, 1959 - Jan. 27, 1960 |
1971 Jan. 27, 1971 - Feb. 14, 1972 |
1983 Feb. 13, 1983 - Feb. 01, 1984 |
1995 Jan. 31, 1995 - Feb. 18, 1996 |
2007 Feb. 18, 2007 - Feb. 06, 2008 |
2019 Feb. 05, 2019 - Jan. 24, 2020 |
2031 Jan. 23, 2031 - Feb. 10, 2032 |
Based on Lichun (the Beginning of Spring) – The Other Way to Divide the Zodiac Year
If you were born between the Chinese Lunar New Year (the first day of the first Chinese lunar month which usually falls during 21 January and February 20 in Gregorian calendar) and Lichun (the Beginning of Spring which usually falls on February 4 or February 5 in Gregorian calendar), you may belong to the zodiac sign of the last year. Following are zodiac years by the division method of Lichun.
Zodiac | Birth Years | ||
Rat |
1924 Feb. 05, 1924 09:50 Feb. 04, 1925 15:37 |
1936 Feb. 05, 1936 07:45 Feb. 04, 1937 13:34 |
1948 Feb. 05, 1948 05:41 Feb. 04, 1949 11:30 |
1960 Feb. 05, 1960 03:37 Feb. 04, 1961 09:27 |
1972 Feb. 05, 1972 01:32 Feb. 04, 1973 07:23 |
1984 Feb. 04, 1984 23:29 Feb. 04, 1985 05:19 |
1996 Feb. 04, 1996 21:15 Feb. 04, 1997 03:04 |
2008 Feb. 04, 2008 07:03 Feb. 04, 2009 00:52 |
Ox |
1925 Feb. 04, 1925 15:37 Feb. 04, 1926 21:39 |
1937 Feb. 04, 1937 13:34 Feb. 04, 1938 19:23 |
1949 Feb. 04, 1949 11:30 Feb. 04, 1950 17:20 |
1961 Feb. 04, 1961 09:27 Feb. 04, 1962 15:16 |
1973 Feb. 04, 1973 07:23 Feb. 04, 1974 13:12 |
1985 Feb. 04, 1985 05:19 Feb. 04, 1986 11:09 |
1997 Feb. 04, 1997 03:04 Feb. 04, 1998 08:53 |
2009 Feb. 04, 2009 00:50 Feb. 04, 2010 06:47 |
Tiger |
1926 Feb. 04, 1926 21:39 Feb. 05, 1927 03:18 |
1938 Feb. 04, 1938 19:23 Feb. 05, 1939 01:14 |
1950 Feb. 04, 1950 17:20 Feb. 04, 1951 23:10 |
1962 Feb. 04, 1962 15:16 Feb. 04, 1963 21:06 |
1974 Feb. 04, 1974 13:12 Feb. 04, 1975 21:02 |
1986 Feb. 04, 1986 11:09 Feb. 04, 1987 16:58 |
1998 Feb. 04, 1998 08:53 Feb. 04, 1999 14:42 |
2010 Feb. 04, 2010 06:48 Feb. 04, 2011 12:32 |
Rabbit |
1915 Feb. 05, 1915 05:26 Feb. 04, 1916 11:14 |
1927 Feb. 05, 1927 03:18 Feb. 05, 1928 09:07 |
1939 Feb. 05, 1939 01:14 Feb. 05, 1940 07:03 |
1951 Feb. 04, 1951 23:10 Feb. 05, 1952 04:59 |
1963 Feb. 04, 1963 21:06 Feb. 05, 1964 02:56 |
1975 Feb. 04, 1975 21:02 Feb. 05, 1976 00:52 |
1987 Feb. 04, 1987 16:58 Feb. 04, 1988 22:48 |
1999 Feb. 04, 1999 14:42 Feb. 04, 2000 20:32 |
2011 Feb. 04, 2011 12:33 Feb. 04, 2012 18:22 |
Dragon |
1916 Feb. 04, 1916 11:14 Feb. 04, 1917 16:58 |
1928 Feb. 05, 1928 09:07 Feb. 04, 1929 14:57 |
1940 Feb. 05, 1940 07:03 Feb. 04, 1941 12:53 |
1952 Feb. 05, 1952 04:59 Feb. 04, 1953 10:49 |
1964 Feb. 05, 1964 02:56 Feb. 04, 1965 08:45 |
1976 Feb. 05, 1976 00:52 Feb. 04, 1977 06:41 |
1988 Feb. 04, 1988 22:48 Feb. 04, 1989 04:38 |
2000 Feb. 04, 2000 20:32 Feb. 04, 2001 02:20 |
2012 Feb. 04, 2012 18:23 Feb. 04, 2013 00:13 |
Snake |
1917 Feb. 04, 1917 16:58 Feb. 04, 1918 22:53 |
1929 Feb. 04, 1929 14:57 Feb. 04, 1930 20:47 |
1941 Feb. 04, 1941 12:53 Feb. 04, 1942 18:43 |
1953 Feb. 04, 1953 10:49 Feb. 04, 1954 16:39 |
1965 Feb. 04, 1965 08:45 Feb. 04, 1966 14:35 |
1977 Feb. 04, 1977 06:41 Feb. 04, 1978 12:31 |
1989 Feb. 04, 1989 04:38 Feb. 04, 1990 10:28 |
2001 Feb. 04, 2001 02:20 Feb. 04, 2002 08:08 |
2013 Feb. 04, 2013 00:14 Feb. 04, 2014 06:03 |
Horse |
1918 Feb. 04, 1918 22:53 Feb. 05, 1919 04:40 |
1930 Feb. 04, 1930 20:47 Feb. 05, 1931 02:36 |
1942 Feb. 04, 1942 18:43 Feb. 05, 1943 00:32 |
1954 Feb. 04, 1954 16:39 Feb. 04, 1955 22:28 |
1966 Feb. 04, 1966 14:35 Feb. 04, 1967 20:25 |
1978 Feb. 04, 1978 12:31 Feb. 04, 1979 18:21 |
1990 Feb. 04, 1990 10:28 Feb. 04, 1991 16:17 |
2002 Feb. 04, 2002 08:08 Feb. 04, 2003 13:57 |
2014 Feb. 04, 2014 06:03 Feb. 04, 2015 11:58 |
Sheep |
1919 Feb. 05, 1919 04:40 Feb. 05, 1920 10:27 |
1931 Feb. 05, 1931 02:36 Feb. 05, 1932 08:25 |
1943 Feb. 05, 1943 00:32 Feb. 05, 1944 06:22 |
1955 Feb. 04, 1955 22:28 Feb. 05, 1956 04:19 |
1967 Feb. 04, 1967 20:25 Feb. 05, 1968 02:14 |
1979 Feb. 04, 1979 18:21 Feb. 05, 1980 00:10 |
1991 Feb. 04, 1991 16:17 Feb. 04, 1992 21:54 |
2003 Feb. 04, 2003 13:57 Feb. 04, 2004 19:46 |
2015 Feb. 04, 2015 11:58 Feb. 04, 2016 17:46 |
Monkey |
1920 Feb. 05, 1920 10:27 Feb. 04, 1921 16:21 |
1932 Feb. 05, 1932 08:25 Feb. 04, 1933 14:16 |
1944 Feb. 05, 1944 06:22 Feb. 04, 1945 12:12 |
1956 Feb. 05, 1956 04:19 Feb. 04, 1957 10:07 |
1968 Feb. 05, 1968 02:14 Feb. 04, 1969 08:04 |
1980 Feb. 05, 1980 00:10 Feb. 04, 1981 06:00 |
1992 Feb. 04, 1992 21:54 Feb. 04, 1993 03:43 |
2004 Feb. 04, 2004 19:46 Feb. 04, 2005 01:34 |
2016 Feb. 04, 2016 17:46 Feb. 03, 2017 23:34 |
Rooster |
1921 Feb. 04, 1921 16:21 Feb. 04, 1922 22:07 |
1933 Feb. 04, 1933 14:16 Feb. 04, 1934 20:05 |
1945 Feb. 04, 1945 12:12 Feb. 04, 1946 18:01 |
1957 Feb. 04, 1957 10:07 Feb. 04, 1958 15:57 |
1969 Feb. 04, 1969 08:04 Feb. 04, 1970 13:54 |
1981 Feb. 04, 1981 06:00 Feb. 04, 1982 11:50 |
1993 Feb. 04, 1993 03:43 Feb. 04, 1994 09:33 |
2005 Feb. 04, 2005 13:34 Feb. 04, 2006 07:25 |
Dog |
1922 Feb. 04, 1922 22:07 Feb. 05, 1923 04:01 |
1934 Feb. 04, 1934 20:05 Feb. 05, 1935 01:55 |
1946 Feb. 04, 1946 18:01 Feb. 04, 1947 23:48 |
1958 Feb. 04, 1958 15:57 Feb. 04, 1959 21:47 |
1970 Feb. 04, 1970 13:54 Feb. 04, 1971 19:44 |
1982 Feb. 04, 1982 11:50 Feb. 04, 1983 17:40 |
1994 Feb. 04, 1994 09:33 Feb. 04, 1995 15:24 |
2006 Feb. 04, 2006 07:25 Feb. 04, 2007 13:18 |
Pig |
1923 Feb. 05, 1923 04:01 Feb. 05, 1924 09:50 |
1935 Feb. 05, 1935 01:55 Feb. 05, 1936 07:45 |
1947 Feb. 04, 1947 23:48 Feb. 05, 1948 05:41 |
1959 Feb. 04, 1959 21:47 Feb. 05, 1960 03:37 |
1971 Feb. 04, 1971 19:44 Feb. 05, 1972 01:32 |
1983 Feb. 04, 1983 17:40 Feb. 04, 1984 23:29 |
1995 Feb. 04, 1995 15:24 Feb. 04, 1996 21:15 |
2007 Feb. 04, 2007 13:18 Feb. 04, 2008 19:03 |
Lastest Questions and Answers
Strongest element is lucky element? (2 Replies ) Asked by M***s
Hello! I'm very new to Bazi and was reading my chart but I'm a bit confused and have a question about it... because I think that my strong day master is actually my lucky element as well? I've read that you want the elements in your chart to be balanced right? Well, my chart has a LOT of fire and earth. Yin fire daymaster, yang fire hour + month on the heavenly stems, yang fire hour on the earthly branches as well, and then I have 3 earth elements on my earthly branches. Born in a metal year so overall I have 4 fire, 3 earth, 1 metal, and 0 wood + water. Based on this I would think that wood and water are good elements for me as they provide balance to my strong chart but I was reading through my journals & events of my life and thinking otherwise... the best years of my life so far have been 2016 & 2017, which were both fire years, and the absolute worst year of my life was 2014, a wood year, with 2015 not being much better either. Looking at events throughout my life, the best events of my life have often been in fire or earth months, and the worst being in wood months once again. I'm not sure about water yet because what I've seen is too mixed, maybe I'll have more clarity after 2022-2023 though. And finally, I've had wood in my luck pillars since I was 2 years old (I am now 21 so it's ending soon) but my upbringing was horrible and life has had so many downs in ways I can't even get into. I don't mean this in a sad way because I am a very optimistic person, actually, and I know my future is looking bright in spite of it. I'm just being realistic and thinking that it seems pretty unlikely for my life to actually get worse as I exit these wood luck pillars... I would hope so anyway. I have a very limited knowledge so far and I know that looking at the animals adds a whole layer that I haven't even considered yet. But from the little I do understand right now, I'm just wondering why it seems like the best times of my life so far have been during fire years or months when fire is already so strong in my chart? Why wood has been so negative? I wish I had more to say about water but I do not yet. Some very good months in my life have been earth months as well despite it also being prominent in my chart. Thank you for reading and please let me know if you have some insight about this!
baby gender prediction as per date (1 Reply ) Asked by M***a
Hi, Thank you for your answer given it possible to try on 4th Jan 2021 to have a baby boy because of my husband's work schedule as my period is between 25-27th Dec 2020? I checked in the various calendars it showing the baby boy. Please confirm me asap. I am planning to have a baby boy. My DOB is 5th Jan 1988. My period will be on 25th Dec 2020 for 3 days. Please let me know what should be the best day for conception to have a baby boy? Please reply to me asap. According to the Ancient Chinese Gender Chart, there is no good time for you to conceive baby boy in the rest time of 2020. If you are conceived in one of the following time periods in 2021, you will get a baby boy: Jan 13 - Feb 11 (33 lunar years old, the 12th lunar month) Feb 12 - Mar 12 (34 lunar years old, the 1st lunar month) Apr 12 - May 11 (34 lunar years old, the 3rd lunar month) Dec 04 - Dec 31 (34 lunar years old, the 11th lunar month)
specific dates and months to conceive baby boy in2020 (1 Reply ) Asked by A***e
I want to have the specific date and months in 2020 to conceive with baby boy please reply me, 4 october 1986 desperately in need of baby boy, what will be my lunar years and lunar months according to chinese gender chart.
Baby Boy planning dates (4 Replies ) Asked by G***i
Hi, my name is Gayathri.... We have a 2 baby girls and Elder one age is 6 years and younger one was 7 months old. and would love to try for a boy next when is the best time according to Chinese gender chart. Please suggest the dates in the in 2019 and early 2020... My date of birth is 18/04/1985. Appreciate your response..
Will combination of Rabbit and Dog Hurt me? (4 Replies ) Asked by H***n
Good day. May I please have some assistance in this matter. Thank you. I am Xin Metal Day Master. Born in Spring (Chen) when Wood is strong and Metal is either dead or trapped (reading from Earthly Branch Month section). Wood is also my wealth element. But since Wood is too strong, I can't control my wealth element as Metal is too weak, I think. In my Chart, the element counts including the Hidden Stems are - 3 earth, 3 water, 3 wood, 3 water and 2 fire. From the indication of my annual luck pillars chart, I am now going through the last five years of Winter (Hai). Autumn is next, where Metal is strongest. It starts with Xu. In this new starting season of Autumn, the Mao (Wood) in my Year Earthly Branch combines with Xu to produce Fire. My questions are: Will this new element of fire affect and cut out the wood or wealth element? Or since fire is lacking in my chart, will the wood in mao feed fire and make it brighter for my chart so that I have more Influence since Fire means influence for the Metal Day person? Will the combination take place or fail to take place in this situation? Since the season will change from Winter to Autumn, will Metal now be strong enough to control wood, and thus can also control fire to strengthen my Influence? Or will the fire further weaken metal? The Chen in my Earthly Branch Month will also clash with the Xu in my annual pillar. How will this affect me? I hope that you can assist me here. My four pillars chart is as follows Yang Metal Yin Metal Yang Fire Yin Water Tiger Ox Dragon Rabbit Yang Wood Yin Earth Yang Earth Yin Wood Thank you so much for your assistance