Years of the Horse

Metal Horse Wood Horse Water Horse Fire Horse Earth Horse

Start Date End Date Associated Element Heavenly Branch
01/30/1930 02/16/1931 Yang Metal Geng Wu
02/15/1942 02/04/1943 Yang Water Ren Wu
02/03/1954 01/23/1955 Yang Wood Jia Wu
01/21/1966 02/08/1967 Yang Fire Bing Wu
02/07/1978 01/27/1979 Yang Earth Wu Wu
01/27/1990 02/14/1991 Yang Metal Geng Wu
02/12/2002 01/31/2003 Yang Water Ren Wu
01/31/2014 02/18/2015 Yang Wood Jia Wu
02/17/2026 02/05/2027 Yang Fire Bing Wu

Personality of the Horse

People born in the year of the Horse are fiery, warm-hearted and generous. There are always plenty of friends around them as they are good at getting along with others. But they are not good at keeping secrets. They prefer social activities because of which, there are usually too many overheads preventing them from saving up money.  

Open-minded and positive are strong points for the person under the sign of the Horse, but the drawback is that he/she often can not insist on doing things from the beginning to the end. Although showing positive attitude at the beginning, they are easy to give up once encounter small obstacles. Due to this reason, they are usually thought to be lack of responsibility. Most of them like to leave away from home to struggle for their career in youth. So they are easily to succeed when they are young but begin to encounter failure from the middle age.
In love, the Horse person is straightforward and focuses much on appearance. So they are always attractive. However, due to their never-lasting character trait, they usually couldn’t go long with their mates. Also in work, although they have excellent physical conditioning, they couldn’t get great success because of such characters. Please click for more about Horse Personality Traits

Male Horse Personality Female Horse Personality Horse People with Blood Type O Horse People with Blood Type A Horse People with Blood Type B Horse People with Blood Type AB

What Birth Times Are Lucky for the Horse?

Horse Horoscope

2024 Horoscope

People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Horse will have a volatile fortune in 2024, and they may be in a state of turmoil throughout the year. The good thing is that the Horses like to accept all kinds of changes and challenges, and like to try brand-new things.

Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Color: Green

Horoscope for Horse born in: 1966 1978 1990

2024 Horoscope for Horse

The Ninth Lunar Month Horoscope For the Horse

Oct 03, 2024– Oct 31, 2024

In September, the Horses will have a bad luck in health, and they will be prone to various accidents. If there are no special circumstances, they should avoid going out, especially avoid going to the dangerous places, otherwise they may encounter emergencies, so that they will fall into an unfavorable situation.

Monthly Horoscope for Horse

Good Luck Charms for Horse

Choose a Chinese Zodiac lucky charm bracelet for Horse to help you improve luck and exorcise evil spirits in daily life.

Lucky Things to do

Lucky things for Horse
  • Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 9
  • Lucky Colors: green, red, purple
  • Lucky Directions: northeast, southwest and northwest
  • Best Match: Tiger, Sheep, Dog
  • Lucky Flowers: calla lily, jasmine, marigold
  • Lucky Gemstone: Topaz
Unlucky things for Horse
  • Unlucky Numbers: 1, 5, 6
  • Unlucky Colors: Blue, White, Golden
  • Unlucky Direction: North, Northwest
  • Worst Match: Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Horse

Horse Love Compatibility and Relationship

Each Chinese zodiac sign has compatible or incompatible signs according to their characteristics’ compatibility. If your find your signs are compatible, you could get along well in most cases. In opposite, you need to do more effort to be together harmoniously. Read more about Horse Compatibility
Best Match
Best Match
Zodiac Tiger Zodiac  Sheep Zodiac  Dog
Lively Pair
Lively Pair
Zodiac Dragon Zodiac Snake Zodiac Monkey Zodiac Rooster Zodiac Pig
Worst Match
Worst Match
Zodiac Rat Zodiac  Ox Zodiac  Rabbit Zodiac  Horse

Horse in Love

Horse is ranked in the top four zodiac signs blessed in love relationship. People born in the year of the Horse are good at dressing up, good-looking, charming and very popular with the opposite sex. In love relationship, Horse people are frank and less possible to get caught up in dilemmas. When they find the relationship is impossible, they will change and find another one. Read more about Horse in Love

How to Know a Horse is in Love with You? Male Horse's Attitude Towards Love Female Horse's Attitude Towards Love

Careers for Horse

The people under the animal sign of Horse are fit to efficient works instead of simple and monotonous ones. E.g. Journalists, translators, salesmen, and securities traders would be perfect. Also, the Horse people have their qualities to be an artist. The ability to adjust to the changing circumstances also enables them to be a good statesman or critics. The Horses could do some active and positive jobs like an athlete. To those naturally confident Horses, they are suitable to be an adventurer, architect or entertainer and in those works they could get great achievements. Read more about Careers for Horse
Ideal Jobs and Work Partners for Horse
  • Best Working Partners: Tiger, Sheep and Dog
  • Best Age to Start a Business for Horse:Age 30 – 50
  • Best Career Field for Horse: Tourism
  • Best Business to Do: Gallery
  • Best Direction for Career: East, South, Northeast, Southeast

Auspicious Chinese Names

When selecting a Chinese name for the people born in the year of Horse, there are some dos and don’ts you need to know which are based on the characters of the Horse, zodiac compatibility and Chinese five element theories. Let's take a look at what are good and auspicious names for the male and female Horses.
Auspicious Chinese Names for the Horse Year People

Lastest Questions and Answers

Moving to a new house (1 Reply ) Asked by r***r

Hi! We are going to move to our new house this September 2024. When are the auspicous date for us to move. Husband -horse dob July 1966, wife -dog august 1970 and daughter-horse dob feb 2014 Thank you

Incompatible Baby Zodiac (2 Replies ) Asked by M***e

I'm a pig 1983 and my husband is a tiger 1986 We are trying to have baby now which I might be pregnant and give birth on year snake.. As far as I know snake don't get along with both pig and tiger. Is it ok to have kid on Incompatible Baby Zodiac? I just figured out that the year after, is horse which is good for Tiger but I hope I don't have to wait that long to have a baby because I'm not getting any younger. I'm about to go on ivf precess which can be long process I guess it's a destiny when I'll have my baby. Thank you

Fire Rooster woman and earth horse man (1 Reply ) Asked by l***o

Good. Relationship?

Compatibility for Dragon male and Horse female (0 Reply ) Asked by G***n

My son who was born on 3rd April 1988 has a girlfriend who was born on 21st July 1990, I would like to ask if they are compatible and at what percentage. Thank you for your time.

hi im a horse and i find i have more sorrownesss (3 Replies ) Asked by r***a

than joys in life how do i make myself happy