Dream about Tortoise, Turtle Meanings and Interpretation

Tortoise is an intelligent animal which is steadfast and ordinary. In Chinese people's mind, tortoise is a symbol of happiness and longevity, and it is said to can live ten thousand years. Also, tortoise symbolizes wealth. The turtle in dreams, whether it is a terrapin or a sea turtle, is a symbol of good luck.

Dream about Tortoise

For men, the dream about tortoise suggests thriving career and good luck.

For women, the dream about tortoise suggests high position and developed career in the future.

For businessmen, the dream about tortoise suggests huge profits from overseas business.

For travellers, the dream about tortoise suggests a possible period of residence in a city far from home.

If you were bitten by a tortoise in the dream, it suggests you have a phobic horror of turtle. You must have heard the legend that a turtle would never let go after biting a human being and there is no way but to cut off its head. Also, it suggests you might be under great pressure or worry about something annoying.

If a tortoise tucked its head into the shell in your dream, it suggests you or someone around is defending against invasion. On the other hand, the image of the tortoise's head protruding from its shell symbolizes the male genital organ and the retracting movement is a symbol of sexual timidity or impotence.

The dream about a tortoise without shell indicates you are at a loss about what you are doing and cannot see it clearly, so you might as well listen to others' advice.

The dream about a tortoise together with a snake suggests you will make a million.

If a tortoise crawled to the water in your dream, it suggests you will have a new working environment or position.

The dream about a swimming tortoise implies that all the hardships will pass away and good fortune will befall you.

If a tortoise crawled into your house in the dream, it means you will gain a fortune or increased income.

The dream about killing a tortoise is an ill omen of blood disaster in your family.

The dream about throwing stones to a tortoise implies something dangerous, mostly the revenge of your foe and you will get hurt from it.

The dream about eating a tortoise is an ill omen which suggests a decline in your health and reminds you to have enough rest and eat tonic food.

If you held a tortoise in the dream, it indicates that you may make friends with someone of lower IQ, and that you treat people equally without discrimination in daily life.

Pregnant Woman Dreaming about Tortoise
If you are pregnant, the dream about a big tortoise suggests you and your baby are healthy and your baby will live a long and healthy life.

If you are pregnant, the dream about a dead tortoise suggests the risk of miscarriage and reminds you to be careful in daily life and pay more attention to your baby's health.

If you are pregnant, the dream about catching a tortoise reminds you to pay more attention to your health and your baby's growth at ordinary times, so as to protect yourself from difficult labor or other accidents.

If you are a mother-to-be, the dream about two cute tortoises suggests you are likely to have twins.

Dream about Turtle

Sea turtle is a symbol of happiness and luck. The dream about sea turtle suggests happy and harmonious marriage.

For married women, the dream about sea turtle suggests more love from husband.

If you are an unmarried woman, the dream about sea turtle implies you will marry the one you love soon.

The dream about catching sea turtles is a bad omen of disaster.

The dream about drinking sea turtle soup suggests you will use a clever and appropriate method to disable someone else' plot and feel extremely happy about it.

Lastest Questions and Answers

Meaning of dreams about 2 big tortoises or 2 big turtles (0 Reply ) Asked by J***n

It was a while ago but I dreamt about 2 big tortoises or 2 big turtles. One tortoise/ turtle was crawling towards my neighbours house so I picked it up and brought it back to my house. The second tortoise/ turtle was climbing up the outside front wall of my house on the second storey. If anyone could help tell me what it means I appreciate it thank you.

I dreamt of fish and tortoise (1 Reply ) Asked by K***g

Last night I dreamt of large fishes in those aquarium which is literally a storey big. Next I dreamt of fishes and little tortoise swimming in glass containers. I caught those fish with my hands but ended up releasing it. Then a tortoise swam into my hands while it avoided others. Then another dream came. I dreamt about saving around ten goldfish from getting trapped inside something