Ben Ming Nian

Ben Ming Nian (Chinese Zodiac Animal Year of Birth)

Ben Ming Nian (本命年 in Chinese) refers to the year of zodiac animal in which one was born.

In China, each one has his animal sign that is determined by the lunar birth date. In all, there are twelve animal signs each undergoes a 12-year cycle. So, every twelve years, one will meet the year of his birth sign. 2025 is year of the Wood Snake so people under the Snake sign meet their Ben Ming Nian in 2025. How to Make Good Luck In Your Zodiac Year — Snake Beware In 2025!

When is Ben Ming Nian for One?

Snake Ben Ming Nian 2025Ben Ming Nian refers to the Chinese lunar year which starts from the Chinese New Year (Chinese Spring Festival) and ends on the Chinese New Year's Eve (the last day of the Chinese lunar year). For example, 2025 is Year of the Snake starting from Jan.29, 2025 to Feb.16, 2026. So, for the person under the Snake sign, 2025 is his Ben Ming Nian.

One will encounter his Ben Ming Nian when he is 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96…Following are listed some of the zodiac years for each animal sign. You can check more zodiac years by clicking Chinese Zodiac Years Chart.

Zodiac Animal Ben Ming Nian (Zodiac Year of Birth)
Rat 2008 (Feb. 07, 2008 - Jan. 25, 2009), 2020 (Jan. 25, 2020 - Feb. 11, 2021), 2032 (Feb. 11, 2032 - Jan. 30, 2033)…
Ox 2009 (Jan. 26, 2009 - Feb. 13, 2010), 2021 (Feb. 12, 2021 - Jan. 31, 2022), 2033 (Jan. 31, 2033 - Feb. 18, 2034)…
Tiger 2010 (Feb. 14, 2010 - Feb. 02, 2011), 2022 (Feb. 01, 2022 - Jan. 21, 2023), 2034 (Feb. 19, 2034 - Feb. 07, 2035)…
Rabbit 2011 (Feb. 03, 2011 - Jan. 22, 2012), 2023 (Jan. 22, 2023 - Feb. 09, 2024), 2035 (Feb. 08, 2035 - Jan. 27, 2036)…
Dragon 2012 (Jan. 23, 2012 - Feb. 09, 2013), 2024 (Feb. 10, 2024 - Jan. 28, 2025), 2036 (Jan. 28, 2036 - Feb. 14, 2037)…
Snake 2013 (Feb. 10, 2013 - Jan. 30, 2014), 2025 (Jan. 29, 2025 - Feb. 16, 2026), 2037 (Feb. 15, 2037 - Feb. 03, 2038)…
Horse 2014 (Jan. 31, 2014 - Feb. 18, 2015), 2026 (Feb. 17, 2026 - Feb. 05, 2027), 2038 (Feb. 04, 2038 - Jan. 23, 2039)…
Sheep 2015 (Feb. 19, 2015 - Feb. 07, 2016), 2027 (Feb. 06, 2027 - Jan. 25, 2028), 2039 (Jan. 24, 2039 - Feb. 11, 2040)…
Monkey 2016 (Feb. 08, 2016 - Jan. 27, 2017), 2028 (Jan. 26, 2028 - Feb. 12, 2029), 2040 (Feb. 12, 2040 - Jan. 31, 2041)…
Rooster 2017 (Jan. 28, 2017 - Feb. 15, 2018), 2029 (Feb. 13, 2029 - Feb. 02, 2030), 2041 (Feb. 01, 2041 - Jan. 21, 2042)…
Dog 2018 (Feb. 16, 2018 - Feb. 04, 2019), 2030 (Feb. 03, 2030 - Jan. 22, 2031), 2042 (Jan. 22, 2042 - Feb. 09, 2043)…
Pig 2019 (Feb. 05, 2019 - Jan. 24, 2020), 2031 (Jan. 23, 2031 - Feb. 10, 2032), 2043 (Feb. 10, 2043 - Jan. 29, 2044)…

Fortune in Ben Ming Nian

Snake Year Bracelet 2025According to the Chinese astrology, the zodiac year is a year of bad luck. Most Chinese people are afraid to spend their birth sign year. Why is it unlucky? It's said that the people during the Ben Ming Nian are easy to encounter Tai Sui who is the legendary God in charge of people's fortune. Their fortune usually fluctuates during the year. Many bad things such as illness, financial loss, extramarital affair etc. may happen to them. Some people think it's superstitious to believe this. In fact, it's not completely bad for people in the zodiac year. It varies greatly from individual to individual. Some people may have good fortune instead of bad luck. But in general, marriage, moving house, travel, starting business…are thought to be worthy of great attention during the year.

2025 is year of the Wood Snake, so it's the Ben Ming Nian for the people under the Snake sign. Click to find horoscope predictions for the Snake People in 2025. People born under the Snake sign clash Tai Sui in 2025. Click Chinese Zodiac 'Fan Tai Sui' to get some cures. 

What to Send to a Person in His/Her Zodiac Year?

As Ben Ming Nian is regarded as an unlucky year, people who are in their zodiac year are destined to face lots of problems and obstacles. If your family members or friends are in their Ben Ming Nian in 2025 year of the Snake, sending them proper Ben Ming Nian gifts could help them greatly improve their luck. You can send him/her a Zodiac Buddha necklace or bracelet, a Zodiac bracelet etc. In traditional Chinese culture, red is an auspicious color which can ward off evil spirits. Therefore, it's good to choose something in red like a red scarf, a red belt, red clothes etc. to someone in his zodiac year as a gift. Click to get some advices of Good-luck Gifts to a Person in His/Her Zodiac Year

Ben Ming Nian Gifts in Chinese Astrology Store


As the Chinese people think Ben Ming Nian is an unlucky year, many things should avoided to do during the year. It generally believed that marriage or engagement should be avoided. Or there may sentimental crisis between them. Investment, job-hopping or starting one’s own business is also not suggested in the year. They should also stay away from negative people, places, and things in case of any unexpected calamity. Also, during this year, people are easy to have a bad temper. Therefore, they should try to curb the temper and keep good relationship with others.

According to the Chinese custom, the red underwear should be sent by others instead of buying by themselves. Only this way, the effect of frightening away the evil spirits and bad luck can be strengthened.

Wear Pi Xiu (貔貅in Chinese): Pi Xiu also Pi Yao or Bixie is a Chinese mythical wild animal that could drive away evil spirits, attract wealth and bring happiness and good luck. During one’s zodiac year of birth, it’s regarded to be auspicious to wear Pi Xiu. It's a custom in China to wear Pi Xiu to pray for good luck in Ben Ming Nian. You can visit Chinese Astrology Store to buy one for yourself or send as a gift. → Pi Xiu Charm Bracelets and Necklaces

Place Ornaments to the Lucky Direction: In a person’s zodiac year of birth, he’d better learn what are lucky directions for him and place plants, flowers, or valuable or ornaments to those directions.

Avoid Bloody Disaster: It’s thought that during one’s Benming Nian, he would have bloody disasters. Metaphysics researchers think two methods could avoid this. One is tooth-wash and the other is blood donation.

There is no need to worry about when one encounters his animal year. Travel and stay to chat more with friends also could make your happy and defuse the depressed mood.

Related Reading:
What Are Your Lucky and Unlucky Years? Which Chinese Zodiac 'Fan Tai Sui' in Year 2025? Chinese Zodiac ‘Fan Tai Sui’ in 2025

Lastest Questions and Answers

Red Bracelet (1 Reply ) Asked by h***e

I'm a 1989 Earth snake preparing for Ben Ming year. I heard I should get a red bracelet with a zodiac animal. I'm not sure which one. My friends say to get the snake's friend: monkey, ox, or rooster. Do you have a recommendation? Thanks!

When to schedule an exam on January 2025? (0 Reply ) Asked by c***y

Planning to schedule my examination this January 2025 but undecided what dates to place it. My zodiac is sag and i'm a year of the dog.

Feng shui bracelet (1 Reply ) Asked by T***a

I have just received my black feng shui bracelet which is beautiful..but my zodiac sign is year of the dog..can I still wear it without bad luck...Will it still work the same

Zodiac compatibility (1 Reply ) Asked by C***e

My husband and I are borne in the year of monkey (1992). We recently had a baby girl (dragon 2024). We would like to try for a second one and would like to know which zodiac sign is the most compatible. Please advise

Compatibility (2 Replies ) Asked by e***1

Hi! I was wondering what is the compatibility for a man born in June 1991 and a woman born in January 1993 (born right before Lunar New Year in 1993, so identify as Monkey)? If the 2 get married and have children, what zodiac babies should they try for? Thanks!