Years of the Monkey

Metal Monkey Wood Monkey Water Monkey Fire Monkey Earth Monkey

Start Date End Date Associated Element Heavenly Branch
02/06/1932 01/25/1933 Yang Water Ren Shen
01/25/1944 02/12/1945 Yang Wood Jia Shen
02/12/1956 01/30/1957 Yang Fire Bing Shen
01/30/1968 02/16/1969 Yang Earth Wu Shen
02/16/1980 02/04/1981 Yang Metal Geng Shen
02/04/1992 01/22/1993 Yang Water Ren Shen
01/22/2004 02/08/2005 Yang Wood Jia Shen
02/08/2016 01/27/2017 Yang Fire Bing Shen
01/26/2028 02/12/2029 Yang Earth Wu Shen

Personality of the Monkey

The monkey is a kind of wise and flexible creature, looks like the human most. The biologist Charles Darwin has written in his book On the Origin of Species that Humans are evolved from apes. So, the monkey can be as clever as the humans to some extent. You can also get this from the Monkey King, the main character in one of the four famous Chinese novels - Journey to the West. By using his wisdom, the Monkey King defeats the evil spirits and ghosts, helping his companions finish the journey to the West successfully.

The people born in the year of the monkey are of great intellects and skillful. They are usually good leaders. Quick and intelligent as they are, they can win prizes frequently from childhood, thus, often appreciated by parents and teachers. Besides, they are most in good physical conditions. Not only good in fortune when they are young, but also perfect after middle ages. As they are good at saving up money, they usually live lives without worrying about food and clothing.
The people under the sign of the monkey are sometimes a bit quick-tempered. This may hinder them from getting success. So, they should learn to be patient to overcome. They also like to project themselves to attract others. As they have extraordinary ability to distinguish between things, they can always make good decisions. In their families, they are usually considerate and thoughtful.
Please click for more about Monkey Personality Traits

Male Monkey Personality Female Monkey Personality Monkey People with Blood Type O Monkey People with Blood Type A Monkey People with Blood Type B Monkey People with Blood Type AB

What Birth Times Are Lucky for the Monkey?

Monkey Horoscope

2024 Horoscope

People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Monkey will be in harmony with Tai Sui in 2024. Whether it’s in the aspect of career, money or health, it will be a year of rising good luck for the Monkeys. The Monkeys should be positive and optimistic, and they should not be too lazy, nor miss the life-time good opportunity.

Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Color: Gold

Horoscope for Monkey born in: 1968 1980 1992

2024 Horoscope for Monkey

The Sixth Lunar Month Horoscope For the Monkey

Jul 06, 2024– Aug 03, 2024

In June, the career fortune of the Monkeys will be fairly good. Their financial luck will be significantly improved. They can fully exercise their talents and find good ways at work. They will be envied by their colleagues, and their future will be bright. They will be valued by the leadership, and their income will be stable.

Monthly Horoscope for Monkey

Good Luck Charms for Monkey

Choose a Chinese Zodiac lucky charm bracelet for Monkey to help you improve luck and exorcise evil spirits in daily life.

Lucky Things to do

Lucky things for Monkey
  • Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8
  • Lucky Colors: white, golden, blue
  • Lucky Directions: north, northwest, west
  • Best Match: Rat, Dragon, Snake
  • Lucky Flowers: chrysanthemum
  • Lucky Gemstone: Peridot
Unlucky things for Monkey
  • Unlucky Numbers: 2, 5, 9
  • Unlucky Colors: Red, Black, Grey
  • Unlucky Direction: South, Southeast
  • Worst Match: Tiger, Pig

Monkey Love Compatibility and Relationship

Each Chinese zodiac sign has compatible or incompatible signs according to their characteristics’ compatibility. If your find your signs are compatible, you could get along well in most cases. In opposite, you need to do more effort to be together harmoniously. more about Monkey Compatibility
Best Match
Best Match
Zodiac Rat Zodiac  Dragon Zodiac  Snake
Lively Pair
Lively Pair
Zodiac Ox Zodiac Rabbit Zodiac Horse Zodiac Sheep Zodiac Monkey Zodiac Rooster Zodiac Dog
Worst Match
Worst Match
Zodiac Tiger Zodiac  Pig

Monkey in Love

Those born in the year of Monkey attach great importance to love and hold an optimistic attitude towards things related to the relationship. Monkeys like to be free and hate being bound by others. Once they feel uncomfortable and are bound beyond the bottom line, they will run away immediately. Read more about Monkey in Love

How to Know a Monkey is in Love with You? Male Monkey's Attitude Towards Love Female Monkey's Attitude Towards Love

Careers for Monkey

The Monkey people like the challenge. Therefore, those exciting, speculative and challenging jobs are fit to them. Jobs such as professional sportsmen, stockbrokers, lawyer etc. are ideal ones for them. Besides, jobs like actors, writers, journalists and diplomats could give more room for them to show their ability. In addition, the Monkey are suitable to work in the industries of construction, real estate, hardware, household electrical appliance, catering trade, software, site management, E-commerce, insurance, banking and more. Read more about Careers for Monkey
Ideal Jobs and Work Partners for Monkey
  • Best Working Partners: Snake, Rat and Dragon
  • Best Age to Start a Business for Monkey:Age 40 – 50
  • Best Career Field for Monkey: Risk Investment
  • Best Business to Do: Maternal and Infant Store, Toy Store
  • Best Direction for Career: South and Southeast

Auspicious Chinese Names

When selecting a Chinese name for the people born in the year of Monkey, there are some dos and don’ts you need to know which are based on the characters of the Monkey, zodiac compatibility and Chinese five element theories. Let's take a look at what are good and auspicious names for the male and female Monkeys.
Auspicious Chinese Names for the Monkey

Lastest Questions and Answers

Compatibility (0 Reply ) Asked by e***1

Hi! I was wondering what is the compatibility for a man born in June 1991 and a woman born in January 1993 (born right before Lunar New Year in 1993, so identify as Monkey)? If the 2 get married and have children, what zodiac babies should they try for? Thanks!

Family zodiac compatibility (1 Reply ) Asked by E***r

Both my husband and son are born in year of OX. 1972 and 2021 respectively. I am born in Monkey year 1980. Am planning to have a kid in Dragon year 2024. Read some article and say that OX and Dragon are not compatible. Is it true?

Renovation and Move in Dates (0 Reply ) Asked by M***y

Hi. I am a female monkey (birthday 29th Sept 1992) and my husband's zodiac is sheep, birthday 2nd Jan 1992. Please advise the auspicious renovation dates in september, and auspicious move in dates for december. Thank you very much!

Wedding Date (1 Reply ) Asked by J***e

Hi YCA, would like your recommendation for a wedding date for us between March to May 2023 please. Groom - Monkey, Bride - Dog. Parents zodiac are rat, rabbit, and snakes. Thank you

Sheep,or Monkey? (1 Reply ) Asked by T***e

Is a person who's born on January 5,1992,a sheep,or monkey?