Years of the Snake

Metal Snake Wood Snake Water Snake Fire Snake Earth Snake

Start Date End Date Associated Element Heavenly Branch
02/10/1929 01/29/1930 Yin Earth Ji Si
01/27/1941 02/14/1942 Yin Metal Xin Si
02/14/1953 02/02/1954 Yin Water Gui Si
02/02/1965 01/20/1966 Yin Wood Yi Si
02/18/1977 02/06/1978 Yin Fire Ding Si
02/06/1989 01/26/1990 Yin Earth Ji Si
01/24/2001 02/11/2002 Yin Metal Xin Si
02/10/2013 01/30/2014 Yin Water Gui Si
01/29/2025 02/16/2026 Yin Wood Yi Si

Personality of the Snake

The snake usually makes a bad impression to people as they are thought to be insidious, cunning and devious. Sometimes, in China, the snake is called the 'Little Dragon' as it resembles the dragon in appearance. The person born in the year of the snake projects a perfectly cool exterior at most of the times like the snake has a cool snake skin. In fact, under the calm appearance, hides an eternally fervent heart. At one time, they can composedly observe things around and carry out the task quietly. On the other hand, they are passionate to help others. These can be especially seen from their initiative in helping new colleagues and friends. So they are easy to be trusted and popular among the people. For the women, they are sociable with remarkable disposition. Especially at the dance party, they are usually welcomed and invited by many men.
The people under the sign of snake are warm-hearted, positive, willing to accept the challenge and can try very hard to finish the task well. Not as sinister as the real snake, they are beautiful and incredibly sexy and usually behave finely. Both of the men and women are hot and sexy. Most of them are married after having love affairs instead of arranged marriages. Their love can be very sweet. If they can show their enthusiasm in real family life, they can live more happily and last long. You can see the snake people's persistence in love through the traditional Chinese story of 'The White Snake'. Also, the snake people will use unscrupulous divisive tactics to win what they want. In terms of their fortune, it will be smooth when they are young and very good during late years. Please click for more about Snake Personality Traits

Male Snake Personality Female Snake Personality Snake People with Blood Type O Snake People with Blood Type A Snake People with Blood Type B Snake People with Blood Type AB

What Birth Times Are Lucky for the Snake?

Snake Horoscope

2024 Horoscope

People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Snake may encounter the major opportunities and turning points in some aspects of their lives in 2024. They must firmly seize the opportunities, otherwise it will be very hard to encounter them again in the future. On the other hand, they may also encounter some major setbacks and blows, and they must treat them with a peaceful mind and never give up on themselves.

Lucky Number: 0, 2 , 7
Lucky Color: Orange

Horoscope for Snake born in: 1965 1977 1989

2024 Horoscope for Snake

The Sixth Lunar Month Horoscope For the Snake

Jul 06, 2024– Aug 03, 2024

In June, the career fortune of the Snakes will be average. Their career will be seriously hindered, and they need to face life with a positive and optimistic attitude. During this period, their financial luck will be particularly bad, and they should avoid high-risk investment, otherwise it will lead to financial losses. Their mental will also be particularly bad, and they need to participate in more outdoor activities.

Monthly Horoscope for Snake

Good Luck Charms for Snake

Choose a Chinese Zodiac lucky charm bracelet for Snake to help you improve luck and exorcise evil spirits in daily life.

Lucky Things to do

Lucky things for Snake
  • Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 9
  • Lucky Colors: red, light yellow, black
  • Lucky Directions: northeast, southwest, south
  • Best Match: Ox, Rooster, Monkey
  • Lucky Flowers: orchid, cactus
  • Lucky Gemstone: Opal
Unlucky things for Snake
  • Unlucky Numbers: 1, 6, 7
  • Unlucky Colors: White, Golden, Brown
  • Unlucky Direction: Northeast,Northwest
  • Worst Match: Tiger, Pig

Snake Love Compatibility and Relationship

Each Chinese zodiac sign has compatible or incompatible signs according to their characteristics’ compatibility. If your find your signs are compatible, you could get along well in most cases. In opposite, you need to do more effort to be together harmoniously. Read more about Snake Compatibility
Best Match
Best Match
Zodiac Ox Zodiac  Rooster Zodiac  Monkey
Lively Pair
Lively Pair
Zodiac Rat Zodiac Rabbit Zodiac Dragon Zodiac Snake Zodiac Horse Zodiac Sheep Zodiac Dog
Worst Match
Worst Match
Zodiac Tiger Zodiac  Pig

Snake in Love

Most Snake people look indifferent and calm in appearance yet fiery in heart. They are dapper in appearance and have a gift for words. Though calm and smart at ordinary times, people born in the year of the Snake can go blind and behave like a teenager first awakening of love once romantically involved. Read more about Snake in Love

How to Know a Snake is in Love with You? Male Snake's Attitude Towards Love Female Snake's Attitude Towards Love

Careers for Snake

The people under the Snake sign are fit to those works from which they could fully show their talent. Tasks which are stressful, heavy, mindless and repetitive should be avoided to choose and not fit for the Snake. In art, culture, aesthetics and literature fields, they could develop their full abilities. The Snake people usually have a strong sixth sense and keen intuition. So, in the field of religion, they can work happily. Besides, suitable jobs for them include TV presenter, model, athlete, designer and more. Read more about Careers for Snake
Ideal Jobs and Work Partners for Snake
  • Best Working Partners: Ox, Monkey and Rooster
  • Best Age to Start a Business for Snake:Age 40 – 60
  • Best Career Field for Snake: Entertainment
  • Best Business to Do: Boutiques
  • Best Direction for Career: East, West, and South

Auspicious Chinese Names

When selecting a Chinese name for the people born in the year of Snake, there are some dos and don’ts you need to know which are based on the personality traits, likes and dislikes as well as zodiac compatibility of the snake. Let's take a look at what are good and auspicious names for the male and female Snakes.
Auspicious Chinese Names for the Snake Year People

Lastest Questions and Answers

Generate Chinese chalander for metal snake (0 Reply ) Asked by M***d

Generate Chinese chalander for metal snake

Incompatible Baby Zodiac (1 Reply ) Asked by M***e

I'm a pig 1983 and my husband is a tiger 1986 We are trying to have baby now which I might be pregnant and give birth on year snake.. As far as I know snake don't get along with both pig and tiger. Is it ok to have kid on Incompatible Baby Zodiac? I just figured out that the year after, is horse which is good for Tiger but I hope I don't have to wait that long to have a baby because I'm not getting any younger. I'm about to go on ivf precess which can be long process I guess it's a destiny when I'll have my baby. Thank you

破月 (1 Reply ) Asked by c***e

hi i read that baby boy born in the year of the snake is 破月 in the baby at any harm?

Birth month of snake compatibility (2 Replies ) Asked by D***a

I want to know if the Best Matches Based On Snake's Birth Month is based on the chinese lunar calendar or the gregorian calendar?

snake male rooster female (0 Reply ) Asked by S***r

what items snake male like about partner? how to improve relationship?