Dream Meanings - How to Interpret Your Dreams?

4 Ways to Interpret Your Dreams

The interpretation of dreams can't be like a dictionary which provides objective and standard answers. No matter how comprehensive a book is, it cannot provide the completely correct answers on the interpretation of dreams. In the interpretation of a dream, the environment of having the dream shall be recalled before interpreting the dream. Also, the interpretation is not limited to the dream images and it requires digging the potential content, thus particularly difficult.

Dream Reflects the Reality
As the saying goes, you dream about what you have on your mind during the day. Many people said that they have dreamed about the things happened before or what they had dreamed about happened in the real life. Therefore, the dream reflects the reality and this kind of dream is clear without interpretation.

Dream Is the Hint of the God
The ancients thought that the dream was a hint of the God and it could predict the good or bad luck, also a communication way between the God and the human. Such kind of dreams is difficult to be interpreted by yourself, so you can refer to The Interpretation of Dreams by the Duke of Zhou; if the dream images are different, you can consult a master.

Dream Is the Auto-Suggestion of Life
The TCM in China believes that the dream is closely related with the health of human body: the imbalance of Yin and Yang, the vigorous or declined Qi may cause a dream. Therefore, the health of human organs can be learned according to the different dream images. For example, if you dream about the fire which makes you hot and uncomfortable, it means you have too much Yang and you may suffer from mouth and tongue sore, excited emotion or irritability; if you dream about losing temper, it means you have excessive liver energy and you may easily suffer from liver disease; if you dream about terrible things and feel sad or scared, even cry, it means you have excessive lung energy and dryness, and you may easily suffer from lung disease.

Dream Is Contrary to the Reality
Many people said that the dream was contrary to the reality. This is a way of interpreting the dreams. In Dream Interpreting, this contrary between dream and reality is exactly the natural phenomenon of things always reverse themselves after reaching an extreme. As an important approach of dream interpreting, it is especially suitable for the extremely good or bad dreams. For example, if you dream about others' death, it means you will have good luck; if you dream about your own death, it means you will live a long life; if you dream about making a fortune, it means you will suffer unexpected personal financial loss; if you dream about someone laughing, it means you will encounter a bad thing or disaster.

Scientific Method of Dream Interpretation

Dream is the residual activity of the cerebral cortex, and it can better reflect your psychological change in daily life, even your body health. For example, if you dream about a green snake when you are ill, it represents that your body function declines and your disease will get worse. However, the dream can't reflect your wealth, career or the future of others.

Lastest Questions and Answers

Seeing fish in dream (1 Reply ) Asked by F***a

I see in my dream big silver fish jumping out of the water to me and I catch them so many after catching I throw back in the water the fish shine like silver from the sunlight people so surprised to see this of me catching the fishes this way but I drop them to the ocean the water is not murky and clean fish so friendly like they want to talk to me I see my family with me also there was more to this dream but this is what I remember can you interpret this dream for me thank you

SWIMMING POOL (1 Reply ) Asked by F***o

I dreamed of swimming and diving in a swimming pool with crystal blue water with plenty young ladies, which I end up training the only young man among them how to swim. Kindly help me interpret my dream. Thank you

Big cat dreams (like tigers, leoards not house cats) (1 Reply ) Asked by D***

I have had a couple dreams about big cats. I was just wondering if they mean anything in particular that someone can explain to me. I happen to have this big irrational fear of big cats. I've only seen them at the zoo as a kid and online videos, so there's never been a time when I was in a bad situation with one. Anyways I wanted to share these 3 particular dreams I've had. Dream 1: I had this dream a few years back and it's the first dream I've had like this. I remember that a leopard was chasing me and it was relentless. I ended up hiding in fetal position inside a closet on the top shelf. The leopard eventually left. Within my people and culture, it's known that anything related to big cats are bad. For example, back then in the days it was believed that tigers were able to transform into human form and would take away young girls from the village as a bride. Anyways I was young when I had this dream and I was kinda freaked out. These two next dreams were very recent. Dream 2: In this dream it was a tiger. I was in this big house with two grand stairwells going up to the second floor. There was this big tiger that essentially guarded or lived on the second floor. You could only go up the staircase so far up before the tiger came running down to stop you. I went up the stairs but once the tiger came running down I stopped going up and the tiger did not attack. I essentially found out up to which step I could go without being attacked. I ended up trying again and only went up to the cut off point and this time my cousin was there with me. My cousin ended up going one more step than the tiger liked and was attacked. I remember being incredibly terrified and woke up. I was pretty shook. This cousin of mine, we were close when we were young but now a days I do not talk to her. I do miss her and have been waiting to make up with her. Dream 3: This is the most recent dream. I was at the park with some of my family. It was just my mother, sister, and brother and I. We're all almost adults so I'm not sure why we were at the kids parks. Anyways we were done with the park and got into our car. I was sitting in the back with my sister. As she was closing the door I spotted a tiger looking at us from the top of a hill. It started to charge at us and I screamed Tiger! My mom sped up and the tiger followed. Unfortunately, we went back to the area where there was still mothers and children playing the tiger changed focus and went to attack them. We kept driving as I was googling the number for animal services. On the road we spotted 2-3 more tigers just running along. Then we noticed there was a baby tiger in the car with us. We ended up going home with the baby and was discussing what to do. My mother wanted to raise the baby tiger but I ended up doing a long spiel and how we have two dogs already and how the baby tiger isn't going to be small and cute forever. And then I woke up. Okay those were the dreams. I'm not really a religious person or someone who believes in all this type of stuff, but I am curious. If anyone could help me interpret these dreams It would be much appreciated.

Tiger chases me in my dream (0 Reply ) Asked by G***i

I had a dream of a tiger is keep on chasing me. It likes my smell and although there are people surrounding me the tiger chases me alone. I am running and escaping although the dream but the tiger also chasing and following me. I was trying to escape my climbing the wall and reach top the house but the tiger follows me and trying to attack me. I didn't get hurt in any of the places but afraid so much which makes a disturb sleep. Please interpret my dream

What is a dream about having food but not eating it? (2 Replies ) Asked by K***o

I often dream about starting a meal but taking too long to start eating, or the food is taken away or the eating gets interrupted by a premature ending of the dream. Please help interpret. Thanks