2022 Chinese Horoscope For rat

rat Horoscope
Lucky Number: 7, 8,9, 0
Lucky Color: Black, Blue, Grey, White, Silver, Golden
Rat will have a good fortune in 2022 all the year round compared with that in the previous year. In particular, their fortune in career will be very optimistic and auspicious. However, their fortune in love and relationship will be just ordinary.
2022 Horoscope for rat born in: 1960 1972 1984 1996


* The prediction is valid for 2022 (year of the Tiger) starting from Feb. 1, 2022 and lasting to Jan. 21, 2023.

Rating: 4 stars
People born under the Chinese zodiac animal sign of the Rat will have a good fortune in 2022 all the year round compared with that in the previous year. In particular, their fortune in career will be very optimistic and auspicious. However, their fortune in love and relationship will be just ordinary. Certainly, in the absence of more lucky and auspicious stars, the Rat should not be too arrogant this year, and they should do everything by themselves and make more efforts. It is advisable for them to maintain a positive attitude in the first half of the year, make good preparation for ushering in the coming of the following year of “Xing Tai Sui(the Grand Jupiter Duke)” (Torturing Tai Sui) in the year end. It’s better to wear a Golden Obsidian Avalokiteshvara necklace or a red agate bracelet with Rat sign to improve the whole luck in 2022 and bless the whole family with happiness and good fortune. 


Rating: 4 stars
In terms of wealth, the financial luck of the Rat will not make a significant improvement in 2022 due to the absence of the auspicious stars. If they want to achieve the accumulation of wealth, they must be well-prepared mentally to rely on their own hard work in everything so as to gain more from more efforts. The main source of wealth for the Rat this year will be still from the main full-time jobs and businesses. The healthy development of their careers will positively help them achieve the accumulation of wealth. Therefore, the Rat guys should keep their jobs and should not change jobs frequently or be in the jobless state for a long run. The business people under the zodiac animal sign of the Rat should pay particular attention to the improvement and innovation of their operation modes and the introduction of talents, expand the market and strive to increase the overall revenue. For female, better wear a Yellow Citrine Bracelet with Pi Xiu in 2022 to help bring good Feng Shui and rich in financial resources. And for male, better wear a Tiger's eye bracelet with Pi Xiu or hang a Tiger's eye Pixiu pendant in the car. 


Rating: 4 stars
The Rat will have a very promising and optimistic career development in 2022. As they can get the support and favor from the lucky stars such as "Jiangxing" and "Santai", their luck in career will be fairly good. Whether they are civil or military, they will be expected to exercise their personal strength and talent in their positions in the year, get the appreciation of the patrons and superiors, and even have the opportunities to get promotion. In particular, the new recruits are full of vigor and energy, and they can make more efforts to work hard so as to gain recognition from their colleagues and superiors in short time. To improve their luck in career in 2022, better wear a Lapis Lazuli bracelet with Rat sign

Love Relationship

Rating: 4 stars
The Rat guys will have a general ordinary fortune in love and relationship in 2022. There will be no favor of the lucky stars. Their luck and prospect in love and relationship will be bleak. Most of the Rat guys may have no luck in love and romantic relationship this year. Some people may also devote more time, energy and attention to the career development. They will be lack of passion and enthusiasm for love and romantic relationship, and they will deem relationship issue as dispensable even actively refuse and avoid the matter. For the Rat singletons, there are little chances for them to get sweet love and romance this year, and they will be highly likely to stay single as before. In the absence of clear objective for a potential partner, they can focus on improving the career in the moment, and rely on their successful career to attract the attention of the outstanding people of the opposite sex, and the chances of success will be great. They are suggested to wear a Strawberry Quartz bracelet with Rat sign to attract good love or solve love and marriage crisis in 2022. 


Rating: 4 stars
Health is a key issue for the Rat to pay more attention to in 2022. Although the Rat will have neither offence nor compatibility with Tai Sui (the Grand Duke Jupiter), they will still encounter many evil and ominous stars related to health, which may have plenty of negative effects on the physical health and safety of life. It is very likely for them to suffer from illnesses and accidental injuries. As such, they are advised to keep a healthy diet and regular rest. Meanwhile, proper exercise will help them improve their physical health. So, they should avoid laziness and slackness in physical exercise. For female, they can wear a green agate bracelet with Rat sign to keep good healthy in 2022 and for male, they can wear a black obsidian bracelet with Rat sign to enhance body vitality. 

Good Luck Charms for rat

Choose a Chinese Zodiac lucky charm bracelet for rat to help you improve luck and exorcise evil spirits in daily life.

Lastest Questions and Answers

Ask about Auspicious dates for wedding Sep-Dec 2022 (1 Reply ) Asked by W***n

My son's DOB: 28 July 1996 (Rat). Lady DOB: 21 Oct 1996 (Rat). Thanks a lot!

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My fiance and I want to get married in April 2022. He is a 1972 rat. Are there any auspicious Saturdays in April or May 2022 for our wedding?

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May i ask a suggestion for the most auspiscious dates in getting married next year 2022? here are the birthdates 12/21/1984 - Male 10/02/1988 - Female Thanks in advance