2024 Chinese Horoscope For Sheep

sheep Horoscope
Lucky Number: 2, 7
Lucky Color: Orange, Purple
People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Sheep (or the Goat) will have a mixed fortune of both good luck and bad luck in 2024. At different stages or when the fortune is different, the Sheep should face it with a dialectical perspective, so that they can maximize the advantages and minimize the negative effects.
2024 Horoscope for sheep born in: 1967 1979 1991

2024 Horoscope for Sheep

Good Luck Charms for sheep

Choose a Chinese Zodiac lucky charm bracelet for sheep to help you improve luck and exorcise evil spirits in daily life.

sheep Horoscope

As the eighth animal sign in Chinese zodiac, Sheep corresponds to Wei (未) in the twelve earthly branches and belongs to Earth (土) in five elements. It is one of the earliest animals bred by human beings. In the folk of China, there are colorful ''sheep festivals'' and customs. At the same time, Sheep is a mascot in the totemism of ancient Chinese ancestors; it also has the symbolic meanings of righteousness and justice, kindness and peace, right and wealth.

Sheep'sHoroscope by Birth Time
Sheep's Horoscope by Birth Date
Sheep's Horoscope by Birth Month

Lifelong Fate
You people under the Sheep sign are gentle and compassionate. Males are meticulous and considerate while females are obedient and kindhearted. You are broad-minded in the whole life. In youth, you may encounter many setbacks and screw up easily; in middle age, you will have better luck and enjoy a good marriage and prosperous family; in old age, you will enjoy safety and happiness and have good family relationships if you are diligent and thrifty in running the household.

Lifelong Luck in Money Making
You will live a smooth and rich life comfortably. Even if you build up from nothing, you can get good returns but need to control the money spending.
Performance in Wealth
1. You will neither have serious financial troubles nor get very rich but will live a comfortable, smooth and steady life.
2. When your colleagues or friends have financial difficulties, you will offer help without hesitation.
3. You always believe people around readily and may be cheated and suffer certain property loss because of this.
How to Improve Wealth?
Lucky Direction for Work Income: North
Lucky Direction for Windfalls: Northwest
In daily life, you are suggested to wear or place Horse, Pig or Rabbit mascots on your table. Also, you’d better often touch the lucky zodiac item you wear which could help improve your luck in making money to a certain degree. Ox and Rat should be avoided. If possible, you’d better try to find opportunities of making a fortune in north or northwest direction.

Lifelong Fortune in Career
You Sheep people are sensitive and like to help others, thus have the good interpersonal relationship. Although you are good at working with others, you are not suitable to play a pivotal role independently. If you can be immersed in your career, you will make your dream come true.
Performance in Career
1. Being prudent, you can always stay cool in dealing with anything and analyze the ins and outs of matters calmly.
2. With a modest attitude, you can take the initiative to ask others when encounter a problem, complete the task successfully and get a high favor of your boss easily.
3. You are deliberate and considerate to any party in doing things. However, you should not grasp everything in your hand and take care of every single thing personally, or you will get into details and cannot extricate.
How to Improve Career Fortune?
Wanting to make success in career? You’d better communicate and get along more with the people under the Horse, Pig or Rabbit sign in order to get help from them thus make your career rise steadily. The Wenchang Star (the God of Literature) blessing you is in the west. So, if you want everything goes well and wish to get promoted to a higher position, you’d better place a Feng Shui item in the west.
→ Ideal Jobs and Work Partners for Sheep

Lifelong Fortune in Love
You are loyal to love and considerate to your lover for whom you can take good care of and make him/her feel comfortable and satisfied. Males know how to please a woman while females have both the dreaming and romantic features of girls and the noble and elegant features of mature women.
→ Performance in Love
1. You are earnest and careful and pursue the stable love life, thus will fall in love, get married and have a baby naturally.
2. You males are honest, down-to-earth, romantic and considerate to your lover, willing to serve her faithfully.
3. You females always show the utmost solicitude to your lover; also, you are harsh and shrewd in everything and dare not to face reality.
How to Enjoy Happy Marriage?
Sheep and Horse are in one of the six compatible groups (Liu He 六合), so the most perfect match for the Horse is the person under the Horse sign. Besides, Sheep, Pig and Rabbit are in one of the four compatible zodiac groups (San He 三合), so people under the Pig or Rabbit sign are the favorable match to you. However, you Sheep conflict with Ox people and harm the Rat people, therefore, if your partner is under one of the two signs, you will have many quarrels and problems in life thus can hardly have a lifelong marriage. In addition, the lucky direction for you in love is north. You’d better place a suitable Feng Shui item in this direction for a better luck with the opposite sex.  

Seemingly weak, you Sheep people actually have the strong vitality. However, you are a real foodie who completely cannot resist the temptation of food. So, you are suggested to give priority to light diet, avoid overeating and be moderate to food. After entering into middle age, you should take good care of your body as you will be prone to intestines and stomach diseases, such as abdominal distension, stomachache and hyperacidity.

Taboos in Daily Life
1. Never wear the Ox shaped jewelry.
2. Avoid staying with people under Ox or Rat sign.
3. Do not place your bed in the northeast direction.

Horoscope for People under Other Animal Signs:
Rat       Ox     Tiger       Rabbit      Dragon      Snake      Horse      Monkey       Rooster      Dog      Pig

Lastest Questions and Answers

wedding date in PST California (1 Reply ) Asked by J***m

Hi! Can you help us find a great wedding date for my sister in Jan-March 2021. We live in California so do we have to shift the dates by one day? She is Sheep and he is ox. It will probably be ox year by then. His birthday is 9/29/85, hers is 2/24/91. I've tried to compare 3 sources but confused. I think many dates clash with sheep. I saw this online but I don't know what it means: "The following should be considered: The wedding year and date shall not conflict with the Marriage Palace of both sides; The wedding date shall not clash the eight characters of both sides' horoscope; In the case of meeting the above conditions, the wedding date shall fall upon a day with Yue De or Tian De as far as possible; If the eight characters of the bride and the bridegroom clash with each other, a date which can contain or control the evil spirits shall be selected as far as possible, so as to dissolve the conflict." Thank you so much in advance! Happy new year! Jen

Awesome content (0 Reply ) Asked by D***k

Dear team your your predictions are very enlightening for me. I have serious question. My date of birth 4 November 1991 as per English calendar. I have read your post for Metal sheep 1991, very detailed more than 20 times. I kindly ask your help in one thing I have now got a keen interest in foreign affairs. I want to make it a career. I have to choose between two programs that are which will deal with this subject. One course is within my country the other is abroad. Please can you take a look at my bazi and give me a good suggestion. Because the decision is very crucial for my stressing career level. please help me. And as it written in horoscope I am keeping still. Can you also let me know what are the stars present at my birth. I am in this dilemma, pls help me waiting eagerly for the same.

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