Chinese Names the Rat People/Babies

Characters Auspicious for People of Rat Zodiac Sign

1. 麦、梁、稔、程、蕙、芝、苏
It's very good to use Chinese characters with the meaning of five cereals, such as the characters with the radicals of ''豆'' (meaning: bean)、 ''麦''(meaning: wheat)、 ''米'' (meaning: rice)、 ''梁''  (meaning: sorghum)、 ''禾'' (meaning: grain)、''艹'' (meaning: grass) because the Rat likes to eat and steal grains.

2. 玲、琴、冠、琳、珍、琪、玺、珲
Chinese characters with the radical of ''王'' (meaning: King) is good to be used in name for the Rat people because Rat ranks first in Chinese Zodiac, thus can be regarded as the King. The characters such as ''王'' (meaning: King), ''君'' (meaning: Monarch) and ''令'' (meaning: Command ) are also suggested.

3. 如、君、合、呈、和、品、哲、商、超、单、喜、乔、嘉、严、园、宏、宇、家、宙、容、富、实
Chinese characters with the meaning of hiding place are favorable to the people born in the Rat year because the Rat likes to hide in the hole, thus the characters with the radicals of ''口'', ''宀'', ''乙'' and ''厶'' which are related to hiding place are suggested.

4. 铭、名、多、外、夜、黄、梦
The Rat is a nocturnal animal, so the Chinese characters with the meaning of dark night such as characters with the radical of ''夕'' (meaning: night) are recommended.

5. 玖、坤、袁、媛、农、振、丽、震、麒
It's auspicious to see Chinese characters which are compatible with Rat. The earthly branches ''申'' of Monkey, ''子'' of Rat and ''辰'' of Dragon are compatible with each other, thus the characters with the radicals of ''申'' and ''辰'' are of great help for you people of Rat zodiac sign in the way of strengthening your body and bringing you better luck with the benefactor and wealth. Due to the great power of these characters, they are highly recommended, especially for the second character in the name.

Characters Inauspicious for People of Rat Zodiac Sign

1. 马、骏、胜、许
Chinese characters which conflict with Rat. The earthly branch ''子'' of Rat conflicts with earthly branch ''午'' of Horse, thus the characters with the radicals of ''午'' or ''马'' (meaning: Horse) should be avoided.

2. 羍、 羏、羓、羖、 羙、羟、 羝、 羚、 羕、羧、 群
Chinese characters with the radical of ''羊'' (meaning: Sheep) should be avoided because Rat and Sheep are incompatible with each other, leading to great harm.

3. 烈、炎、炳、炯、照、焉、然、焕、煌
Chinese characters with the meaning of inter-restriction in five elements, such as the characters with the radicals of ''火'' and ''灬'' which are related to fire are not suggested to be used in the name of the Rat people because the earthly branch ''子'' of Rat belongs to water while fire and water are in inter-restriction.

4. 旦、旭、明、昆、旺、昌、昭、春、映、显、晨、景、晶、智、晴、晖、晓
No good to see Chinese characters with the radical of ''日'' (meaning: Daytime) because Rat is a nocturnal animal which hates daylight; the activities in the day are very dangerous, thus the characters with the radical of ''日'' indicate danger and hurt.

5. 从、 以, 余、 俞、 仑、众、合、今、会、舍、全、金、舍、企、个
Rat is afraid of human beings who always shout and kill the Rat. So, Chinese characters with the radical of ''人'' (meaning: Human) should not be selected. 

Auspicious and Inauspicious Surnames

It would be preferable to select the following surnames for the people born in the Rat year.
方、石、田、申、司、吴、吕、谷、高、宫、祝、商、哈、黄、苗、常、彭、程、游、潘、颜、严、萧、顾、康、贺、王、庞、龙、龚、农、牟、牛、钮、袁、侯、申、洪、汪 and etc.
It would not be good to choose the following surnames:
毛、巴、朱、徐、倪、佟、章、张、杨、熊、马、许、冯、姜、丁 and etc.

Click for more common Chinese surnames or Hundred Family Surnames.

Lucky Given Names for Male and Female Born in the Year of Rat

Following are decent and elegant given names for male and female Rats.

Auspicious Two-Words Given Names:
For Male: 震超、家毅、彦宏、秉超、振宇、德铭、德梁、德珲、祥宇
For Female: 梦圆、云芝、 珍采、 艺琪、琳琳、 嘉丽、嘉玲、欢彤、 素琴、铭媛、珍妮

Auspicious One-Word Given Names:
For Male: 秉、 宏、 彦、 宇、 呈、 豪、 彬、 德、 名、 哲、 超、 冠、 福、 奥、 祥、 振、 铭、 毅、 家、 默、梁、超、哲、震、珲
For Female: 颖、 艺、 坤、 彤、 采、 素、 紫、 嘉、 媛、 宸、 微、 欢、 云、 琴、 妮、 梦、 圆、 君、 希、 茵、芝、珍、琪、琳、玲、琴、媛、丽

Lastest Questions and Answers

auspicious wedding date and time (1 Reply ) Asked by S***r

Hello there, Could you help us find an auspicious wedding date and time for this couple? The groom Chinese zodiac sign is dragon and the bride sign is rat. Could you give us different option of dates for 2023, from March to June? Thank you very much. San

Found dead rat (2 Replies ) Asked by T***g

On the 1st day of Chinese New Year, as we open our main door we found a dead rat infront of the main door.The rat colour was light brownies silver. The rat was there with 3 cat siiting waiting for my husband to feed them. These cat are not belong to us. We just feed them whenever they comeby. 2x cat is black and white and a kitten is grey colour. We worry the start of 2022 will be major obstacle or bad luck for us. We been stuggling for 5year after my husband lost his job and when thing getting better, this appear...I'm just worry.😔

Rabbit rat rooster ox (0 Reply ) Asked by S***n

Hi i never know about chinese zodiac before and just starting to learn more chinese. I'm rabbit married with rat, i have 1 daughter rooster and 1 daughter ox. I see your topic say that rabbit are not good with all those rat rooster and ox. Please guide me.

Pi xiu obsidian bracelet (1 Reply ) Asked by I***h

I am a Leo and I bought the bracelet and wore it for a week and I read somewhere that I cannot wear it Chinese zodiac sign is tiger and my child is also a Cancerian and the zodiac sign of a rat and I was wondering if we could wear it also if we cannot wear the bracelet then what should we do with it

Reading Chinese calendar (1 Reply ) Asked by L***n

Can you explain how to read the "detail" table of the Chinese calendar on this site? For example, on Sept 17, what does the first column mean? I think it says that it is BAD for a rat, but also that it has auspicious activities. How can it be BAD and also be AUSPICIOUS? How are you meant to read the whole table? Another example, if you are wood, you should look at all the columns that say wood is good? Or just look at the animal? Thank you.