2022 Chinese Horoscope For monkey

monkey Horoscope
Lucky Number: 5, 6,7, 8
Lucky Color: Yellow, Brown, White, Silver, Golden
Monkey will face a year of conflicting with Tai Sui in 2022. As such, it is destined to be a changeable year. Conflicting with Tai Sui is a very serious form of Fan Tan Sui, and everything is fickle and changeable.
2022 Horoscope for monkey born in: 1968 1980 1992


* The prediction is valid for 2022 (year of the Tiger) starting from Feb. 1, 2022 and lasting to Jan. 21, 2023.

Rating: 4 stars
In 2022, people born under the zodiac animal sign of the Monkey will face a year of “Chong Tai Sui” (Conflict with Tai Sui, the Grand Duke Jupiter) as their own earthly branch will conflict with Tai Sui. As such, it is destined to be a changeable year. Conflicting with Tai Sui is a very serious form of Fan Tan Sui (Offending Tai Sui), and everything is fickle and changeable. It will be a test of people’s flexibility to respond. However, just like every coin has double sides, although the Monkeys fortune is unstable in the year of “Fan Tai Sui”, there won’t be a dead-end ahead, and taking the initiative to seek change will be a good way to resolve the unfavorable fortune. They’d better wear a Sanhe bracelet for Monkey to be blessed with good luck in all aspect in 2022. 


Rating: 4 stars
The Monkey guys’ financial fortune will fluctuate in the year of 2022. Although with the help of lucky stars, they will have a certain amount of income. However, in the year of “Conflict with Tai Sui” plus the influence of the ominous stars, their road to wealth will not be smooth. In terms of wealth from their full-time jobs, the advent of the lucky star of “Yi Ma (Stagecoach)” symbolizes that the Monkeys can make money from exotic places. If they have the opportunities to travel on business this year, they are supposed to take the initiative to fight for the opportunity. For those Monkeys who are engaged in business, they should try to cooperate with foreigners to make a fortune from exotic land; if they wish to expand their business fields and scopes, they can put their eyes on the overseas markets. The ominous star of “Da Ha (Big Loss)” will bring bad luck of the serious loss of money. So, the Monkeys should not be careless. For female, better wear a Yellow Citrine Bracelet with Pi Xiu in 2022 to help bring good Feng Shui and rich in financial resources. And for male, better wear a Tiger’s eye bracelet with Pi Xiu or hang a Tiger's eye Pixiu pendant in the car.  


Rating: 4 stars
Although the Monkeys will be hit by the influence of “Conflict with Tai Sui” in 2022, they will still have a good luck in career due to the favor of many auspicious stars.  The advent of the auspicious star of “Lu Xun (禄勋 Achievement Star)” foresees that  the workers and clerks will have the opportunity to get a promotion and salary increase, and those who start up a business have their business on the right track. The auspicious star of “Yi Ma (Stagecoach) Star” can bring people positive emotions. The Monkeys should seize the opportunity to travel on business, which will be beneficial for their promotion and salary increase. For those who wish to change jobs, the Year of the Tiger will also be a good year. They should take their initiatives to seek changes to reduce the adverse effects of the “Conflict with Tai Sui”. To improve their luck in career in 2022, better wear a Lapis Lazuli bracelet with Monkey sign. Snake sign could give secret help to Monkey in Chinese Zodiac, so wear a Liu He bracelet with Snake and Monkey signs could also help them have breakthrough in career.

Love Relationship

Rating: 4 stars
In the aspect of relationship, the single Moneys will have a good luck in love, and they are expected to meet the opposite sex they like in the course of casual travel or business trips. If they are some persons of the opposite sex coming from exotic land around them, there will be a chance for them to develop a distant cross-cultural relationship. For Monkeys with a stable relationship, if they can tie the knots with their sweethearts this year, they will be able to overcome the negative impact of “Conflict with Tai Sui”. Otherwise, there will be the chances of splitting if they don’t get married.  Married guys under the animal sign of the Monkey will have the worst fortune in relationship or love. With the advent  the star of “Tian Jie (天解Heaven Breaks)”, it carries the meaning of “separation or falling apart”. Under its influence, the Monkeys will confront many conflicts in their marriage and life, and may encounter marital crisis. They are suggested to wear an amethyst bracelet with Monkey sign in 2022 to attract good love or solve love and marriage crisis. 


Rating: 4 stars
In terms of health and safety, the Monkey guys have a very high possibility of traffic accidents this year due to the influence of “Tai Sui (the Grand Duke Jupiter)” and the ominous stars. So, the Monkey drivers should be alert and careful when driving vehicles.  With the advent of “Sui Po (Conflicting with the position of Tai Sui), it will bring disharmony of interpersonal relationship. Under its influence, the Monkeys will be prone to quarrels with others due to the petty and trivial matters, and some of them may even suffer from insomnia. However, there will be the advent of the auspicious star of “Tian Jie” to help resolve the crisis in time. As such, there is no need to worry too much about it. To improve the health fortune, the Monkeys can wear some auspicious Feng Shui ornaments such as Green Agate bracelet with Monkey sign. If they often drive, they’d better hang a Tiger's Eye Double Pi Xiu Car Rearview Mirror Hanging Ornament (for male) or a Boxwood Car Rearview Mirror Hanging Ornament (for female) for Good Luck and Safe Driving in 2022. 

Good Luck Charms for monkey

Choose a Chinese Zodiac lucky charm bracelet for monkey to help you improve luck and exorcise evil spirits in daily life.

Lastest Questions and Answers

Auspicious Marriage Date (1 Reply ) Asked by L***e

Hi, I am Monkey 22/07/1992 and my partner is dragon 22/08/88 . We want to officiate our marriage this year 2022, but we plan to have celebrate wedding day in 2023. What is an auspicious date for 2022 to sign official marriage paper, or is waiting until 2023 to officially wed and celebrate better?

Auspicious Wedding Date (1 Reply ) Asked by H***i

Hi, My partner and I intend to get married this year. My birthday (female) 10 May 1992, His birthday 4 May 1992. What are the auspicious dates to get married for us in Dec 2022? The year (tiger) clashes with our zodiac (monkey), is that a concern for us?

Incompatible Baby Zodiac (1 Reply ) Asked by D***l

I'm a 1992 Monkey and my husband is a 1994 Dog, I'm pregnant and we're expecting our first son who will be born next year, 2022 year of the Tiger. I know Dog and Tiger are very compatible, but Monkey and Tiger are know for fighting a lot and not getting along well. How can a have a good relationship with my incompatible baby?

Best year get pregnant 2022 2023 (2 Replies ) Asked by J***t

I am monkey and my husband is ox. What is the best years for me to conceive babies? 2022, 2023 onwards? Please advise thank you

Lucky Wedding Day for 2022 (1 Reply ) Asked by L***g

Hi if you are a male tiger and fall on the tiger year of 2022 and your opposite zodiac is a female monkey, can you able to have the ceremony and reception dinner for the year of 2022? Thank you!!