1956, 2016 Chinese Zodiac – Fire Monkey

Years of the Fire Monkey

People born in the year of 1956 (Feb. 12, 1956 - Jan. 30, 1957) or 2016 (Feb. 8, 2016 - Jan. 27, 2017) are members of the Fire Monkey. For those born before Feb. 12, 1956 or Feb. 8, 2016, they belong to the zodiac animal of Wood Sheep.

Personality and Horoscope for the Fire Monkey

People born in the years of fire monkey are smart, enthusiastic, bold, brave, and unrestrained, and they are likely to achieve great things. Fire monkeys value the friendship and they are ambitious and business-minded. However, they are a little irritable, adventuresome and over-ambitious, also discontent with the reality, so their life is always full of ups and downs.

Fire monkeys usually have a painstaking youth, but if they leave home and go out to other places, they will make great achievements. They are likely to have a favorable old age. The male fire monkeys usually have a happy family and get the help from their wife for career development; the female fire monkeys are generally conservative and have a good-luck face for their husband and children.

Fire monkeys have a persistent pursuit for their career and the courage to carry forward. Generally, they are likely to progress in the smooth and steady luck and bear the overloaded work which is not a problem for them; they can solve it with their talent and win the respect and support from their boss and colleague, thus get the opportunity of being promoted. Due to the good fellowship, it's easy for them to get everybody's care and help, especially the support and help from male seniors.

In relationship, the Fire monkeys are particularly popular among the opposite sex, and they always have many opposite sex friends; they need to learn to control their feelings and avoid the third party who will bring the unnecessary troubles to their marriage.

When it comes to money, fire monkeys have quite good luck; they earn a large amount of money and accumulate the wealth. Also, they may have the good luck in lottery. However, the speculative activities are adverse to them, so they need to buy some real estate for value preservation after they get the money.

Personalities and Future Predictions for the Monkey of Other Elements:

Metal Monkey: 1920 (Feb. 20, 1920 - Feb. 7, 1921) and 1980 (Feb. 16, 1980 - Feb. 4, 1981)
Water Monkey: 1932 (Feb. 6, 1932 - Jan. 25, 1933) and 1992 (Feb. 4, 1992 - Jan. 22, 1993)
Earth Monkey: 1968 (Jan. 30, 1968 - Feb. 16, 1969)
Wood Monkey: 1994 (Jan. 25, 1944 - Feb. 12, 1945) and 2004 (Jan. 22, 2004 - Feb. 8, 2005)

Also get to know:
Fire-type People in Chinese Astrology Chinese Zodiac - Monkey 2024 Monthly Horoscope Forecast for the Monkeys

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