Chinese Names for the Monkey Year People/Babies

Chinese Names for Babies Born in the Year of the Monkey

In Chinese 12 zodiac, Sheep is regarded less auspicious than other animal signs. So, many families delayed their reproductive plans to the Monkey year which is the next year of Sheep year. For babies born in the year of Monkey, they are usually thought to be smart, intelligent confident and capable in character. If your baby was born in the Monkey year, to give him/her a suitable and lucky Chinese name will be a precious gift.

Now, let’s take a look at dos and don’ts when you are selecting the name for babies born in the Monkey year.

Characters Auspicious for People of Monkey Zodiac Sign

1. 本、杉、杏、材、东、林、果、梁、桔、机、森、栋、樱
Why? Radical“木” symbolizes wood. Monkey lives in the forest and play freely in it. So, the characters with wood radical are good for the Monkey people in name. People with these characters in name could make full play of their talents.

2. 任、仲、仿、企、伊、伍、休、伶、佑、何、余、作、佩、依、俊、俐、促、俏、信、修、值、倩、伟、健、傅、仪、优、诒、词、试、诗、詹、语、诚、谊
Why? Radicals such as “人”,“亻”,“彳” (meaning: human) and “言”  (meaning: Speak) reflect the feature of Monkey. Monkey likes to imitate humans’ behavior. The characters containing “人”,“亻”,“彳” and  “言” represent wisdom and great achievement.

3. 古、台、史、君、周、启、冠、宇、安、宏、宗、容、宽
Why? Monkey enjoys staying in the cave in nature. Characters with radicals of “口”、“宀”、“冖”could make them feel safe and to be protected.

4. 王、玉、玲、珍、珏、璇、琪、琛、环、琼、琳、珑
Why? In Chinese culture, the Monkey likes to proclaim itself as king. So, the name word with radical of “王”(meaning: king) indicates sovereign and successful.

5. 孔、字、李、孙、学、江、沈、沐、沛、泉、泰、涛、涵、绅、坤、汉
Why? In Chinese astrology, Monkey, Rat and Dragon zodiac signs form 3-Harmony relationship. That means Rat and Dragon are auspicious signs for the Monkey. Therefore, radicals such as “子” (the Rat’s Earthly Branch)、 “辰”(the Dragon’s Earthly Branch) 、 “冫”、“氵”、“水” (These three are related to water. Dragon lives in the water.) are a great boost to the Monkey’s luck when used in the name.

6. 彤、彦、影、常、沛、红、紫、绚、丝、袁、裕、襄、示、祁、祝、绿、棋、礼
Why? Radicals such as “彡”、“巾”、“系”、“采”、“衣”、“示” indicates clothes. It’s auspicious to use words with these radicals as monkey likes to be dressed up like human to raise its status in the society.

Characters Inauspicious for People of Monkey Zodiac Sign

1. 寅、虎、彪、虔, 演、琥、號、盧, 峰、岚
Why? In Chinese zodiac, Monkey and Tiger conflict with each other. They couldn’t be compatible when being together. So, the characters with Tiger meanings’ radicals such as寅,丘,山,虎 should be avoided to use in the name.

2. 田、由、甲、申、界、留、米、粉、秀、秉、秋、科、秦、谷、穗
Why? Monkey doesn’t eat grain, rice, cereal or maize. When they are in the field, they will play and tread upon them. So, Monkey people should avoid using words containing radicals or characters of “禾”、“谷”、“田”、“麦”、“稷”、“米”. It’s thought the people will be lack of carefulness attitude towards life or work if use these kinds of words in name.  

3. 惠、慧、蕊、思、念、想、憲、朋、鵬、騰、宥、育、有、骏,森、燊、炎
Why? Monkey zodiac sign belongs to metal element. In Chinese five element, metal conflicts with wood, fire and metal signs. So, radicals or characters having relationship with them like “木”、“火”“金”、“酉”、“西”、“兑”、“皿”、“鸟”、“月” should be avoided.

4. 亥、家、象、豪、豫、缘、豹、貌
Why? In Chinese astrology, Pig is a great harm to the Monkey. Therefore, one should avoid using words with radicals with the meaning of pig (such as 亥and豕).

Auspicious and Inauspicious Surnames

It would be preferable to select the following surnames for the people born in the Monkey year.
徐、倪、佟、张、庞、龙、龚、农、颜、顾、康、贺、石、孔、李、孟、孙、承、丞、永、冰、郭、洪、汪、泰、江、游、池、沈、温、袁、侯、牛、钮、司、吴、吕、谷、高、宫、祝、商、哈、方、郑、裴、翁、邬、谭、姚、王、彭、潘、常、陈、成、武、盛、狄 and etc.
It would not be good to choose the following surnames:
巴、朱、熊、姜、柳、刘、连、毛、苗、林、卢、岳、田、黄、程、马、冯、许、丁、家、象 and etc.

Click for more common Chinese surnames or Hundred Family Surnames.

Lucky Given Names for Male and Female Born in the Year of the Monkey

Following are decent and elegant given names for male and female with detailed meanings.

Auspicious Given Names for Monkey Year Boys
奕博    of outstanding manner and learned
嘉懿    excellent and virtuous
高朗    noble and candid
雄逸    powerful and elegant
修杰    tall and outstanding
越彬    well-mannered
奕博    handsome and learned
豪健    heroic and robust
熙华    splendid and handsome
淳雅    honest and elegant
德海    great merits and virtues
德厚    great kindness and charity
德茂    very moral
立诚    independent and honest
明睿    clever and sagacious
朗诣    open-minded
明哲    sensible and reasonable
伟诚 great and sincere
熙泰 prosperous and peaceful
宣朗 manifest and broad
宣展 happy and open
雅畅 elegant and smooth
懿轩 fine and dignified
泽民 put others under an obligation
嘉志    excellent and strong-willed
伟誉 good reputation
博超 broad and exceeding
博文 learned and accomplished
高俊 lofty and handsome
峻晨    vigorous and full of hope

Auspicious Given Names for Monkey Year Girls
沛玲    energetic and exquisite
欣妍    happy and beautiful
佳琦    spotless and flawless
雅芙    well-mannered
雨婷    gentle, clever and beautiful
韵寒    contain all the good characters
莉姿    charming
雨璐    beautiful
宁馨    quiet and warm
妙菱    lively and intelligent
心琪    beauty of mind
雯媛    modest and talented
诗婧    beautiful as a good poem
露洁    unsophisticated
静琪    silent and cute
雅琳    elegant
灵韵    lively and charming
睿妤    clever
清菡    noble-minded
素菲    coming from a Chinese poem
昭雪    energetic and pure
美琳    beautiful and kind-hearted
欢馨    happy and enjoy a harmonious family life
优璇    outstanding and beautiful
雨嘉    pure and excellent
诗涵    talented and having great depth
嫦曦    beautiful and vigorous
静香    silent and elegant
凌薇    outstanding
雅静    elegant, gentle and quiet
雪丽    as beautiful as snow
依娜    graceful
婉玗    gentle and happy
书怡    calm and delightful
诗茵    elegant and romantic
灵静    clever, gentle and quiet
睿婕    smart
婉婷    kindly and graceful
云舒    coming from a Chinese poem

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