Monthly Horoscope For rabbit

Chinese Lunar June: Jul 06, 2024 to Aug 03, 2024
rabbit Horoscope
In June, the overall fortune will be quite good. Although the Rabbits will have a lot of troubles in June, fortunately there will be auspicious stars in their life, which can bring a lot of help to the Rabbits, so that their life will become easy and comfortable without any burden.

Good Luck Charms for rabbit

Choose a Chinese Zodiac lucky charm bracelet for rabbit to help you improve luck and exorcise evil spirits in daily life.

Note: The Chinese zodiac monthly horoscope prediction is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. The months below refers to the Chinese lunar months. The dates in brackets are the corresponding dates in Gregorian calendar.

January (February 10th - March 9th, 2024)
In January, the Rabbits will have an overall fairly good fortune. They may encounter some challenges and difficulties, and their love life may face some ups and downs and challenges. However, with their hard work and wisdom, they will get through these tough times. In addition, there will be some unexpected good luck.
February (March 10th – April 8th, 2024)
In February, the single Rabbits should never confess to their crush. Even if their confession is fond and sincere enough, there will be no way for them to get a good response to each other. They should pay more attention of their health, especially gastrointestinal and skin diseases.
March (April 9th – May 7th, 2024)
In March, the Rabbits should not overeat nor overdrink, or it will bring a great burden to their stomach and intestines. Their career luck will improve. They will have more opportunities to show their talents and abilities.
April (May 8th – June 5th, 2024)
In April, the Rabbits need to spend more time with their families and care more about their family health and happiness. In the course of work, they may be blamed by their superiors. However, they should never get discouraged but do their jobs well.
May (June 6th – July 5rd, 2024)
In May, the Rabbits who are engaged in the service industry will have a very bad temper, who will often annoy the customers by speaking out of turn, and may be subject to many complaints and reports. They need to pay attention to their mental health this month to avoid anxiety and depression due to work and life stress.
June (July 6th – August 3th, 2024)
In June, the overall fortune will be quite good. Although the Rabbits will have a lot of troubles in June, fortunately there will be auspicious stars in their life, which can bring a lot of help to the Rabbits, so that their life will become easy and comfortable without any burden.
July (August 4th – September 2nd, 2024)
In July, the financial luck of the Rabbits will be poor, and they may encounter a lot of unexpected money losses. Under the influence of the ominous star of "Yi Ma", they will be frequently on the move, and they will need to go on business trips because of their work. So, they will have to spend a lot of money.
August (September 3rd – October 2nd, 2024)
In August, for those Rabbits who are self-employed, their companies will suffer a serious blow. Those who are in love will be gradually estranged because of some conflicts and quarrels between each other in the process of getting along. For those who are married, the lack of communication and understanding between husband and wife will affect their family harmony.
September (October 3rd – October 31st, 2024)
In September, the health luck of the Rabbits will be quite poor and dismal, and they may encounter accidental bloodshed and injuries. This month, they often need to go out and travel around, thus spending more money.
October (November 1st – November 30th, 2024)
In October, the wealth luck for the Rabbits will be fairly good. Their investment decisions will bring them bumper returns. Their career luck will make a breakthrough in October. Their health fortune will be relatively stable. Their luck in love and relationship will also reach the peak.
November (December 1st – December 30th)
In November, the Rabbits will perform very well in the workplace. Although they will encounter some difficulties, as long as they can solve them in time, they will be able to get through them smoothly. In addition, the Rabbits should also pay more attention to the interpersonal relationship. They should not have conflicts with their colleagues or leaders so as not to affect their career development.
December (December 31st, 2024 – January 28th, 2025)
December will be a good month for the Rabbits, and their luck in all aspects will be fairly good. So, it is recommended that Rabbits should grasp the opportunities. The Rabbits will be certain to achieve more outstanding results. In addition, they need to coordinate and handle the interpersonal relationship properly.
January (January 22nd - February 19th, 2023)
People born under the Chinese zodiac animal sign of the Rabbit will not have an advantage in career this month. It will not be conducive to competition and the opportunities can be easily snatched away by others. At the same time, they will be prone to offend villains, easy to be schemed and set up, or taken advantage of their kindness and then incur losses. In addition, as their wood element from the Five Elements will be excessive this month, they should beware of health decline, and they are prone to skin diseases, gastrointestinal discomfort and other problems. 
February (February 20th – March 21st, 2023)
The Rabbits will have good fortune this month. It will be easy for them to get favor from their patrons. They will have more advantages and will take the initiative to fight for what is good and favorable for them. Secondly, it will be easy for them to get returns on irrigation projects or timber garden projects. In addition, this month, the Rabbits may also have the opportunity to be promoted. This month, the wood element will be the most sufficient and prosperous in 2023. So, they should also beware of their physical health, and it’s better for them not to have physical conflict with other people.
Leap February (March 22nd – April 19th, 2023)
Their financial luck will be not good this month. The Rabbits who are engaged in business should not make any kind of investment to avoid unnecessary financial losses. Office workers should work hard during the working hours. They should also do a good job of financial management and avoid unnecessary social engagements. Women under the Rabbit sign should pay attention to their consumption. They should avoid buying too many unnecessary things, reduce spending and avoid the failure of making ends meet.
March (April 20th – May 18th, 2023)
The Rabbits will have some opportunities in career this month, which is good for marketing planning and performance improvement. However, they should not be careless to make mistakes, otherwise it will also cause some troubles or losses. At the same time, it will be good for study and further training this month, but it will be subject to certain constraints. In addition, according to the Five Elements, the wood element will conflict with the earth element this month, so they need to beware of skin disease or muscle tissue injury.
April (May 19th – June 17th, 2023)
The Rabbits will have a mediocre fortune this month. They may have more ideas, but it will be impossible to fulfil them. Secondly, they may suffer from some depression or poor appetite. However, this month, the God of Food will arrive and favor them, and their overall sense of happiness will not be very low, or the may have the chances of traveling.
May (June 18th – July 17th, 2023)
The Rabbits will have some opportunities in career this month, which will slightly favorable for marketing planning, performance improvement and financial luck. However, they should not be capricious and impatient, otherwise it will also lead to losses or mistakes. In addition, this month, they will be likely to spend on studies or qualifications. At the same time, there will be certain opportunities in relationship, they will be very likely to meet the quality partners who have a good image, sunny, enthusiastic and accommodating, and they will have a good impression on each other.
June (July 18th – August 15th, 2023)
They will have good career opportunities this month, which will be good for project cooperation, business cooperation, performance improvement. Meanwhile, they may also have certain financial luck in sideline business, and they will be highly likely to get a good return on real estate projects. They should also beware that they should not care about the gains and losses for the moment when doing things this month, otherwise they may lose some opportunities.  
July (August 16th – September 14th, 2023)
This month, it will be favorable for the Rabbits to achieve the project cooperation, especially official projects, examinations and performance assessment. It will also be good for job applications and job hunting getting, and they may get the favor from patrons, and they will be highly likely to have the opportunity of promotion and salary increase this month. Meanwhile, they will face some pressure, but they can solve it. In addition, this month they will be prone to be in a relationship secretly, and a small number of Rabbits may have extra-marital affairs.
August (September 15th – October 14th, 2023)
This month, the Rabbits will have some opportunities in career. It will be good for examinations and assessment and job applications. They will get the favor from patrons when doing things, but there will be full of various obstacles during the planning process. Additionally, they may face great pressure, but they can eventually solve it. So, they are advised not to get involved in troubles and disputes, nor confront with the law enforcement authorities, otherwise it may also incur harm and hazards.
September (October 15th – November 12th, 2023)
The Rabbits will have good career opportunities this month, which is good for project cooperation, business cooperation and performance improvement. At the same time, they can get the favor from their patrons. This month, it will be good for the Rabbit's financial luck. They will be highly likely to get a good return on real estate projects, but they should not be concerned about the gains and losses for the moment, otherwise they may also lose some opportunities or benefits. In addition, the Rabbits will achieve the state of Liu He (Six Harmonies) this month, which rules the popularity. So, the Rabbits will be very likely to meet their long-term friends. 
October (November 13th – December 12th, 2023)
The Rabbits will be lucky in career this month, which will be advantageous for project cooperation, examinations and performance assessment and job hunting. They will get favor and support from their patrons. Sometimes, it may dominate the possibility of getting a good position and gain more contacts because of the position. It will also be good for the material luck, and they will get the opportunities for benefits improvement. They will be highly likely to get good returns on water irrigation projects or timber and garden projects. For students, it will also be also favorable for academic advancement.
November (December 13th, 2023 – January 10th, 2024)
The Rabbits will have some opportunities in career this month. It will be slightly favorable for examinations and performance assessment. They can get the favor from patrons when doing things, but they may be influenced by external forces and face certain competition. At the same time, they should pay attention to the fact that everything should not operate in violation of the law, otherwise they may violate the criminal law and bring harm to themselves. In addition, the lucky stars of “Hong Luan” and “Xian Chi” may favor the Rabbits. So, the Rabbits will be likely to in a new relationship, and they will be highly likely to meet the opposite sex of cleverness, good image and temperament and thoughtfulness. 
December (January 11th – February 9th , 2024)
The Rabbits will have some opportunities in career this month, which will be slightly favorable for business cooperation and performance improvement. They will have many advantages, but they need to work harder to fight for them. They should not be slack, otherwise it may be only very auspicious in theory, but gain very little in practice. In addition, this month, the Rabbits will be likely to have the opportunity to gain wealth from sideline businesses, or they may get good returns when playing cards with others.