Monthly Horoscope For dog

Chinese Lunar June: Jul 06, 2024 to Aug 03, 2024
dog Horoscope
In June, the Dogs will have a pretty good luck. They will handle their work with ease. It will be very easy for them to achieve good results and get praise from the leadership. However, they should be careful not to be too sharp and showy.

Good Luck Charms for dog

Choose a Chinese Zodiac lucky charm bracelet for dog to help you improve luck and exorcise evil spirits in daily life.

Note: The Chinese zodiac monthly horoscope prediction is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. The months below refers to the Chinese lunar months. The dates in brackets are the corresponding dates in Gregorian calendar.

January (February 10th - March 9th, 2024)
In January, people born under the zodiac animal sign of the Dog may have an increase in their income, but they still need to pay attention to the rational consumption, and avoid excessive consumption, resulting in increased financial pressure. At the same time, they will also need to pay attention to the investment risk, and never blindly follow suit. They should rationally analyze and evaluate the investment projects.
February (March 10th – April 8th, 2024)
In February, the Dog's relationship fortune will be relatively stable. The single dogs will have the opportunity to meet their crush, but they still need to take care not to be too impatient and impulsive. They should let the relationship progress slowly. The married people need to pay attention to the family harmony and avoid quarrels and conflicts because of trivial things. 
March (April 9th – May 7th, 2024)
In March, the Dogs will face some pressure and challenges probably due to some difficulties in work and life, which need to be overcome with more efforts. At this time, they need to maintain patience and perseverance, never give up easily, but persevere in their efforts. Ultimately, they will surely overcome the difficulties and achieve success.
April (May 8th – June 5th, 2024)
In April, the Dogs will have a relatively stable income from their full-time jobs and businesses, but their wealth from sideline businesses will not be satisfactory. As such, the Dogs are advised to be prudent in the investment and financial management, but not to blindly pursue high returns. At the same time, they should also make a reasonable financial planning to avoid the financial crisis due to their excessive consumption.
May (June 6th – July 5rd, 2024)
In May, the marriage life of the Dogs will not go well. The couples will be prone to quarrels over trivial matters and even make a fuss over them. In fact, many times it is because they are not tolerant enough towards each other that the conflicts become more and more. So, they should learn to be tolerant.
June (July 6th – August 3th, 2024)
In June, the Dogs will have a pretty good luck. They will handle their work with ease. It will be very easy for them to achieve good results and get praise from the leadership. However, they should be careful not to be too sharp and showy.
July (August 4th – September 2nd, 2024)
In July, the Dogs will be quite lucky in love and relationship. The single people will have the opportunity to meet their crush. Those who are in a relationship can consider getting married; the married people and their partners will get along well and live a happy life. They will be exempt of major health problems, but they also need to take care to maintain a healthy diet and avoid binge eating and drinking.
August (September 3rd – October 2nd, 2024)
August will be a very rewarding month for the Dogs, as their career development will be very smooth this month, and they will get very good rewards from their work. As their work abilities improve, they will also be able to have more options in the workplace.
September (October 3rd – October 31st, 2024)
In September, the Dogs will obtain a considerable amount of wealth because they will not only perform well at work, but also get very good returns on their financial investments.
October (November 1st – November 30th, 2024)
In October, the Dogs will have a good fortune. They may get some unexpected good news, such as getting a new job opportunity, meeting a new friend or getting an unexpected fortune. At this time, they need to stay cautious and calm, consider about each option carefully and then make the best decision.
November (December 1st – December 30th)
In November, the Dogs will encounter a lot of obstacles in the work, but they will be blessed with their patrons, who can help them resolve the crisis. Financially, their income from their full-time jobs and businesses will be satisfactory, but the financial luck in obtaining wealth from sidelines will not be good. So, they should not make the risky investment. In love and relationship, there will be more quarrels with their partners, and they need to learn to be tolerant of each other.
December (December 31st, 2024 – January 28th, 2025)
In December, the fortune of the Dogs will be very poor. They will encounter more obstacles at work, and it will be difficult to complete the work smoothly. As such, they must make more efforts to make their career development go smoothly. In addition, they should be alert to the villains and backstabbers so as not to be exploited and affect the progress of their work.
January (January 22nd - February 19th, 2023)
People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Dogs will have a very good luck in interpersonal relationship. No matter what they do, they can get the help from their patrons, and meet a lot of like-minded friends. However, in the family life, they may have conflicts with their family members because of trivial matters, and they should learn to understand and tolerate each other.
February (February 20th – March 21st, 2023)
This month, their fortune will not be very stable. Potential hazards may arise amidst the premise of auspiciousness. The Dogs should raise the awareness of safety precautions, and analyze and think carefully before doing things. In terms of health, they may suffer a lot physically. Whether staying at home or going out, they should learn to protect themselves.
Leap February (March 22nd – April 19th, 2023)
This month, their financial luck will not be good. Those who are engaged in business should not make any kind of investment to avoid suffering unnecessary financial losses. Office workers should work hard and conscientiously at work. Meanwhile, they should manage their wealth well and minimize the unnecessary social engagement activities.
March (April 20th – May 18th, 2023)
In the month of clash with themselves, the Dogs will not have a particularly good luck. They would better go out for relaxation. In terms of work and making money, they should not be too demanding. As to health, they should protect themselves from burns, metal or sharp edge injury. They can wear a red string bracelet for good luck.
April (May 19th – June 17th, 2023)
There will be no way for them to make a great breakthrough in all aspects this month. Even if the Dogs invest a lot of time and effort, the result will make them very sad. The married people may feel very anxious about their children's problems, and heated quarrels may break out between the couple.
May (June 18th – July 17th, 2023)
The Dogs should never rush to get a promotion or make a lot of money this month. If some people around them seek for cooperation, they must consider the risks in all aspects in advance, otherwise they may fall into the trap of fraudsters. In the family life, they should restrain their bad temper.
June (July 18th – August 15th, 2023)
The Dogs will have sleeping problems this month. They must adjust their time for work and rest. They should not stay up late at night for a long time, otherwise their stomach and intestines will also have problems. If they need to go out on business or travel, they should prepare some medicine in case of emergency, because they may feel unacclimatized in the new destinations.
July (August 16th – September 14th, 2023)
The Dogs will have a very good luck this month. They can go to other places to seek for good opportunities for development, or they can also go out of town to do business. However, their family fortune will not be very good; the elderly at home may suffer from major illnesses, and their houses may suffer water leak.
August (September 15th – October 14th, 2023)
This Dogs will have a very bad luck in the workplace this month. They will encounter enormous difficulties, and the Dogs must be patient to solve the problems, and they should never show too anxious. Financially, they should not be too much involved with others in finance, nor lend large amounts of money to others, otherwise it will be difficult to get the money back.
September (October 15th – November 12th, 2023)
This month, the Dogs should keep a low profile in public. They should not be impulsive to stand up for others blindly, or they may get themselves involved in very terrible troubles. At the same time, they should work hard and be pragmatic in the workplace, and they should not grudge all the time. Instead, they are supposed to work out the solution when any problems arise.
October (November 13th – December 12th, 2023)
This month, their financial luck will be pretty good. They will accumulate a bumper amount of wealth, and they may even realize the dream of getting rich overnight. However, the Dogs will still need to be frugal, and they can not splurge their money. The singles may encounter plenty of undesirable romantic encounters and they should stay far away from them in time.
November (December 13th, 2023 – January 10th, 2024)
Their financial fortune will be not very good. For people who are engaged in business, they may suffer from serious financial losses. So, they take are to handle it carefully. In terms of health, they should not engage in strenuous and intensive exercise to avoid hurting themselves. In addition, due to the tense interpersonal relationship, the Dogs should learn to be tolerant when getting along with their friends.
December (January 11th – February 9th , 2024)
For the senior citizens born under the zodiac sign of the Dog, they should be cautious about headache problems. In case of any discomfort, they should go to the doctor for medical help in a timely manner. In addition, if they plan to start their own business, it would be better to seek guidance from senior and experienced people around them, instead of making hasty decisions impulsively and blindly.