Monthly Horoscope For snake

Chinese Lunar June: Jul 06, 2024 to Aug 03, 2024
snake Horoscope
In June, the career fortune of the Snakes will be average. Their career will be seriously hindered, and they need to face life with a positive and optimistic attitude. During this period, their financial luck will be particularly bad, and they should avoid high-risk investment, otherwise it will lead to financial losses. Their mental will also be particularly bad, and they need to participate in more outdoor activities.

Good Luck Charms for snake

Choose a Chinese Zodiac lucky charm bracelet for snake to help you improve luck and exorcise evil spirits in daily life.

Note: The Chinese zodiac monthly horoscope prediction is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. The months below refers to the Chinese lunar months. The dates in brackets are the corresponding dates in Gregorian calendar.

January (February 10th - March 9th, 2024)
In January, the Snakes will be full of vitality and challenges, and they need to face life with a positive and optimistic attitude. They should give full play to their own strengths and potential, and seize the opportunities to meet the challenges so that they will be able to achieve their goals and dreams.
February (March 10th – April 8th, 2024)
In February, the Snakes will have new opportunities in their career, but they still need to devote more efforts and hard work to achieve success. Their relationships will be prone to a lot of quarrels, and they need the mutual forbearance, otherwise it will lead to the intensification of conflicts.
March (April 9th – May 7th, 2024)
In March, the Snakes will have an extremely good luck. Their career will progress very smoothly and they will get the help of their patrons, so that their career will develop to a new level. During this period, their financial fortune will be pretty good, and they will make a breakthrough in investment and finance management. The single Snakes will find the right partners.
April (May 8th – June 5th, 2024)
In April, the Snakes will be very lucky. No matter what they do, they will go smooth. In the workplace, they can be recognized by their top leaders, and they can get a lot of good opportunities. Financially, they will be likely to get windfalls; they will be very lucky when playing cards with others, and they can always win from the beginning to the end.
May (June 6th – July 5rd, 2024)
In May, the Snakes will have an extremely good luck in career. Their work and career will get the help from their patrons to yield twice the result with half the effort. They should grasp the opportunities and they can choose risk investment. However, they still have to quit when they are ahead. In the aspect of relationship, they can get new development opportunities, and they need to cherish the relationship.
June (July 6th – August 3th, 2024)
In June, the career fortune of the Snakes will be average. Their career will be seriously hindered, and they need to face life with a positive and optimistic attitude. During this period, their financial luck will be particularly bad, and they should avoid high-risk investment, otherwise it will lead to financial losses. Their mental will also be particularly bad, and they need to participate in more outdoor activities.
July (August 4th – September 2nd, 2024)
In July, the Snakes will not have a good health condition. They may suffer from various major or minor illnesses, as well as unexpected bloodshed and injuries, so it is important for them to pay attention to the physical maintenance. This month, they will have a bad luck in romance, and they may be pestered by a third partner. They need to keep faithful and virtuous in their daily lives.
August (September 3rd – October 2nd, 2024)
In August, the Snakes will be particularly busy with work. They must maintain a stable state of life, never blindly get involved in the less familiar life circle, nor go to the far strange places to seek channels to earn money, which are very dangerous.
September (October 3rd – October 31st, 2024)
In September, their overall fortune will be quite stable. Their work and life will go smoothly according to their plans without many deviations. In addition, during the period, they will be very lucky in examination. For the Snakes who want to take the examination, as long as they make preparation seriously, they can have excellent results.
October (November 1st – November 30th, 2024)
In October, the Snakes should be vigilant about many aspects. They need to avoid moving, renovation and marriage. A slight negligence may lead to accidents, resulting in serious impacts on both their life and work, and even endangering their lives. The Snakes should be cautious in doing anything during this period.
November (December 1st – December 30th)
In November, their career luck will not be very good. They will encounter a lot of troubles and problems during the work period. As they are not serious at work, it will cause serious mistakes and errors, resulting in serious consequences. During this period, they need to take special care and be serious and careful in everything they do.
December (December 31st, 2024 – January 28th, 2025)
In December, the Snakes will have stable life, with no major events happening. Although it seems a bit dull and boring externally, they will be very happy and peaceful. They can choose to participate in social and partying activities, so as to make friends with excellent people and help them end their single status.

January (January 22nd - February 19th, 2023)
The fortune for Snake’s family is very bad this month. Snake people should pay attention to the health of their elders in the family. In family life, Snake people should learn restraint and tolerance, and there is no need to quarrel over trivial matters. If they want to improve home fortune, they can consider buying new furniture or changing the decoration style.
February (February 20th – March 21st, 2023)
This month, the Snakes will have a very good financial luck this month. The income from both full-time jobs or sideline businesses will be surprising. They can also buy some high-risk financial products. In terms of health, they may suffer from respiratory illnesses, so they should pay attention to the air quality at home.
Leap February (March 22nd – April 19th, 2023)
The Snakes will not have a good luck in finance this month. Businessmen should not make any investment to avoid suffering unnecessary financial losses. Office workers should work hard in the workplace, manage their wealth properly and avoid the unnecessary social engagements.
March (April 20th – May 18th, 2023)
The Snakes will be extremely busy in the workplace this month. They may not get the return they deserve despite of working so hard, but they should not be discouraged. Instead, they should continue to move forward and work hard. This month, they should also read more books and learn more, not waste the precious time, and continue to accumulate the knowledge.
April (May 19th – June 17th, 2023)
This month, the Snakes will be extremely irritable and emotionally depressed. They will not be able to live in harmony with others, and they will often quarrel with others over trivial matters. Meanwhile, their health condition will not be good, and they will be prone to the recurrence of chronic disease. They may also have the waist pain, back pain, joint pain and other symptoms.
May (June 18th – July 17th, 2023)
This month, the fire element of the Five Elements will prevail. For people born in April to June according of the lunar calendar, their fortune will be not very good. They should learn to keep a low profile. However, for people born in October to December based on the lunar calendar, their luck will be very good, and they should be active and enterprising in many aspects.
June (July 18th – August 15th, 2023)
This month, the Snakes’ interpersonal relationship will become better gradually, and their misunderstandings with others will melt away. They will be recognized and loved by the leadership in the workplace, and they will get promotion and salary increase continuously. In terms of health, they should not carry out intensive exercises to avoid injuries.
July (August 16th – September 14th, 2023)
There will be a lot of changes around the Snakes this month, which will make them feel a bit overwhelmed. Particularly in the face of great difficulties, they may feel helpless. The Snakes should improve their flexibility and seek the help of experienced seniors around them in time when they encounter difficulties.
August (September 15th – October 14th, 2023)
They will have a good career luck this month. They can achieve a great personal development, and they will be lucky in getting favors from their patrons. In terms of relationship, the singles will be very likely to find the right partners with ease and they can enjoy a happy and sweet marriage life.
September (October 15th – November 12th, 2023)
This month, the Snakes should be careful not to get entangled in the verbal disputes. They should not argue with others over trivial things, and they should try to tolerate as much as can when things arise. In terms of relationship, they can travel with their partners this month, and their relationship will become closer, which and also improve their comprehensive fortune.
October (November 13th – December 12th, 2023)
In the month of conflict and clash with fortune, they will be very likely to get angry over trivial things, which may cause a series of diseases. As such, they should never be too obsessed with trivial things. This month, the Snakes should also pay attention to the maintenance of relationship, and they should raise their awareness of safety precautions when driving out.
November (December 13th, 2023 – January 10th, 2024)
Although the Snakes, a good career and financial luck this month, they will encounter plenty of twists and turn in relationship. The married Snakes will quarrel over trivial issues, and the couple may complain about each other, hence the high chance of divorce. If they want to resolve the conflict, they can choose to separate, because distance may bring in beauty.
December (January 11th – February 9th , 2024)
The Snakes will not have a good health condition this month. They will be prone to fever and cold, and they may be a recurrence of the chronic illnesses. So, they must have a regular diet and lifestyle, and relieve their inner depression and anxiety. In terms of relationship, the married people should seek for scientific parenting methods when parenting their children.