Horse Horoscope 2016

2016 Yearly Horoscope for Horse

Yearly Horoscope Forecast for 2016: Average
Lucky Colors in 2016: dark green, silver
Lucky Numbers in 2016: 3, 5, 7
* The prediction is valid for 2016 starting from February 8, 2016 and lasting to January 27, 2017.
* The Horse people are suggested to wear a bracelet with a horse sign to defuse those disadvantages and bring good luck in 2016. The people under the Sheep sign would be your great helper this year. 
Fortune for the Horse people will be smooth and steady in 2016 which is year of the Monkey. The year especially favors those Horses who usually go outing. So, if you have chances to go out for business or stay abroad for work, try your best to grasp the opportunity. During the year, your status and rights are expected to rise. Thus you would have more time spending on social activities. In love relationship, you may start a long-distance relationship. The singles are suggested to keep your eyes on the people around when traveling or go outing. If you can participate in more festive events, your fortune would be much better. Besides, you should also prepare for a busy 2016 and many challenges are waiting you. 
What you Horses should remember in 2016 is that only changing and moving could help you make a good fortune in wealth. If you are businessmen, try to build up overseas markets. Also, don't cooperate with others if you can do it by yourself. Or there may financial losses. Consider buying overseas property, foreign stock or purchasing foreign currency is suggested. For wage earners, travel on official business would good for your financial fortune. What's more, the Horses may spend a lot of money for moving, decoration, etc. in 2016. So, you need to prepare some money for unexpected needs.   
Careers will be steadily rising in 2016. You would have a harmonious interpersonal relationship with colleagues, supervisors and subordinates. If your work needs frequently go outing, you would be lucky this year. If don't, you are suggested to apply for job relocation to other places. This would be good for your career development. However, think twice before you do if you have any intention to change the job as it may turns to be unsatisfactory after changing.   
Love Relationships: 
You would stay where you are in terms of love relations. For the married couples, you could get along well with your partner. But you may often separate two places as you go out for business frequently this year. The single Horses are most indifferent to the pursuit of love and focus more on career development. While, you have more chances to meet your love when in other areas or regions. Also, you would have more opportunities to take part in social activities. This will enable you to make a lot of friends and meet your satisfied partner. 
In 2016, you are easy to meet unexpected accident or danger. So, besides carefulness, you should pay more attention to weather changes and situations like flight delay. Also you'd better avoid engaging in those high risk activities. As you may usually go to other places, you may not be acclimated to the new place. So, make good preparations before you go. In addition, join in more happy occasions could help to improve your physical fortune.
The above Chinese horoscopes prediction is based on people's birth year and the ancient Chinese astrology. It's just for your reference.

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