Chinese Names for Dog Year People/Babies

Characters Auspicious for People of Dog Zodiac Sign

1. 人、今、任、令、仲、企、布、住、伯、杰、健
Since Dog is the animal most loyal to human beings, Chinese characters with the radicals of ''亻'', ''人'' and ''入'' (meaning: human) are suggested as they indicate loyalty to career, love and wealth.

2. 字、守、安、宁、宙、家、富、冠
Chinese characters with the radicals of ''宀'' and ''冖'' which mean house and family. By using this kind of characters, you will be blessed with a good family and wealth.  

3. 虎、虔、虚、玛、笃、骏、驻、骆
Chinese characters with the radicals which are compatible with the earthly branch ''戌'' of Dog, such as ''寅'', the earthly branch of Tiger and ''午'', the earthly branch of Horse are good to selected. These characters include ''虎'' and ''虚'', as well as ''玛'' and ''骏'', which can bring you great help and good luck with the benefactor and others.

4. 约、珍、绅、维、彤、形、彦、彩、装、希、佩、席
The Dog is fond of colorful clothing which can make it look powerful and promote its position. Chinese characters with the radicals ''纟'', ''彡'', ''巾'' and ''衣'' have this meaning.

5. 心、必、志、忠、忻、念、思、恒、恩、情、惟、慈、慧、惠、育、青、有、肯、胜、腾
It’s good to see ''心'', ''忄'' or ''月'' radical because such words are associated with heart which is deemed as part of our flesh. Dog likes to eat meat. The presence of these radicals in given name could make you live happily without worry of food.

Characters Inauspicious for People of Dog Zodiac Sign

1. 田、甲、申、畴、画
Chinese characters with the radical of ''田'' (meaning: field) are not suggested as the dog will destroy the five cereals once in the field, thus a symbol of waste and no cherish of blessing.

2. 和、利、莉、秀、香、蘇、秉、豆、登、米、菊、科
Dog does not eat grain, cereal, maize and rice but meat. So, the name including radicals like ''禾'',''米'', ''豆'',''粱'', ''麦'' will not take good effect or you.

3. 状、狄、狮、独、狭、猛
A Dog is unwilling to see another Dog as it has its own territory and the invading of another Dog will lead to fight. So, the characters with the radicals of  ''犬'' and ''犭'' (meaning: dog) should be avoided in name.

4. 林、木、村、柳、桔、梁、栋、桑、楚、树、权
Chinese characters with the radical of ''木'' (meaning: wood) are not suggested. In five elements, the Dog belongs to earth and the wood restricts earth, thus the characters with the radical of ''木'' will suppress your power from full display.

5. 远、芝、北、孙、孺、冰、淼、阂、刻
Dog sign belongs to earth element. It will be inauspicious if the name contains radical that belongs to water element including (''水'', ''之'', ''字'', ''子'', ''北'', ''亥'') since it will result in conflicting energy.

6. 善、妹、美、群、羡、牧、犉、牡
Chinese characters with the radicals of ''未'', ''羊'', ''丑'' and ''牛'' which mean tight encirclement. The earthly branch ''戌'' of Dog is incompatible with ''丑'' (the earthly branch of Ox) and ''未'' (the earthly branch of Sheep). The characters with the above radicals will lead to fracture adverse to your development.

7. 辰、晨、震、宸、辳、赈、振、裖、侲, 庞、珑
Chinese characters with the radicals which conflict with Dog are not suggested. For example, the earthly branch ''辰'' of Dragon in conflict with the earthly branch ''戌'' of Dog, thus the characters with the radicals of ''辰'' and ''龙'' (meaning: Dragon) should be avoided.

8. 樱、贝、贞、贡、财、贯、贵、赖、赞
Chinese characters with the radical of ''贝'' are also not good to use as it looks like dragon in shape.

Auspicious and Inauspicious Surnames

It would be preferable to select the following surnames for the people born in the Dog year.
王、彭、常、康、孟、孙、丞、郭、洪、汪、江、游、池、温、潘、朱、姜、马、冯、许、丁、谷、黄、苗、萧、蔡、家、象、田、叶、万、苏、宋、戴、鲍、连 and etc.

It would be not good to choose the following surnames:
张、庞、龙、龚、农、顾、康、贺、石、孟、丞、袁、侯、牛、钮、司、吴、谷、祝、商、方、郑、斐、翁、邬、谭、姚、彭、潘、常、陈、牟、连、毛、岳、林、杭、利、包、孔、李、承、永、冰、盛、宫、严、金and etc.

Click for more common Chinese surnames or Hundred Family Surnames.

Lucky Chinese Names for Male and Female Born in the Year of Dog

Auspicious Given Names for Dog Year Man
俊驰 handsome and talented
鑫鹏 endowed with great wealth
伟祺 great and lucky
天佑 be blessed by nature
楷瑞 be regarded as a model and lucky in life
健恒 healthy and of great perseverance

Auspicious Given Names for Dog Year Woman
珍心 sincere
育慧 intelligent
育惠 virtuous
珍妮 can be the Chinese translation of Jenney
安宁 peaceful

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