Horse and Horse Love Compatibility Horoscope





You are not a good match.
Your match score is 50%.
You can form a family, since you share the same rhythm of life and work. Both of you are enthusiastic, independent and never satisfied. Your wisdom, vigor and streak of adventure make your life very colorful and exciting. However, both of you hate the restraint of daily trifles, so your family may be not so stable.

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Match

Attitude Towards Love
Driven by the domineering temperament, the cheerful and vigorous Horse men wish their women can submit to them. Anyhow, they tend to spoil their wives in marriage. Sometimes, they can be childish. For example, they may plan the long-distance backpacking trip with their partners when they are old. This kind of young mind often rejoices their love. Besides, they enjoy freedom and passion in love, value the private space and dislike the clingy girlfriends. They hope to get on like friends with their girlfriends.

Male Horse in Love

Women born in Horse years pursue both love and liberty. For them, material is not the top priority. If you want to win the love of a Horse girl, you need to be moderate and give her both love and freedom because she is just like a wild steed and unable to bear the loneliness and dull life. Horse women are very sensitive to the crisis of love, and it is said that once they fall in love, they would easily lose everything.

Female Horse in Love

Horse has an indomitable spirit and is always moving toward a goal. People born under the sign of the Horse are clever, active, energetic, quick-witted, fashionable, agile, popular among others and have the ability to persuade others. On the other side, they might be some selfish, arrogant and over-confident.

Personality Traits for Male Horse

Horse has an indomitable spirit and is always moving toward a goal. People born under the sign of the Horse are clever, active, energetic, quick-witted, fashionable, agile, popular among others and have the ability to persuade others. On the other side, they might be some selfish, arrogant and over-confident.

Personality Traits for Female Horse

Relationship & Love Compatibility
Best Match:Tiger, Sheep, Dog
Avoid:Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Horse

In terms of relationship with the people under other animal signs, the Horse people’s best companions are the Tiger, Sheep and Dog. The Horse people usually could find the life goal from the dependence of Sheep. When staying with the Tigers, the Horses can be moved by their hospitality and attracted by them. To be together with the Dogs, the Horses could make love grow like an evergreen tree because of the Dog’s patient character.

Also, the people under the Dragon, Snake, Monkey, Pig, and Rooster signs are nice ones to be friends or partners with the Horse people.

However, the Horses don’t like the Rat people and the Rats also can’t accept the Horse’s characters. Besides, there will be conflicts for the Horses to contact with the Ox persons, as their personalities clash with each other. When cooperate with the Rabbits, there will be many frictions for the Horses who usually lack patience. Also in love, they could understand each other completely. When two Horses make a combination, it’s hard to enjoy a stable family because both of them hate the restraint of daily trifles.
Best Match:Tiger, Sheep, Dog
Avoid:Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Horse

In terms of relationship with the people under other animal signs, the Horse people’s best companions are the Tiger, Sheep and Dog. The Horse people usually could find the life goal from the dependence of Sheep. When staying with the Tigers, the Horses can be moved by their hospitality and attracted by them. To be together with the Dogs, the Horses could make love grow like an evergreen tree because of the Dog’s patient character.

Also, the people under the Dragon, Snake, Monkey, Pig, and Rooster signs are nice ones to be friends or partners with the Horse people.

However, the Horses don’t like the Rat people and the Rats also can’t accept the Horse’s characters. Besides, there will be conflicts for the Horses to contact with the Ox persons, as their personalities clash with each other. When cooperate with the Rabbits, there will be many frictions for the Horses who usually lack patience. Also in love, they could understand each other completely. When two Horses make a combination, it’s hard to enjoy a stable family because both of them hate the restraint of daily trifles.
Lucky Numbers
3, 4, 9 3, 4, 9
Lucky Colors
green, red, purple green, red, purple
Lucky Flowers
calla lily, jasmine, marigold calla lily, jasmine, marigold
Lucky Directions
northeast, southwest and northwest northeast, southwest and northwest

Relationship Compatibility for the male Horse:

Relationship Compatibility for the female Horse:

Chinese Horoscope

Select Zodiac
  • RatRat
  • OxOx
  • TigerTiger
  • RabbitRabbit
  • DragonDragon
  • SnakeSnake
  • HorseHorse
  • SheepSheep
  • MonkeyMonkey
  • RoosterRooster
  • DogDog
  • PigPig

2024 Horoscope:

People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Horse will have a volatile fortune in 2024, and they may be in a state of turmoil throughout the year. ... [Read More]