Rooster Horoscope 2018 Predictions


* The prediction is valid for 2018 (year of the Dog) starting from February 16, 2018 and lasting to February 4, 2019.

Lucky Numbers in 2018: 10, 2, 6
Lucky Colors in 2018: Klein Blue, Pine Green
Best Compatibility: Ox, Dragon, Snake

In 2017, you people of the Rooster sign have suffered from ups and downs of overview luck due to the influence of Ben Ming Nian. Since 2018 is the year of Wood Dog 'Wu Xu' (戊戌), you Roosters will still be troubled by the inter-harming between Rooster and Dog and cannot completely get rid of the evil spirit of Tai Sui - the legendary God in charge of people's fortune in the year. Although the impact of harming the Taisui is less serious than Ben Ming Nian, it will bring you a lot of troubles and you cannot take it lightly.


Rating: 3 stars
Your income from work will be expectable while the luck for windfall will be poor. As long as you work hard and seize the opportunities, you wage earners can expect the promotion or salary raise. For you businessmen and investors, you should play for safety and make a detailed investigation and planning prior to any investment to avid the blind investment; harming the Taisui means you are prone to the investment trap and deception of villains and you should not readily believe other's promise of high returns. Also, you'd better not seek ill-gotten wealth as it may lead to lawsuit, even the calamity of imprisonment. Under the impact of inauspicious star 'Bing Fu' (病符), you will be prone to financial losses caused by health problems. To improve your wealth luck in 2018, you are suggested to wear a citrine bracelet with Rooster sign or red agate silver Pi Xiu charm bracelet.


Rating: 3 stars
In this year, your career will rise steadily but there will be many hidden dangers. In general, harming the Taisui means you will suffer from many disputes, so you should maintain a good relationship with your superior and colleagues and use the power of team to effectively improve work efficiency and quality, obtain the superior's recognition and be entrusted with an important post. You Roosters may want to change a job in this year but you are not suggested to change unless you are totally sure and you will get better development in the current company, very likely to get a promotion or salary raise. If you do want to change the work environment, you may apply for transferring to another department or project. There will be good opportunities for job-hopping or job-switching but you should rather take the initiative than wait passively, and use your own resources and contacts to look for a better job. Influenced by the auspicious star 'Mo Yue' (陌越), you need to face the new work, from which you will keep hitting dead ends and feel confused and great pressure at the beginning. However, you should not give up in difficulties but try to adapt to the new environment and work; once you go through the bottleneck period, everything will be simple and smooth. You'd better set the work goals according to your competence and never seek quick success and instant benefits, or you will be frustrated. To improve your career fortune and work smoothly in 2018, you are suggested to wear a Lapis Lazuli bracelet with Rooster/Chicken sign pendant

Love and Marriage

Rating: 2 stars
You married people under the Rooster sign will have some minor illnesses and your love will take good care of you during the period, which will deepen your affection. You young Roosters will be very likely to have a baby in this year. However, your relationship might be hurt by someone else, and you may have a third party in your marriage due to the impact of harming the Taisui. Therefore, you should not be too intimate to the opposite sex, or your love may misunderstand you.

For you Roosters with a stable lover, your relationship will develop further in the mutual understanding and consideration, and you might as well choose to get married in this year.

You single Roosters will have poor luck with the opposite sex but many opportunities to have social intercourse, from which you can get to know more friends and find an ideal lifetime companion. You females should beware of cheaters on emotion and you may listen to the opinions of friends or elders if you are uncertain.

To improve your relationship this year, you may wear a pink crystal bracelet with Rooster sign or place it under your pillow for better luck in love relationship.


Rating: 2 stars
Your luck for health will be impacted inevitably by 'Bing Fu' (病符) and 'Mo Yue' (陌越). The former means you will be prone to cold, gastrointestinal discomfort and other diseases. The latter means you will suffer from increased psychological pressure due to the failure in adapting to the new environment immediately, leading to depression, insomnia, etc.

You Roosters will catch a cold and cough more frequently and be more prone to skin problems in this year. As a result, you should eat more fruits and vegetables, and take more exercises to strengthen body; also, you should have adequate rest and keep the positive mental attitude. If you have a weak body or old disease, you are suggested to go to hospital to check regularly as the disease will relapse more frequently. In addition, you should not be crapulent, otherwise, your health will be affected due to the sudden weight gain. If you are fond of drinking alcohol, you'd better stick to the bark, or it will lead to serious health problems because of the increased blood pressure.

Green agate bracelet with Rooster sign is a good lucky charm for you Rabbits to exorcise evil spirits and protect health in 2018.

How to Solve the Problem of Harming Taisui in 2018

1. In daily life, you should avoid the Taisui and the direction damaging Tai Sui. In 2018 which is the year of Dog, Taisui is in northwest while the direction damaging Tai Sui (in conflict with Tai Sui) is southeast. Therefore, your headboard or office table shall not face the two directions above.
2. Beware of disputes and villains. Do not quarrel with others casually but roll with the punches and be nice to others.
3. In view of the fact of harming the Taisui, you Roosters will be very likely to get hurt; you should stay away from violent exercises and watch out while travelling and driving. 

For more cures, please click this link: → Chinese Zodiac 'Fan Tai Sui' with Remedies

2018 Horoscope Forecast for Roosters Born in Different Years:
1969 Rooster (between February 17, 1969 and February 05, 1970)
1981 Rooster (between February 05, 1981 and January 24, 1982)
1993 Rooster (between January 23, 1993 and February 09, 1994)

→ Rooster Horoscope 2019 Predictions

Lastest Questions and Answers

Auspicious Wedding Dates (1 Reply ) Asked by D***.

I'm born Aug 8, 1969. My fiance was born May 26, 1966. Good times for him to get married around his busy work schedule is beg. of November 2018 or during March 2019. Based on the following: According to the Chinese astrology, if a person’s zodiac sign happens to clash with Tai Sui (太岁, the Grand Duke Jupiter or Grand Commander of the Year) in a particular year, it will bring misfortunes and bad luck. In year 2018, people who are born in the year of the Dog, Dragon, Rooster, Ox and Sheep will Fan Tai Sui (clash with Tai Sui who is the legendary God in charge of people's fortune). Do you agree that 2018 is not good for me to get married? Thank you!

Is red a good color for a metal rooster to wear in 2018? (1 Reply ) Asked by C***e

Hello. I am confused about whether or not wearing undergarments and accessories in the color red is still suggested to protect Metal Roosters in 2018 from harming Tai Sui? I understand red to be representing Fire which would be the destructive cycle for metal and bad luck, right? Shouldn’t I be wearing metal colors and creative cycle earth colors such as white, apricot, golden, yellow, and browns? I am also a #5 female with my best direction being Northeast. Thank you in advance.

Moving in a new house (2 Replies ) Asked by A***z

My husband is a rooster Oct 27,1969 and i'm a pig Apr 1, 1971. Kids: 2 are tigers and one is horse. Planning to move in anytime this April 2018. What day is auspicious for our family? Thank you.

Hi I want to confirm what is the best year to have my next baby (1 Reply ) Asked by M***C

Hi, I am wanting to have another baby soon probably 2018 (Dog) or 2019 (Pig) so I really want to make sure I have the right information before I go for it. I was told when I previously ask our compatible zodiac signs are Rabbit, Horse, Snake, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster and Dog. Which means Pig is not on that list. From previous information I looked at (Pig) and (Sheep) are compatible whereas (Dog) and (Sheep) are not compatible. So I just want someone to go into more detail about that before I attempt to conceive soon. I am thinking having a Libra or a Sagittarius. I am 1991 Aries, Sheep Husband is 1992 Aquarius, Sheep/Monkey Hybrid Son is 2016 Libra, Monkey. (Let me know if you need Birthdays.) Also I have seen a lot of love compatibility charts, but much on parent/child/family compatibility information out there. Is it the same? Should I refer to the love compatibility charts for family planning as well?

About My Future Baby (1 Reply ) Asked by A***h

I'm Rooster 18/02/1993 & My Husband is Snake 28/10/1989 we are planning for a baby .which year is best for us.2018 Dog or 2019 pig child,which baby is best .