2024 Chinese Horoscope for 1985 Ox

Note: The horoscope prediction is for people born between February 20, 1985 and February 8, 1986. If you were born before February 20, 1985, your Chinese zodiac sign is Rat. Please consult 2024 Chinese Zodiac Horoscope for the Rat Born in 1984.
* The prediction is valid for 2024 (year of the Dragon) starting from February 10, 2024 and lasting to January 25, 2025.

In 2024, the Ox born in 1985 will be exactly 39 years old. This year will be a year of great significance for them, but their fortune will not be very good. There will be a lot of problems around them, and they should try to solve them, instead of always placing their hope on others. In 2024, it is recommended to wear an Ox Zodiac Buddha Bracelet from YourChineseAstrology Store as an auspicious ornament in the Year of the Dragon to bring good luck, peace, prosperity, and good luck.

In the aspect of career, the Ox born in 1985 can get the help of the auspicious star of "Tian De". Whenever they cannot understand some problems in the workplace, or stuck in trouble, there will be colleagues or leaders around them extending the helping hand, and they will help the Ox successfully solve the thorny problems. However, on the whole, their career performance will not be very good this year. The Ox should not set too high a goal for themselves, nor try to get promoted within a short period of time. As long as they can keep a stable job this year, it will be quite good. To improve the career luck, the people under the Ox sign are suggested to wear a Saddle Knot Braided Bracelet to be blessed to rise step by step, stay away from villains, and make more money in the year. To enable the good result in exam or study, a Wenchang Knot Bracelet had better to be worn. 

Financially, although the Ox born in 1985 will be assisted by the auspicious star of "Fu Xing", they will be very unlikely for them to achieve the considerable wealth, because they will be affected by the ominous star of "Guan Suo", and they will always encounter unexpected financial loss events. Their income will not be much this year, and their expenses will be far greater than income, so the Ox will also face a heavy financial burden. People born in the year of the Ox are recommended to wear a Money Knot Bracelet in 2024 to consolidate their fortunes, generate prosperity, and stay away from the risk of losing money. 

Love Relationship
In love and relationship, as a result of the presence of the ominous star of "Gua Su", the Ox born in 1985 will not have a very stable mental health condition. When they encounter some difficulties slightly, they will be depressed, and after returning home, they will be unwilling to communicate with their partners. If a child does something wrong, the Ox will not be able to understand and tolerate, but they will be crazy to physically punish the child, which will aggravate the conflict within the family. This year, they must devote more time and energy in their family life and treat their families nicer and better. Ox people, whether single or with a partner, can wear a Peach Blossom Rope Bracelet to help stabilize the love relationship or attract love. 

In terms of health, the Ox born in 1985 will be affected by the ominous star of "Yang Ren", which may lead to bloodshed and injuries. As such, the Ox should raise their awareness of safety precautions and they should not do dangerous things. This year, the Ox should also keep a regular diet and a balanced work-rest lifestyle. They should splurge eating and drinking, nor eat too much greasy cold food. After going home at night, they should go to bed as early as possible. Ox people who drive can hang a Tiger's Eye Double Pi Xiu Rearview Mirror Hanging Ornament in the car in 2024. It not only reminds them to drive carefully, but also means safety, and good luck for travel throughout the year. For good health, they are suggested to wear a peace-knot bracelet
* The prediction is valid for 2023 Year of the Rabbit which is from January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2024.

In 2023, the Ox born in 1985 will not be lucky. No matter what the Ox want, they will have to give more sweat and effort than others. This year, the Ox should be more flexible and adaptable, especially in the workplace, they should not be headstrong, otherwise they will miss a lot of opportunities. They need to know how to turn a crisis into an opportunity, and they should be good at considering issues from different perspectives so as to safely go through the year of 2023.

Financially, it will be very difficult for the Ox born in 1985 to make a lot of money in 2023. In addition, the unexpected financial losses at home will make the Ox feel anxious. Even if the families can't make ends meet this year, the Ox should not try to earn quick money in a short time through illegal means, which will put themselves in a great crisis. This year, in addition to work hard to fulfill their own duties at work, they can run some sideline businesses or find some part-time jobs. They should never sit on their hands. To improve their wealth luck in year 2023, female are suggested to wear a citrine bracelet with Ox sign. For male, they had better wear a tiger's eye bracelet with Ox sign

In terms of career, with the presence of the ominous star of "Tian Gou", the Ox born in 1985 may incur great losses to the public properties of their companies due to the personal negligence and carelessness. This year, they should focus all their energy and thoughts on themselves at work, and they should not gossip about their leaders or colleagues in private, otherwise they will get themselves into great trouble. To improve their career fortune and work smoothly in 2023, they are suggested to wear a Lapis Lazuli bracelet with an Ox sign.

Love Relationship
In terms of love and relationship, the Ox born in 1985 will encounter a lot of problems in their family life in 2023. This year, they will be down in the workplace, and their income will be particularly few. They may be scolded all day long by their partners. So, they will feel sad and upset. At this time, if a gentle and kind person of the opposite sex appears around and keeps encouraging the Ox, the Ox will be very likely to have an extra-marital affair. When dealing with marital conflicts, the Ox must be prompt and decisive, and they never try to heal their wounded hearts by cheating on their partners. To improve their relationship this year, they may wear a rose quartz bracelet with Ox sign or place it under their pillow for better luck in love relationship.
In terms of health, under the influence of the ominous star, the Ox born in 1985 will become very poor in health, they will become very weak and prone to illness throughout the year. In spring, they may contract some infectious diseases; in summer, they may suffer from heat stroke; in autumn, they may suffer from serious skin diseases; while in winter, they may catch severe colds. The Ox should give prominence to the physical maintenance this year and try not to visit the sick, otherwise they will incur ominous sign and bad luck to themselves, and personal health condition will become worse and worse. Green agate bracelet with Ox sign is a good lucky charm for Oxen to exorcise evil spirits and protect health in 2023. 

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