2024 Chinese Horoscope for 1961 Ox
Note: The horoscope prediction is for people born between February 15, 1961 and February 4, 1962. If you were born before February 15, 1961, your Chinese zodiac sign is Rat. Please consult 2024 Chinese Zodiac Horoscope for the Rat Born in 1960.
2024 Horoscope Forecast
* The prediction is valid for 2024 (year of the Dragon) starting from February 10, 2024 and lasting to January 25, 2025.
The Ox born in 1961 will be 63 years old in 2024. They will have a very bad luck in the year of Destruction of Tai Sui. The Ox should make self-adjustment and change this year. They should become more flexible and adaptable. They should not always split hairs on something, because that will make their life become worse and worse. In 2024, it is recommended to wear an Ox Zodiac Buddha Bracelet from YourChineseAstrology Store as an auspicious ornament in the Year of the Dragon to bring good luck, peace, prosperity, and good luck.
The Ox born in 1961 should never harbor too many expectations and fantasies about their careers in the workplace in the year of Destruction of Tai Sui in 2024. This year, in the process of work, they will make a lot of mistakes. In addition, as they become older, their memory and energy will decline and they will feel tired and sleepy at work. Fortunately, they can get the help of the auspicious star of "Tian De". Although they often do the wrong things, they will not be scolded by their leaders due to their own senior experience and good personality and temper. To improve the career luck, the people under the Ox sign are suggested to wear a Saddle Knot Braided Bracelet to be blessed to rise step by step, stay away from villains, and make more money in the year. To enable the good result in exam or study, a Wenchang Knot Bracelet had better to be worn.
The Ox born in 1961 will not earn a lot of money in 2024, but their income will be very stable and they can get a certain amount of salary into their account every month. The money previously deposited in the bank can also bring them a certain amount of income. However, it should be reminded that this year they will be affected by the ominous star of "Guan Suo", and they should take good care of their personal wealth, otherwise they may encounter unexpected financial losses. People born in the year of the Ox are recommended to wear a Money Knot Bracelet in 2024 to consolidate their fortunes, generate prosperity, and stay away from the risk of losing money.
Love Relationship
The Ox born in 1961 will be very happy in their love and relationship life in 2024 because they can treat their families sincerely and considerately. Their families and marriage will be very stable, and their children will be very filial. However, due to the presence of the ominous star of "Gua Su", the Ox may be particularly depressed sometimes and may not be willing to communicate with their families, which needs to be changed. Ox people, whether single or with a partner, can wear a Peach Blossom Rope Bracelet to help stabilize the love relationship or attract love.
In 2024, the Ox born in 1961 will not have a good health condition. After all, they are old, plus the poor luck, they will suffer from some diseases or accidents. This year, they should be wary of the ominous star of "Yang Ren". At home, when they contact the scissors, cutting knives, or nail clippers and other sharp objects, they must be wary and careful so as not to accidentally hurt themselves. They should try not to travel abroad this year, otherwise accidents may happen during the trip. Ox people who drive can hang a Tiger's Eye Double Pi Xiu Rearview Mirror Hanging Ornament in the car in 2024. It not only reminds them to drive carefully, but also means safety, and good luck for travel throughout the year. For good health, they are suggested to wear a peace-knot bracelet.
2023 Horoscope Forecast
* The prediction is valid for 2023 Year of the Rabbit which is from January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2024.
Love Relationship
People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Ox in 1961 will encounter a lot of annoying things in 2023 throughout the year. The Ox should not be too stubborn and rigid this year. In the face of difficulties, they should make themselves become flexible. They should also properly handle the relationship with their families. There will be no need to get angry over trivial things, and they should treat their children with more tolerance, especially not interfere excessively with their children's marriage. The most important thing at this age should be their own health, and other things can be put aside.
Financially, the Ox born in 1961 will be adversely affected by the ominous star of "Tian Gou" in 2023, and they may suffer financial losses. They may lose their wallet, cell phone, gold or silver jewelry because of carelessness. So, this year, whether at home or going out, they should take good care of their money. This year, if someone around want to borrow money from them, they should think twice before acting, and they should consider it specifically. To improve their wealth luck in year 2023, they are suggested to wear a citrine bracelet with Ox sign.
In terms of career, the Ox born in 1961 will have many problems in the workplace in 2023. As they get older, their minds are not active enough, and they are not energetic enough to keep up with the team. Sometimes, they may be in a state of dragging their feet in the whole project team. If the Ox are self-employed, they will not operate their businesses prosperously this year, and they will even lose important business partners or major customers for their businesses because of their personality frailties, which will be detrimental to their work and business. To improve their career fortune and work smoothly in 2023, they are suggested to wear a Lapis Lazuli bracelet with an Ox sign.
Love Relationship
In terms of love and relationship, the Ox born in 1961 will be prone to all messy family disputes in 2023. Especially under the influence of the ominous star of "Gua Su", the Ox will become very withdrawn and may develop an avoidance mentality in the face of family problems, and there will be more and more conflicts in the family. This year, their children will be against the wishes of the Ox in many things. For instance, In the choice of work, or consideration of marriage, their children will make the Ox particularly angry. In fact, there is no need for the Ox to make a fuss about it, and too much interference will achieve the contrary effect. To improve their relationship this year, they may wear a rose quartz bracelet with Ox sign or place it under their pillow for better luck in love relationship.
In terms of health, the health of the Ox will sharply decline in 2023. Under the joint influence of the ominous star of "Gua Su", "Diao Ke" and "Tian Gou", the Ox will perform badly both mentally and physically. They will also encounter some accidental injuries, which will cause great pain to the Ox. So, the Ox should not only learn to take care of themselves this year, but also raise their awareness of safety precautions. Green Agate Bracelet with Ox sign is a good lucky charm for Oxen to exorcise evil spirits and protect health in 2023.
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