Discerning Marriage Palace & 8 characters of bride & groom


Hi there, I am trying to work out the best day for our wedding in 2022. Ideally in March/April.
I read that
1) the wedding year and date shall not conflict with the Marriage Palace of both sides (how do I work this out?)
2 that the wedding date shall not clash the eight characters of both sides' horoscope (how do I work this out - DOB 4.4.1985 and 12.10.1987);
3)In the case of meeting the above conditions, the wedding date shall fall upon a day with Yue De or Tian De as far as possible..how do I work this out?
Would love some help around this. Its all so interesting!
Thank you

2 Answer(s)

It's difficult to calculate. Here is the auspicious date for you to get married in March and April:
March 3, 4, 6, 13, 22,24, 27, 30
April 1, 3, 7, 9, 19, 20, 23

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