Yearly Horoscope for Pig
2018 Predictions
* The prediction is valid for 2018 (year of the Dog) starting from February 16, 2018 and lasting to February 4, 2019.
In 2018 which is the year of Dog in Chinese Zodiac, you people under the animal sign of Pig will be blessed by three auspicious stars, namely Sun, 'Tian Xi' (天喜) and 'Tian Kong' (天空), thus have quite good luck and get favorable results in wealth and career under the help of benefactors. Also, you will have happy events, such as wedding, promotion, pregnancy and buying a house. However, you should not take it for granted that your life will go along nicely in 2018 because the minor inauspicious stars like 'Jie Sha' (劫煞) and 'Gu Chen' (孤辰) will bring you a lot of troubles, though will not pose a major obstacle on your overall fortune.
Please click for more details about 2018 Predictions for Pig
2018 Horoscope Forecast for Pigs Born in Different Years:
1971 Pig (born between January 27, 1971 and February 24, 1972)
2018 Horoscope Predictions for Other Signs:
In 2018 which is the year of Dog in Chinese Zodiac, you people under the animal sign of Pig will be blessed by three auspicious stars, namely Sun, 'Tian Xi' (天喜) and 'Tian Kong' (天空), thus have quite good luck and get favorable results in wealth and career under the help of benefactors. Also, you will have happy events, such as wedding, promotion, pregnancy and buying a house. However, you should not take it for granted that your life will go along nicely in 2018 because the minor inauspicious stars like 'Jie Sha' (劫煞) and 'Gu Chen' (孤辰) will bring you a lot of troubles, though will not pose a major obstacle on your overall fortune.
Please click for more details about 2018 Predictions for Pig
2018 Horoscope Forecast for Pigs Born in Different Years:
1971 Pig (born between January 27, 1971 and February 24, 1972)
1983 Pig (born between February 13, 1983 and February 01, 1984)
1995 Pig (born between January 31, 1995 and February 18, 1996)2018 Horoscope Predictions for Other Signs:
2019 Predictions
* The prediction is valid for 2019 (year of the Pig) starting from February 5, 2019 and lasting to January 24, 2020.
In 2019, the year of Earth Pig 'Ji Hai' (己亥), you people under the Pig sign will be in Ben Ming Nian (animal year conflicting Tai Sui). Since the earthly branch 'Hai' of Pig punishes that of Tai Sui, you will also torture Tai Sui (causing hurt). Both conflicting and torturing mean clash with Tai Sui, which will cause disaster. In addition, the impact of several inauspicious stars will make your overall luck even worse. During the year of conflicting Tai Sui which means limitation and obstacle, you Pigs will have unstable fortune, feel perturbed and encounter setbacks and unexpected troubles, thus lose confidence and get world-weary.
Please click for more details about 2019 Luck Predictions for Pig
In 2019, the year of Earth Pig 'Ji Hai' (己亥), you people under the Pig sign will be in Ben Ming Nian (animal year conflicting Tai Sui). Since the earthly branch 'Hai' of Pig punishes that of Tai Sui, you will also torture Tai Sui (causing hurt). Both conflicting and torturing mean clash with Tai Sui, which will cause disaster. In addition, the impact of several inauspicious stars will make your overall luck even worse. During the year of conflicting Tai Sui which means limitation and obstacle, you Pigs will have unstable fortune, feel perturbed and encounter setbacks and unexpected troubles, thus lose confidence and get world-weary.
Please click for more details about 2019 Luck Predictions for Pig
Pig People in 2017
* The prediction is valid for 2017 (year of the Rooster) starting from January 28, 2017 and lasting to February 15, 2018.
Overall Rating:
In the previous year, you people under the zodiac sign of Pig had clash with Tai Sui (the deity in charge of people’s fortune in the year); in 2017, you will get improved luck but still need to face the impact of bad luck and have great limits in terms of love, career or wealth acquisition. That is because you are affected by too many inauspicious stars in 2017, under the influence of which you will find it's difficult to develop the interpersonal relationship and your relatives may pass away or fall ill; your health will be under threat and you may have disputes with others.
Please click for more details about 2017 Predictions for Pig
2017 Horoscope Predictions for Other Signs:
Overall Rating:
In the previous year, you people under the zodiac sign of Pig had clash with Tai Sui (the deity in charge of people’s fortune in the year); in 2017, you will get improved luck but still need to face the impact of bad luck and have great limits in terms of love, career or wealth acquisition. That is because you are affected by too many inauspicious stars in 2017, under the influence of which you will find it's difficult to develop the interpersonal relationship and your relatives may pass away or fall ill; your health will be under threat and you may have disputes with others.
Please click for more details about 2017 Predictions for Pig
2017 Horoscope Predictions for Other Signs:
Pig People in 2016
Yearly Horoscope Forecast for 2016: Bad
On average, the people of Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig will face many challenges in life which require you to march forward courageously in 2016 (year of the Monkey). Compared with the fortune during 2015 (year of the Sheep), you will be luckier. You can get support from some powerful social contacts and be recognized with ample rewards in work. Many fortunes would also find their way to you. However, in 2016, the Pig will harm Taisui who is the legendary God in charge of people's fortune. So, you will clash and be incompatible with Taisui thus unavoidably having some changes and bad luck in some aspects. This can be especially reflected in personal relationships.
Please click for more details about 2016 Horoscope for Pig
* The prediction is valid for 2016 starting from February 8, 2016 and lasting to January 27, 2017.
On average, the people of Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig will face many challenges in life which require you to march forward courageously in 2016 (year of the Monkey). Compared with the fortune during 2015 (year of the Sheep), you will be luckier. You can get support from some powerful social contacts and be recognized with ample rewards in work. Many fortunes would also find their way to you. However, in 2016, the Pig will harm Taisui who is the legendary God in charge of people's fortune. So, you will clash and be incompatible with Taisui thus unavoidably having some changes and bad luck in some aspects. This can be especially reflected in personal relationships.
Please click for more details about 2016 Horoscope for Pig
Lastest Questions and Answers
Why is there no mention in horoscopes for pensioners? (0 Reply ) Asked by G***n
I read the horoscope for my Pig animal but it always states something like ‘In your career’ or ‘ in your work’ etc. but there never seems to be predictions for us pensioners. Does this mean that the horoscopes don’t apply to pensioners? Thank you for your time.
Bracelets (2 Replies ) Asked by L***h
Hello. I bought bracelets based on the suggestion made in the horoscope for the pig and the ox in the year of the ox. I was curious about which wrist should the bracelets be worn on? Does it matter? I got red agate for pig and citrine for the ox.
Pig Fate/Destiny by Birth Time (1 Reply ) Asked by A***T
I am born a pig on the Chinese calender at 12:32 pm PST, but there is no calendar to convert my birth time from Gregorian to lunar so came you please tell me what time I am born in. For example (time period of mao or time period of chen) Thank you in advance for your help.
Why is there no mention in horoscopes for retired people? (0 Reply ) Asked by G***n
Hi, I have been on many Feng Shui sites and whenever I read my horoscopes I always notice that in the career section it doesn't allow for those who are retired. For e.g. I'll read my horoscope and it may state that in a job I may be promoted. But as I'm not working then I have to ignore that because it doesn't apply to me personally. So is there any reason why retired people are not mentioned anywhere? I also noted under the wealth and fortune that my animal, Fire Pig, is supposed to be wealthy and have good fortune. But that doesn't apply to me either. 😊 Thank you.
help to identify my horoscope sign and 2019 prediction (1 Reply ) Asked by R***a
I am a female born on 05/18/1959 at night after 1 am. Am I a strong or weak earth pig? Will 2019 year turn out good for my carrier and finances?