Pig Horoscope 2017 Predictions


* The prediction is valid for 2017 (year of the Rooster) starting from January 28, 2017 and lasting to February 15, 2018.

Overall Rating: 2 and a half stars
In the previous year, you people under the zodiac sign of Pig had clash with Tai Sui (the deity in charge of people’s fortune in the year); in 2017, you will get improved luck but still need to face the impact of bad luck and have great limits in terms of love, career or wealth acquisition. That is because you are affected by too many inauspicious stars in 2017, under the influence of which you will find it's difficult to develop the interpersonal relationship and your relatives may pass away or fall ill; your health will be under threat and you may have disputes with others.

Astrology Elements in 2017
Auspicious Direction: Northwest, Southwest, North; Avoid: Southwest, Southeast
Lucky Colors: Yellow, Brown, Red; Avoid: Black, Blue
Lucky Numbers: 1, 6
Helpful Zodiac Signs: Rabbit, Sheep, Rooster; Harmful Zodiac Signs: Monkey, Snake, Pig
Auspicious Direction for Love: North
Auspicious Direction for Wealth: South
Auspicious Direction for Study: West
Auspicious Direction for Career: Northeast


Rating: 3 stars
You will not have good luck in both work income and windfall. All sorts of problems in career will directly limit your income while the declined income will in turn affect your career development. In this way, you have to live frugally as a result but will not go bankrupt. Your investment will not go smoothly, so you independent entrepreneurs shall keep an eye on the changeable market and never do the business on too large scale to avoid capital chain rupture; under the influence of inauspicious stars, your family will be prone to health problems, so you'd better be prepared with a sum of money. Also, you should guard against being deceived in telephone, network and other forms.


Rating: 3 stars
Generally, you Pigs will not have good luck in career. Under the influence of inauspicious stars, you will easily offend your superior, thus suffer from the difficulties and pressure created by the leader and hard to get promoted. If you can dissolve the misunderstanding with your leader and coupled with the help and direction of the benefactor, you will make some achievements and get certain development in career. This year is suitable for you to study or get further education, during which you can better understand the problem and put into practice for the obstacles met in work. For you workers, this year is not suitable for you to change a job; if you change a new job rashly, you cannot adapt to it in a short time and your ability will be questioned, so you should be well prepared before changing a job. In addition, you will travel a lot in this year but the existence of other inauspicious stars will make it hard for you to make the decision of going to other places for development. If you are determined to focus on the development in other places, however, you will have good opportunities.

Love Relationship

Rating: 2 stars
You will have very bad luck in love and find it's hard to develop the fortune with the opposite sex or the benefactor. If you are single, you will be unlikely to find the right one and have no mood to start a new relationship due to the influence of external environment; although you will meet many opposite-sex friends around, they are not the right one because of the relatively large gap between you in terms of age, condition and personality. You married will have relatively good luck in love relationship and have no need to worry about a third party due to the bad luck with the opposite sex; what's more, you Pigs are gentle, so you will become reconciled quickly from the quarrels.


Rating: 2 stars
In the first half year, your body affected by clash with Tai Sui in the previous year has not recovered, thus have poor resistance and suffer from the stomach disease in last year. Therefore, you should take light, nutritious and healthy diet. In the second half of the year, however, your health will be improved, thus not so prone to illness. Besides, you will be more likely to go out due to the influence of the inauspicious star Yima (驿马), so you should be more careful while out of home, avoid high-risk activities and pay more attention to food hygiene. In addition, you should pay more attention to the physical condition of the elders in your family, especially the elders who have a poor resistance, often fall sick or have chronic disease.

* You may also want to know what does 2018 have in store for Pig. Please click: → Pig Horoscope 2018 Predictions

2017 Horoscope Predictions for Other Signs:

Lastest Questions and Answers

Should we have a baby or not? (1 Reply ) Asked by D***a

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In order to avoid the year of the pig - we will marry this fall 2018. The venue is available only on days that are not listed as auspicious. 10.13 10.27 11.10 My partners birthday is 11.11, we would like as much time as possible to plan. It says 11.10 is inauspicious for a wedding. Do you suggest we legally marry before and just name it a wedding celebration? Does it matter if we were engaged to be married on one of the most auspicious days for the dragon in 2017? is there a way to off set our luck if we choose one of these dates? Thanks!

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Kindly explain what does it mean by "clash pig" in this case? Am looking out for an auspicious date to start a new job in August; hence which date would be best for consideration. Many thanks !