1953, 2013 Chinese Zodiac – Water Snake

Years of the Water Snake

People born in the year of 1953 (Feb. 14, 1953 - Feb. 02, 1954) or 2013 (Feb. 10, 2013 - Jan. 30, 2014) which is Gui Si Year are members of the Water Snake. For those born before Feb. 14, 1953 or J Feb. 10, 2013, they belong to the zodiac animal of Water Dragon.

Personality and Horoscope for the Water Snake

Water snakes are active, smart and they often work out ideas. However, they are emotional and their youth is full of changes; most of them leave their hometown in youth to develop elsewhere. Water snakes generally cannot inherit much wealth from their forefathers and they must build up from nothing. Since knowing how to grasp every opportunity, they can develop in business circles. Also, water snakes have a passion for adventure, so they often have ups and downs in life and they can live a steady life after middle age.

Water snakes have artistic talent and they are the typical people who are diligent and enterprising. Optimism and endeavor are their characteristics. They only carry out the things after detailed understanding; otherwise, no one can convince them. Where necessary, however, they would take bold actions, but the fearless spirit isn't seen frequently. Strong self-esteem is their weakness, also the obstacle to their success.

In terms of career, water snakes should identify the situation first before making a decision to invest. When it comes to the luck in wealth, they always have windfalls and can accumulate the wealth to buy some value-preserving items, such as property, gold ware and stock. Besides, they should spend in a planned way rather than wasting on unnecessary things, which may lead to the financial difficulty.

Water snakes are sociable and they can make many opposite sex friends in a variety of social situations; they are natural beauty and will be more attractive to the opposite sex with a little bit of makeup. Water snakes are very considerate to others and their cares make their lovers laugh in dreams, but they need to pay attention to the momentary enthusiasm which leads to the breakup and they have to seize the true love. In terms of family, male water snakes can get a good wife who will support them in career.

Personalities and Future Predictions for the Snake of Other Elements:   
Fire Snake: 1977 (Feb. 18, 1977 - Feb. 06, 1978)
Wood Snake: 1965 (Feb. 02, 1965 - Jan. 20, 1966)
Metal Snake: 1941 (Jan. 27, 1941 - Feb. 14, 1942) or 2001 (Jan. 24, 2001 - Feb. 11, 2002)
Earth Snake: 1929 (Feb. 10, 1929 - Jan. 29, 1930) or 1989 (Feb. 06, 1989 - Jan. 26, 1990)

Also get to know:
Water-type People in Chinese Astrology Chinese Zodiac - Snake 2024 Monthly Horoscope Forecast for the Snakes

Lastest Questions and Answers

Fengshui items (1 Reply ) Asked by J***n

I am a Water Snake born in 1953 , what are my lucky colours and fengshui cyrstals for 2022 ( year of the Tiger)

Dreaming of a snake bite in water (1 Reply ) Asked by N***

I dreamed of a cobra. It was in water like swampy stream. It suddenly came out of water and bit my right foot. I instantly killed it and I didn't swell. What does it mean? I thank you.

Adjustment (2 Replies ) Asked by a***g

Hi , I am Fire snake ,my wife is water dog and my son is metal tiger. We are not get on well so What will be the best business for us to do or place to live to bring good fortune? Thank you.

It is possible to stop love someone based on zodiac sign? (3 Replies ) Asked by A***R

Hello, I have maybe too delicate request on you. I was wondering if you could help me somehow. I want to stop love / unlove a snake man (fire). I am rooster woman (water), I love him (He know it) but He does not love me. We need to be in touch due our job. He is also my leader. Thank you for your advice. Have a nice day!

Snakes and a chicken (1 Reply ) Asked by S***r

In my dream I had a older baby chick and 5 or 6 babies and there was a snake near by across a small path of water. The snake wasn't moving just watching the chicks closely, the chicks get too close and the older chick quickly waddles over to fight it protecting the younger ones, I saw the chick needed help and for some reason the snake got bigger once I put my hands around it, I try to keep its mouth shut so it doesn't bite and try to call out for help but no words would come out until I tried one last time causing me to wake up with my brother asking me 'What?'