Auspicious Years to Get Married for 12 Zodiac Sign

Hong Luan and Tian Xi Stars – Two Auspicious Stars for Love and Marriage

The suitable year and month for you to get married have rules to follow. If you want to get the successful love and marriage more easily, you should be careful about the good year and time to make your life more successful. Then, how to identify the lucky years in marriage? Generally speaking, you will be more likely to have happy things and get married in the year governed by the auspicious star of Hong Luan (红鸾) and Tian Xi (天喜). When you are blessed by the stars, you will make a fortune, get help from others and have everything go well with you; also, you may get married and enjoy the harmonious marriage life.

How to identify your lucky year of Hong Luan: start from Rat year, count inversely from Rabbit year respectively.
For example, Rat people will be blessed by Hong Luan in the Rabbit years; Ox people will be blessed by Hong Luan in the Tiger years; Tiger people will be blessed by Hong Luan in the Ox years.

How to identify your lucky year of Tian Xi: the years under the sign conflict with Hong Luan.
For example, Rat people will be blessed by Hong Luan in the Rabbit years and Rabbit is conflict with Rooster, so Rat people will be blessed by Tian Xi in the Rooster years.

12 Zodiac Signs' Lucky Marriage Years

When you are blessed by Hong Luan or Tian Xi, you will have quite good luck with the opposite sex, like to show off and encounter the happy events like getting married or promoted. Besides, you will be more likely to get married if you meet the years which are compatible with your animal sign.

Take Rat for example:
You Rat people is blessed by Hong Luan (红鸾) in the Rabbit years and Tian Xi (天喜) in the Rooster years, during which you could have extremely good luck with the opposite sex, thus the good time to get married. Since Rat and Ox are one of the Six Compatible Groups (Liu He 六合) while Rat, Dragon and Monkey are one of the Four Compatible Groups (San He 三合) in Chinese Zodiac, the best time for you Rat people to get married is in the Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Rooster and Ox years.

Which are good and favorable years for you to get married? Please find the time based on your animal sign.
Zodiac Signs Years blessed by Hong Luan Star Years blessed by Tian Xi Star Other Good Years
Rat Rabbit Rooster Dragon, Monkey, Ox
Ox Tiger Monkey Rooster, Snake, Rat
Tiger Ox Sheep Horse, Dog, Pig
Rabbit Rat Horse Pig, Sheep, Dog
Dragon Pig Snake Rat, Monkey, Rooster
Snake Dog Dragon Rooster, Ox, Monkey
Horse Rooster Rabbit Tiger, Dog, Sheep
Sheep Monkey Tiger Rabbit, Pig, Horse
Monkey Sheep Ox Rat, Dragon, Snake
Rooster Horse Rat Ox, Snake, Dragon
Dog Snake Pig Rabbit, Tiger, Horse
Pig Dragon Dog Rabbit, Sheep, Tiger

The Zodiac Signs Suitable to Get Married or may Get Married in 2018: Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse

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