auspicious wedding date and time (1
Reply )
Asked by S***r
Hello there, Could you help us find an auspicious wedding date and time for this couple? The groom Chinese zodiac sign is dragon and the bride sign is rat. Could you give us different option of dates for 2023, from March to June? Thank you very much. San
to have diseased grand parents picture present during grand daughter wedding cer (1
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Asked by S***r
Hello there, Please help us understand this idea. Is it bad feng shui to have the bride diseased grandparents picture at the venue during her wedding ceremony? The bride wanted her diseased grandparents to be presence at her wedding day. is this a good idea or feng shui for the new couple? Are there feng shui procedures need to follow before, during and after the wedding ceremony? The picture will be place on a chair, around the family members are sitting. To avoid much attention from the guests. Please help us understand the bride wishes. Thank you very much. San
San he or liu he. (1
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Asked by A***i
This is my last question. Chinese compatibilities are derived from san he or liu he. It is noted that San he is better liu he. What does it mean? At work,at friendship and etc.
general question (1
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Asked by S***r
Hello there, My daughter zodiac sign is a monkey and she is getting marry next year which is the year of a tiger. My question, my eldest son who has a dragon sign would like to propose of engagement to his girlfriend, the same tiger year as his younger sister is getting married. Will there be any conflict for them since one is getting marry and one is proposing of engagement in the the same year? My eldest son sign is a dragon, his fiance is a rat sign. Can you find them an auspicious wedding date in the first six months of 2023? I'm looking forward to your answer, please. Thank you very much for your time. San
auspicious wedding date and time (1
Reply )
Asked by S***r
Hello there, Could you please find an auspicious wedding date and time for this young coupe planning to get married on 2022. The lunar zodiac sign of the bride is monkey. She was born on July 31, 1992 at 3:01 pm on western calendar. The lunar zodiac sign of the groom is sheep and was born in western calendar on February 27, 1991 at 5:00 am. Could you please give them a wide options of auspicious wedding dates and time for March, April, May, June since many weddings were being scheduled already. Monkeys, sheep or any lunar zodiac signs should not get marry on the day of their conflict sign. Should this be followed or consider in picking a date? Like for Monkey is conflict with tiger vise versa , Sheep is conflict with ox vise versa and others. Thank you very much. WE appreciate your helps. San