Names for Each Chinese Zodiac Sign

Each Chinese Zodiac sign of different elements has its own name in Chinese astrology. Find out your Chinese Zodiac names based on your date of birth now.

Chinese Astrology Zodiac Names

Each Chinese Zodiac sign of different elements has its own name in Chinese astrology. Find out your Chinese Zodiac names based on your date of birth now.

Metal Rat ( Born in Jan. 28, 1960 - Feb. 14, 1961) - Rat on the Roof
Water Rat (Feb. 15, 1972 - Feb. 02, 1973) - Rat in the Field
Wood Rat (Feb. 02, 1984 - Feb. 19, 1985) - Rat in the Warehouse
Fire Rat (Jan. 24, 1936 - Feb. 10, 1937 or Feb.19, 1996 - Feb. 06, 1997) - Rat on the Beam
Earth Rat (Feb. 10, 1948 - Jan. 28, 1949 or Feb. 06, 2008 - Jan. 25, 2009) -Rat on the Mountain

Metal Ox (Feb. 15, 1961 - Feb. 04, 1962) - Ox in the Sea
Water Ox (Feb. 03, 1973 - Jan. 22, 1974) - Ox in the Lake
Wood Ox (Jan. 24, 1925 - Feb. 12, 1926 or Feb. 20, 1985 - Feb. 08, 1986) - Ox inside the Gate
Fire Ox (Feb. 11, 1937 - Jan. 30, 1938 or Feb. 07, 1997 - Jan. 27, 1998) - Ox on the Way
Earth Ox (Jan. 29, 1949 - Feb. 16, 1950 or Jan. 26, 2009 – Feb. 13, 2010) - Ox outside the Gate

Metal (Feb. 17, 1950 - Feb. 05, 1951 or Feb. 14, 2010 - Feb. 02, 2011) - Tiger in the Forest
Water (Feb. 05, 1962 - Jan. 24, 1963) - Tiger Crossing the Mountain
Wood (Jan. 23, 1974 - Feb. 10, 1975) - Tiger Descending the Mountain
Fire (Feb. 13, 1926 - Feb. 01, 1927 or Feb. 09, 1986 - Jan. 28, 1987) - Tiger Passing through the Forest
Earth (Jan. 31, 1938 - Feb. 18, 1939 or Jan. 28, 1998 - Feb. 15, 1999) - Tiger Standing Still

Metal (Feb. 06, 1951 - Jan. 26, 1952 or Feb. 03, 2011 - Jan. 22, 2012) - Rabbit Looking at the Moon
Water (Jan. 25, 1963 - Feb. 12, 1964) - Rabbit Running out of the Forest
Wood (Feb. 11, 1975 - Jan. 30, 1976) - Rabbit in the Burrow
Fire (Feb. 02, 1927 - Jan. 22, 1928 or Jan. 29, 1987 - Feb. 16, 1988) - Rabbit Running in the Forest
Earth (Feb. 19, 1939 - Feb. 08, 1940 or Feb. 16, 1999 - Feb. 04, 2000) - Buddha Rabbit

Metal (Feb. 09, 1940 - Jan. 26, 1941 or Feb. 05, 2000 - Jan. 23, 2001) - Yielding Dragon
Water (Jan. 27, 1952 - Feb. 13, 1953 or Jan. 23, 2012 - Feb. 09, 2013) - Angry Dragon
Wood (Feb. 13, 1964 - Feb. 01, 1965) - Dragon in the Rain
Fire (Jan. 31, 1976 - Feb. 17, 1977) - Cheerful Dragon
Earth (Jan. 23, 1928 - Feb. 09, 1929 or Feb. 17, 1988 - Feb. 05, 1989) - Dragon Flying to Heaven

Metal (Jan. 27, 1941 - Feb. 14, 1942 or Jan. 24, 2001 - Feb. 11, 2002) - Prosperous Snake
Water (Feb. 14, 1953 - Feb. 02, 1954 or Feb. 10, 2013 - Jan. 30, 2014) - Snake Sleeping in the Winter
Wood (Feb. 02, 1965 - Jan. 20, 1966) - Snake in the Grass
Fire (Feb. 18, 1977 - Feb. 06, 1978) - Snake Coming out of the Hole
Earth (Feb. 10, 1929 - Jan. 29, 1930 or Feb. 06, 1989 - Jan. 26, 1990) - Snake in the Fish Pound

Metal (Jan. 27, 1990 - Feb. 14, 1991) - Horse in the Hall
Water (Feb. 15, 1942 - Feb. 04, 1943 or Feb. 12, 2002 - Jan. 31, 2003) - Horse in the Army
Wood (Jan. 31, 1954 - Feb. 17, 1955 or Jan.28, 2014 - Feb. 15, 2015) - Horse in the Clouds
Fire (Jan. 21, 1966 - Feb. 08, 1967) - Horse on the Way
Earth (Feb. 07, 1978 - Jan. 27, 1979) - Horse within the Gate

Metal (Feb. 17, 1931 - Feb. 5, 1932 or Feb. 15, 1991 - Feb. 3, 1992) - Prosperous Sheep/Ram
Water (Feb. 5, 1943 - Jan. 24, 1944 or Feb. 2, 2003 - Jan. 21, 2004) - Ram in the Flock of Sheep
Wood (Jan. 24, 1955 - Feb. 11, 1956 or Feb. 19, 2015 - Feb. 7, 2016) - Sheep/Ram Respected by Others
Fire (Feb. 9, 1967 - Jan. 29, 1968) - Lonely Sheep/Ram
Earth (Feb. 1, 1919 - Feb. 19, 1920 or Jan. 28, 1979 - Feb. 15, 1980) - Sheep/Ram Running on the Mountain

Metal (Feb. 20, 1920 - Feb. 7, 1921 or Feb. 16, 1980 - Feb. 4, 1981) - Monkey in the Fruit Tree
Water (Feb. 6, 1932 - Jan. 25, 1933 or Feb. 4, 1992 - Jan. 22, 1993) - Elegant Monkey
Wood (Jan. 25, 1944 - Feb. 12, 1945 or Jan. 22, 2004 - Feb. 8, 2005) - Monkey Climbing a Tree
Fire (Feb. 12, 1956 - Jan. 30, 1957 or Feb. 8, 2016 - Jan. 27, 2017) - Monkey Climbing the Mountain
Earth (Jan. 30, 1968 - Feb. 16, 1969) - Lonely Monkey

Metal (Feb. 05, 1981 - Jan. 24, 1982) - Rooster in the Hen Roost
Water (Jan. 26, 1933 - Feb. 13, 1934 or Jan. 23, 1993 - Feb. 09, 1994) - Singing Rooster
Wood (Feb. 13, 1945 - Feb. 01, 1946 or Feb.09, 2005 - Jan. 28, 2006) - Rooster Announcing the Dawn
Fire (Jan. 31, 1957 - Feb. 17, 1958 or Jan.28, 2017 - Feb. 15, 2018) - Lonely Rooster
Earth (Feb. 17, 1969 - Feb. 05, 1970) - Rooster in the Cage

Metal (Feb. 06, 1970 - Jan. 26, 1971) - Dog on Guard
Water (Jan. 25, 1982 - Feb. 12, 1983) - Sleepy Dog
Wood (Feb. 14, 1934 - Feb. 03, 1935 or Feb. 10, 1994 - Jan. 30, 1995) - Dog Going into the Mountain
Fire (Feb. 02, 1946 - Jan. 21, 1947 or Jan. 29, 2006 - Feb. 17, 2007) - Temple Dog
Earth (Feb. 18, 1958 - Feb. 07, 1959 or Feb. 16, 2018 - Feb. 04, 2019) - Family Dog

Metal (Jan. 27, 1971 - Feb. 24, 1972) - Pig Passing by
Water (Feb. 13, 1983 - Feb. 01, 1984) - Pig Passing the Mountain
Wood (Feb. 04, 1935 - Jan. 23, 1936 or Jan. 31, 1995 - Feb. 18, 1996) - Monastery Pig
Fire (Jan. 22, 1947 - Feb. 09, 1948 or Feb.18, 2007 - Feb. 06, 2008) - Pig in the Garden
Earth (Feb. 08, 1959 - Jan. 27, 1960 or Feb. 05, 2019 - Jan. 24, 2020) - Pig in the Forest

Related Reading: 
Chinese Zodiac Five Elements Metal Wood Water Fire Earth

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