Chinese Zodiac
Talk about your Chinese zodiac animals, ask for your sign's personality, lucky elements, best match, horoscope and more.
Year of the Dog and cancer
I was born in late March 1958. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer a week before Thanksgiving ...
name of Chinese years from 1943 to 1969
name (animal) for Chinese Zodiak years from 1943 to 1969.
Is this the year for my cologne company to boom?
why are the OX monthly predictions so terrible for 2025
Fortune of 2025
I was born in 13th August 1988 and I just would like to know about my fortune of this year 2025...
About Kua number
If Kua number 9 is already present in Loshu Grid chart; will "line of will power" (...
Red Bracelet
I'm a 1989 Earth snake preparing for Ben Ming year. I heard I should get a red bracelet wi...
Fecha de consebir niño
Cuando tendré niño
Making mistakes
Hello, I'm a metal pig (september 8 1971) I just moved to a 2 bedroom apartment from a 1 b...
Ideal zodiac for rooster dad and pig mom
Hello, we are family planning and are curious what the most compatible zodiac signs would be fo...
Worrying combination of being a fire horse and Cancer being self destructive
I have been mentally plagued by reading that my Chinese Fire Horse combination with July unsign...
Child birth
Dragon mother (1988) + Rabbit father (1987). Delivering baby girl in late Jan or early Feb. Can...
Ten Gods Explanation
Hi! Could you guys please create an article about the 10 Gods in Bazi? What is the meaning of...
Feng shui bracelet
I have just received my black feng shui bracelet which is beautiful..but my zodiac sign is year...
What does the golden rabbit mean?
I want to know what my Chinese zodiac means, it is a golden rabbit.
Change of career in 2025
A wood snake born in 1965. I have been approached to change job [senior position]. should i mak...
MIL monkey DIL tiger
i hate my mother in law to the core she is a monkey her words are hurtful to me a tiger. i can...
Enemy year
Should I get my citizenship certificate in my enemy year?
Zodiac compatibility
My husband and I are borne in the year of monkey (1992). We recently had a baby girl (dragon 20...