Female Dog Personality Traits

Female Dogs, traditional and conservative, tend to wear no make-up while everyone is gorgeously dressed. They don't like to dress up or wear jewelry. Though less charming, they are undoubtedly good luck for their husbands. In addition, female Dogs born in the evening are much more outgoing, positive, brave and charming than those born in the day.

In daily life, women under the Dog sign are plainly dressed and like the pretty and fluffy hairstyle which makes their face more charming. When they are angry, they would be on tenterhooks but in most cases, they are considerate, caring, cooperative and impartial. Female Dogs are fond of outdoor activities like dancing, swimming and tennis and they are the good friends of their husbands and children.

In love relationship, female Dogs tend to be squeamish and find it hard to establish an intimate relationship with others. When they fall for someone, they seldom say it directly but express in a reserved manner. Therefore, they are seemingly rather lonely in a relationship. Since they are introverted and lonely, most of their love is not romantic. Even if they start a relationship in full swing, it won't last long and they may break up quickly. Though not good girlfriends, female Dogs are good partners in marriage because they are loyal and single-minded. It will be a wise choice to have a woman under the Dog sign as your life partner.

In career, they never hope to have a skyrocketing rise but work like a horse and move step by step towards the goal. While choosing an occupation, they give priority to the sense of security and the stable income. Female Dogs are expected to succeed in business and once they are determined, they will be sure of success.


Independent and Not Fashion-oriented
Women of the Dog sign are independent and responsible. Even if they marry those who are not family-oriented, they won't be seriously affected or frustrated, because they always have their own living space and freedom for entertainment. Besides, they are plain and not fashion-oriented.

Simple, Honest and Friendly
Female Dogs are not used to cheating their family or friends and would treat others with the sincerest side. They would rather suffer losses than trouble others and never do anything against morality out of personal interests.

Passionate and Easy-going
Female Dogs are passionate in life and work, especially the latter. They love their work and are willing to put energies in it. Their easy-going side mainly lies in that they are willing to offer help to those in need.


The quiet female Dogs are persistent inside and they would get to the bottom once they don't understand something, which is quite time-wasting and makes others impatient. Sometimes, it is unnecessary to persist in but female Dogs just would not let it go, making you feel it's hard to communicate and coordinate with them.

The lovely female Dogs are the typical simple-minded guys who love thinking about the superficial rather than deep matters. Sometimes, the overly simple thinking would lead to the omission of certain aspects. Generally, girls under the Dog sign are a little stupid and even the close friends cannot bear their simplicity.

Inflexible and Ineloquent
It is the taciturn and quiet character that leads to the ineloquent and inflexible flaw of female Dogs. Loyal as they are, they don't know how to say kind words or behave tactfully. This causes them a lot of trouble because they could not properly reveal others their thoughts.

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