Ox's Fate by Birth Time

Time Period of Zi: 23:00-01:00

Ox people born in Zi Period/Rat Time (11:00PM - 01:00AM) tend to marry early and have many children and a prosperous family. In twilight years, they will live an even better life. Unfortunately, they are born to be in poor health and can hardly live to 70 years old in spite of the lucky life.

Time Period of Chou: 01:00-03:00

Oxen born during the Chou Period/Ox Time (01:00AM - 03:00AM) are intelligent, learned, capable and talented in writing but will encounter many hardships and get seldom help from others. Despite an encyclopedic mind, they lack scope for their skills and tend to live a general life. It can be said that they are frustrated for all their talent and born at the wrong time.

Time Period of Yin: 03:00-05:00

Ox people born in Yin Period/Tiger Time (03:00AM - 05:00AM) are unsociable and dislike to work with others, so it is difficult for them to accomplish something. Consequently, they often blame everyone and everything but not themselves. Luckily, they are blessed and will not suffer from great disaster or calamity of imprisonment but often turn ill luck into good and get help from benefactors.

Time Period of Mao: 05:00-07:00

Most of Oxen born in Mao Period/Rabbit Time (05:00AM - 07:00AM) tend to lose parents early and encounter twists and turns in life. With limited help from benefactors, they have to be busy running about life on their own and find it difficult to accomplish something due to the seldom support from relatives. However, they are strong-willed and indomitable. If they can adjust the action plan, consider the situation and summarize the lessons of failure to get the right path, they will be the wise and capable winning through fighting against fate.

Time Period of Chen: 07:00-09:00

Generally, Oxen born in Chen Period/Dragon Time (07:00AM - 09:00AM) will torture with their love in marriage and have bad luck when it comes to the personal marriage. With bad luck throughout the life, they will find it hard to do everything. Despite the comfortable life, they will not have a lot of savings. They are suggested to find someone with a compatible rather than incompatible or conflict animal sign to get married. As for house, they should make the front door east-facing to drive out evil spirit. As long as they can meet the above two requirements, they will have no big trouble even if born in the poor date and time.

Time Period of Si: 09:00-11:00

Ox people born in Si Period/Snake Time (09:00AM - 11:00AM) will live a comfortable life and have a successful official career, thus blessed both in wealth and rank. If they are born in an auspicious date, they will enjoy even more glory but often be jealous of and slandered by someone behind. Fortunately, they are blessed and won't be declassed from the rumor and slander. They are suggested to cultivate the mind, guard against arrogance and develop an approachable style to unite friends and eliminate the criticism.

Time Period of Wu: 11:00-13:00

Oxen born in Wu Period/Horse Time (11:00AM - 01:00PM) are born with the unfavorable luck with the opposite sex and they may divorce, both for men and women. Male Oxen tend to have many love affairs while females tend to have an extramarital affair. Therefore, it is common for them to get a divorce out of the immoral behaviors and unfaithfulness to love.

Time Period of Wei: 13:00-15:00

Ox people born in Wei Period/Sheep Time (01:00PM - 03:00PM) will encounter many twists and turns. Fortunately, males will marry the virtuous while females will marry the understanding and reasonable. They don't need to be depressed for the poor birth time. As an ancient Chinese saying goes, man can conquer nature. As long as they seize the moment and work hard, they can also make a glorious future.

Time Period of Shen: 15:00-17:00 (Good)

Oxen born in Shen Period/Monkey Time (03:00PM - 05:00PM) will enjoy endless happiness because they can always turn ill luck into good under the blessing of the auspicious star 'Zi Wei' (紫薇). In terms of career, they can always get help and support from someone else and everything will go as they wish. They will keep being promoted to a higher position in the officialdom and get pouring profits in business. In later years, they will be in extremely good fortune and have a prosperous family. Therefore, they are the outstanding with both wealth and rank.

Time Period of You: 17:00-19:00

For Oxen born in You Period/Rooster Time (05:00PM - 07:00PM), it will be hard to make a fortune or accumulate wealth. They are ambitious and tend to have many ups and downs in life. They are suggested to beware of dog bite and injury from fall. Before making analytic demonstration on every act, they should not take a big action, or they will lose money for no clear reason.

Time Period of Xu: 19:00-21:00 (Good)

Ox people born in Xu Period/Dog Time (07:00PM - 09:00PM) are tenacious, optimistic and cheerful. They can make money and get help from others everywhere, so they have no need to worry about life and everything will go well with them. They tend to accomplish something in a place far away from home. However, they are prone to disputes which would not hinder their bright future. They are suggested to be prudent in words and deeds and think carefully before act.

Time Period of Hai: 21:00-23:00

Oxen born in Hai Period/Pig Time (09:00PM - 11:00PM) will have unique skills and leave the hometown to accomplish something. In general, they tend to have a weak relationship with relatives and don't care much about family happiness, not to mention hometown. As a result, most of them will die in a place other than hometown.

Lastest Questions and Answers

Residence Relocation (1 Reply ) Asked by M***e

I am a Water Ox. We are planning relocate to a new home in December. What would be the the auspicious time date to relocate based on my birth sign?

zodiac-ox (5 Replies ) Asked by a***o

Born in july 31 1997 lunar date 27 june Your predict according to month says toil hard in youth what age range of youth according to you also tell me some more things about me time of birth 6:57 converting to chinese time it 9:27 also my health goes bad most of time already suffering from brain paralysis

Auspicious and inauspicious day (0 Reply ) Asked by a***o

On 9 july it was a horse day so how can it be auspicious day for ox and on coming 12 july it is a rooster day how it can be bad day for rooster being ox and rooster best match according to you moreover why change of date in your calendar occur in evening of every day or tell me if i am wrong .In destiny according to birth time also you say ox born in rooster time is bad for your destiny while born in dog time is more good

Destiny by birth time (1 Reply ) Asked by A***T

Hello, can you help me calculate the Destiny by birth time for 8:42pmGMT to the time to calculate birth time for a pig. Also can you convert for 7:29am GMT time for the ox.

Birth Destiny (0 Reply ) Asked by A***T

My child is born on May 26, 2007 at 12:49p.m. Is the pig birth destiny by time based on Lunar time or Gregorian time? She is born at 12:49 pm Gregorian time but I don’t know what time it is on the lunar calendar? Can you tell me what time 12:49 pm is on the lunar calendar and what is her birth destiny at that time? Also, my niece is born on February 22, 2009 at 11:12 am in the year of ox based on the Gregorian calendar? What is her fortune and can you also convert the birth time to lunar calendar and tell me her birth destiny at 11:12 am.