2018 Feng Shui Flying Stars
Detailed Analysis of Flying Star Chart for 2018

→ 2019 Feng Shui Flying Stars
Central Palace: Celebration (Nine Purple Star)
Nine Purple (九紫) is a celebration star which symbolizes all kinds of festive and auspicious things. Since Nine Purple flies to the Central Palace, the proper Feng Shui layout at this direction will bring festive and auspicious things to your family, such as wedding, baby birth, promotion, entering a higher school and commendation. Once you make the direction clean and tidy, ventilated and light-filled, happy things will come to your family, especially the hostess in succession. The force of Nine Purple can be strengthened with soil cultivated plants since it belongs to fire in five elements. During this year, you may place purple, red and green items or a long-lighted red lantern in the center of your house to strengthen the force. Blue, black and grey items shall be avoided at this position.
North: Misfortune (Five Yellow Star)
The inauspicious star Five Yellow (五黄) will fly to due north which belongs to water in five elements while the star belongs to earth and is the most inauspicious star in charge of disaster, misfortune, accidental injury and bleeding. Therefore, you should never sneeze at it and due north will be the most inauspicious direction. If your door, window, seat, bed, or stove is at the due north of your house, you will be prone to accidental misfortunes, bleeding and disputes and should be extra careful. Since the direction is to keep static rather than dynamic, you'd better not break ground or place red and yellow items at the direction. If your front door, bedroom or kitchen is located at due north, you may lay a grey or white carpet to solve the problem.
South: Education (Four Green Star)
Four Green (四绿), also the Wenqu (文曲) Star, will fly to due south which belongs to fire in five elements while the star itself belongs to wood and is good for study, scholarly honor, literary talent, popularity and good luck in love affairs when auspicious, yet brings unfavorable love affairs and depression when inauspicious. The improper Feng Shui layout at due south will lead to mind chaos, distraction, poor interpersonal relationship and unfavorable love affairs. Four Green can improve the luck in study, thus very favorable to those families with students. If the desk or bed of a student is placed at the due south, the learning efficiency will be improved, especially for you hosts of family. The evergreen plants at due south can strengthen the Feng Shui of Wenchang (文昌) Star, or you may place a green Wenchang Pagoda decoration of peach wood to better strengthen its force.
West: Sickness (Two Black Star)
Two Black (二黑) will fly to due west which belongs to metal in five elements. The star itself belongs to earth and ranks second in the inauspicious stars of Eight Luck (八运, a cycle from 2004 to 2023), mainly in charge of illness, pain, and accidental disaster. Since earth and metal generate each other in 2018, the adverse effect of Two Black will be reduced yet still not to be neglected. The improper layout of Feng Shui at this direction will cause illness and misfortune to your family. If the seat, bed or stove is at the due west of your house, you will go to hospital more frequently in 2018. Pay close attention to the health of you and your family. Do not stack sundries and garbage at due west and keep it tidy and clean. If you have air conditioning, fan or window at the due west of your house, the morbid Qi will be blown into your house. Avoid red or yellow items at this direction. If your front door, bedroom or kitchen is at the due west, you may lay a grey or white carpet to solve the problem.
East: Robbery (Seven Red Star)
Seven Red (七赤), also known as Pojun (破军) Star, will fly to due east which belongs to wood in five elements. The star belongs to metal and is changeable in Eight Luck, sometimes inauspicious and sometimes auspicious, thus should generate rather than control. Seven Red is also a star of declined luck and symbolizes loss, dispute, booze and women, and affair. Meanwhile, it is in charge of fast luck and beneficial to art, entertainment and other unpopular professions. Since wood and metal are in inter-restriction during this year, Seven Red will lead to financial losses or disaster caused by wealth. The improper Feng Shui layout at this direction will bring declined luck, career obstacles, false charge of villains, or unfavorable love affair. If you have door, window, seat or bed at the due east of your house, you should notice that your family may visit a place of carnal pleasure while females may have a love affair. If your front door, bedroom or kitchen is at the due east, you may place a black or blue carpet at the entrance to solve the problem. Pay attention to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems if you sleep at the direction for a long time.
Northwest: Romance (One White Star)
One White (一白), also known as Tanlang (贪狼) Star, will fly to northwest which belongs to metal in 2018. The star belongs to water in five elements and is one of the three auspicious stars in Eight Luck, mainly in charge of people's career, fame, marriage and relation with others. One White is most auspicious to the unmarried - it helps you to find new opportunities and increases your enthusiasm for love. Since metal and water are in inter-generation during 2018, the star will significantly improve your interpersonal relationship and luck with opposite sex. The improper layout of Feng Shui at this direction will make you like an insular fortress, cause a recession and dissipate your family fortune with debauchery. For you engaged in sales or dealing with people, the northwest of your house shall be arranged properly to strengthen its force and contribute to performance improvement and interpersonal harmony. For those under Ox, Dog, Rooster and Dragon signs in conflict with Tai Sui, however, northwest is where the Tai Sui located and this direction shall be avoided, or your career prospect and luck for health and wealth will affected.
Northeast: Quarrelsome (Three Blue Star)
Three Blue (三碧) will fly to northeast. It is a quarrelsome star belonging to wood in five elements and may lead to lawsuit, dispute, quarrel and theft. If the Feng Shui layout at this direction is improper, your family will fail to keep on good terms, so you should beware of it. Since northeast belongs to earth in five elements, the star will be in inter-restriction with the direction, and further intensify the disputes. If your child's bed or desk is at northeast, you should beware of accidents. To avoid stimulating the star, you should not place green and blue plants or items belonging to wood at the northeast of your house; also, do not keep fishes at this direction because water and wood are inter-generating and will strengthen the force of Three Blue. In addition, do not break ground or decorate at this direction. If your front door, bedroom or office is at this direction, you may place a red or purple blanket at the entrance to solve the problem.
Southwest: Power and Promotion (Six White Star)
Six White (六白), also Wuqu (武曲) Star, will fly to southwest in 2018 and it is an auspicious star good for promotion, wealth, help from others, travel faraway, immigration or job transfer. If you live at this direction, you will be more likely to benefit from the auspicious Qi field. However, do not place red items at southwest of your house, or Six White belonging to metal will be restricted by fire and its auspicious meaning will be destroyed. If your front door, bedroom or kitchen is at southwest, you may place a yellow or brown blanket at the entrance to strengthen its force.
Southeast: Prosperity (Eight White Star)
Eight White (八白), a prosperous star in charge of wealth, will fly to southeast and it is very good for wealth. Therefore, southeast will be quite a good direction to have a door, window, seat, bed or stove. Do not put sundries at this direction of your house, or fish tank and other items belonging to water in five elements; otherwise, your wealth will be affected. If your front door, bedroom or office is at southeast, you may place a red or purple blanket at the entrance to strengthen its force. Eight White belongs to earth in five elements and earth can generate metal, so the items belonging to metal at this direction can improve your luck for wealth and bring you plentiful incomes.
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→ 2020 Feng Shui Flying Stars
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→ 2020 Feng Shui Flying Stars
Lastest Questions and Answers
Auspicious Wedding Date (1 Reply ) Asked by S***e
My fiance was born on Mar 8, 1986 while I was born on Aug 9, 1977. Feng shui tells that Tiger is my worst match. But we've been together since Nov 2009 and now we need to get married since he needs to relocate in US for work, and he wants to bring me there, too. Im confused as to when we should really decide to get married in January 2019, because he needs to fly in US not later than January 2019. Given all the availability of the catholic church, friends from abroad and his brother also getting married in Dec 21, 2018, we are picking Jan 7, 2019 as the most feasible date for our church wedding. Pls advise if we can push thru our wedding safely (feng shui wise) on Jan 7 or other auspicious dates in Jan 2019 based on our signs. Thank you!
Please help me (3 Replies ) Asked by n***o
Dear sir Could you help me to explain Chinese Feng Shui Direction. When I follow your introduction and practice by your formula,some DOB is not correct please show me how to calculate "Kua" the both (Female and Male) all this DOB is before Chinese New Years (Jan/01/2000, Jan/02/2018, Jan/03/2009) and all this DOB is after Chinese New Years (Sep/07/2000, July/04/2009, Aug/06/2018). This is my practice DOB is Jan/01/2000 .00=0 .this DOB is before the Chinese New Year: 10-1=9 .9-0=9, 9 is Kua but I think not correct. one more DOB is Sep/07/2000 .00=0 .this DOB is after the Chinese New Year .10-0=1+0=1 Kua is 1 Please help me to explain When we get Kua number is best Direction for point but when we point using the compass correct. please tell me how to check good compass. thank you for explain me. Best regards, Naro