2024 Feng Shui Flying Stars

The Nine Flying Star is one of the traditional Feng Shui theories, which divides each year into nine palaces. Each palace represents a different type of fortune. According to the Nine Flying Star theory, everyone will be affected by the same palace in the same year. 2024 to 2043 belongs to the Period 9  (九运, Jiu Yun) in Feng Shui, and the year Jia Chen 2024 is the first year of Period 9. The Nine Purple Star will control the following twenty years. Understanding 2024 flying star chart now to help you make informed decisions about how to arrange your home or office to improve the flow of Qi energy.

East: One White Star

The One White Star will fly to the east, which is the position of luck in romance and relationship in 2024. In 2024, the One White Star is the prevailing lucky star for vitality, and the location it arrives at is an auspicious direction. The One White Star represents popularity, relationship, affection, romance luck and the wealth luck in sideline sources. If it is made good use of, the luck in love and relationship, the fortune in obtaining favor from patrons and popularity fortune can be enhanced.
If the location for good fortune in romance and relationship is occupied by kitchen, toilet or bathroom, it will get the location of good luck in romance stained. The couple’s bedroom should also not be located in the position of good luck in romance and relationship. Although the position of good luck in romance and relationship determines the harmony of relationship between husband and wife, if the couple’s bedroom is situated in the position of good luck in romance and relationship, it will not only do any good to the improvement of the emotional relationship, but also incur the luck in unwanted romance and affairs, resulting in the breakup of the spousal relationship.
Feng Shui Cures: 1. Do not pile up clutter and garbage in the east, and keep the environment in this corner clean. 2. Placing the Qilin(Kylin/unicorn) ornaments in this position could help improve performance in career and harmony in interpersonal relationships. 3. Wanting to find someone you like? Just place a photo of your favorite celebrity on the romance-lucky position at home and put a lucky Feng Shui mascot, then your luck in romance and relationship will proper soon.

Southeast: Two Black Star

The Two Black Star will fly to the southeast. In normal,it is a symbol of disease according to the Feng Shui. But in 2024, the Two Black Star is not a symbol of illness, it represents a respected position and the ability to achieve hegemony. But the Two Black Star belongs to earth, and the Xun Palace belongs to wood. The star and palace are in conflict with each other (wood overcomes earth) which is very inauspicious. So, people living in the residence with a seat, bed, or stove located in the sickness position will have more chance to get ill.
Feng Shui Cures: Do not pile up sundries, debris, garbage in the direction of southeast, and keep it clean and tidy. If the front door, bedroom, kitchen, etc. happen to locate in the southeast, place copper coins under the doormat to resolve the problem.

Central Palace: Three Blue Star

The Three Blue Star will fly to the central palace, which is the location for disputes and villains according to Feng Shui in 2024. The Three Blue Star rules the luck in disputes, official disaster, competition, contradiction, strife and quarrels.
Feng Shui Cures: This year, you should not break ground or make decorations in the central palace of your home, and green color, blue color or green plants should also be avoided. If the front door, bedroom and office are all in this location, you can place a red or purple carpet at the door to help solve the problem.

Northwest: Four Green Star

The Four Green Star will fly to northwest, which is the Wenchang Direction (direction of Wenchang Star) according to Feng Shui (the Chinese Geomancy) in 2024. The Four Green Star represents good luck and prosperity in learning, culture, official status and career but in 2014 Four Green is not auspicious. It’s a Peach Blossom Catastrophe Star and will cause troubles such as right and wrong, drunkenness and lust.
Feng Shui Cures: Four evergreen plants should be placed in northwest. Place Wenchang Pagoda on the desk, which will have a better effect on the prosperity of Wenchang Feng Shui. This year, it is not advisable to break ground at the location of northwest, and it is also not advisable to place red or yellow objects in the area.

West: Five Yellow Star

The Five Yellow Star will fly to the west direction in 2024. The Five Yellow Star is the most ominous star, representing bad luck, accidents, illness, injury, death and other bad things. So, west is an inauspicious direction in 2024.  If the direction and orientation of the door, bedroom, sofa, stove etc. fall exactly in west, it may cause unexpected disasters in 2024. So you need to be extra careful. It is not suitable to break ground at the five-yellow position, and it is not suitable to place red or yellow items in west.
Feng Shui Cures: In 2024, the Five Emperors’ Money (bronze coins) can be placed in west at home to drive away the evil spirits of the Five Yellow Star, safeguard your home in peace and harmony, convert difficulties into good fortune and auspiciousness.

Northeast: Six White Star

The Six White Star will fly to the northeast. It is a wealth star. Together with One White Star and Eight White Star, they are called the three major wealth stars. When the Six White Star is in command, population will be boom and wealth will be prosperous. Otherwise, (when the star and palace are in conflict with each other), it is a loss of wealth star and the family will be reduced to poverty and ruin. In 2024, the Six White Star is not in command. It’s an inauspicious star. 
Feng Shui Cures: Pi Xiu (a mythical animal in Chinese culture) can be placed in northeast of home to ward off evil spirits so that the wealth fortune will be stable and smooth. 

South: Seven Red Star

The Seven Red Star will fly to south direction in 2024, which is the location of bad wealth luck in Feng Shui. The Seven Red Star represents the events of ruin, loss, gossip, drunkenness, affairs and scandal. It also represents fire danger, and physical breathing and lung problems.
Feng Shui Cures:  It is not advisable to pile up all kinds of sundries in the south of the house, and it is not advisable to place dangerous objects in south such as swords to avoid causing accidents, illnesses or disasters in the family. 

North: Eight White Star

When the Eight White Star is in command, people will have good fortune and fame. When this star loses (when the star and palace are in conflict with each other), it means loss of wealth and justice, prevalent plague in an instant. In 2014,the star and palace are in conflict with each other, so, it’s half auspicious and half unlucky.
Feng Shui Cures: Place the portrait of the God of Wealth in the north position, or place money tree and other lucky Feng Shui mascots, which can enhance the auspiciousness of the star.

Southwest: Nine Purple Star

The Nine Purple Star will fly to southwest, which is the position for happiness and joy (which can also be viewed as the lucky direction for romance fortune). The Nine Purple Star is lucky star for vitality and also a festive star, representing a variety of happy events, marriage, relationships. If the direction and position of happiness is well arranged, more happy events will come to the family this year, and more such happy events as marriage, popularity, engagement, breeding of children and recognition will occur.
Feng Shui Cures: Place the Qilin (Kylin/unicorn) ornaments at southwest to boost the auspicious effect of the Nine Purple Star. Improving the lighting in southwest area and placing a red carpet will have the effect of promoting Feng Shui.

Related Reading:
→ Feng Shui Flying Star Chart Basics
→ Feng Shui Flying Star Cures 2024

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