Too Much White In The Eyes

Physiognomy believes that normally, the iris shall be larger than the white sclera and the iris should be bounded by sclera on two sides (Two-Whites) at the same time the white sclera is not visible above or below the iris. If the white sclera is larger than the iris, it indicates disputes and dangerous situations in life and obstacles in love and marriage for women. In general, this kind of people is overbearing and lack of necessary warmth and love; men of this kind are generally male chauvinists.

One-White Eyes: If the iris is too close to the inner corner of the eyes, leaving too much white on the canthus side that’s called One-White Eyes. The parents of this kind of people usually separate when he/she is young. If the two eyes both like this, that’s called crossed eyes. This kind of people usually has a poor health condition, suffers too much illness during the late age and couldn’t live long. In life, he/she is narrow-minded, doesn’t know cooperation and endurance, and like to fight with others.

Sanpaku Eyes (Three Whites): If the sclera is visible above or beneath the iris, making the iris bounded by sclera on three sides, it is called Sanpaku Eyes or Three Whites Eyes. There are two kinds of Three Whites Eyes: Upper-Three Whites (sclera is above the iris) and Lower Three-Whites (sclera is beneath the iris). The latter is most seen. Looking terrifying, this kind of people is usually adventurous, cool, cunning, and venomous. They have a strong personality, would like to sacrifice anything to gain the aim. So, many of them have a great achievement in society. Better don’t challenge this kind person because he is touchy, violent and suspicious.

Four-Whites Eyes: If the sclera is visible both above and beneath the iris, making the iris bounded by sclera on four sides, that is Four-Whites Eyes. Compared with the people of Sanpaku Eyes, the Four-Whites Eyes’ people have much stronger personality and more destructive and vindictive. They are cruel and poisonous, at the same time rather difficult to approach.

Lastest Questions and Answers

Dream of white tiger (1 Reply ) Asked by A***a

I saw this dream where o was looking for my younger brother. He was playing with bunch of kids; all kids were playing in dangerous place. If the get into a tunnel and follow a path, they will reach a big white snowy mountain on top of hill. And there is a big cave in the shape of a big white tiger. Also the tiger living inside is giant and white. I found my brother and was about to leave, as i thought my task is done. Then other two little kids went inside nit listening to anyone towards the tiger’s cave. I was about to leave thinking its nine of my business, but i couldn’t. I felt incomplete . I felt, i have to go there and help them and that is my purpose. Till I thought that kids were already on their way. I jumped inside the tunnel and ran behind them to call them and say not to call the tiger, or else it will kill you. I was running behind but by the time i reach there they knocked the tigers cave already. This was huge cave, with sclupture of white tiger. Until the tiger open the door, I quickly explained them that they have yo understand and get out of there with me. They agreed.and I hide them other part of door that leaded inside the cave. The tiger opened the door, and couldnt see us. Then he closed the door, bu that time the kids were turned into mice, with magical voice that was guiding me since the beginning the voice coming from somewhere ttop. They turned ito mice so that they could run fast. We all run togethr, back to home but the tiger found the smell of mice and now started chasing us. However, we could come out of tunnel which was our world, and inside the tunnel was the territory of white tiger. But, the tiger came out into our world. This made me and my one friend freak out so we started running towards my house. All these was non stop. Then again the voice said, if the tiger comes out his territory chasing you he wot be as strong adn he cant harm you if you run 50 miles away. However the diastance to my house was just 45 miles. 5 miles less to make this tiger weaker. But as soon as the tiger entered our house he turned into black cat with red eyes. He was still trying to eat us. All we need to do was give him some meat, and he would turn into a less strong animal and go back to his place. Here my friend denied to give him this beautiful oiece if meat as she had ti fulfil order of a client. I asked her but she refused, knowing we both could die. I thought she is very selfish ,greedy and stupid as she can risk her life for piece of meat to client and money. We both were in the ceiling jumping from one wall to another, the cat was also coming up as it could climb the wall. The room was actually full of meat in ceiling as it was my friends shop. I threw a big piece of rare and red meat , it fell down into a bowl of water and the cat started eating it very dangerously. Soon the black cat ( white tiger converted in black cat with red eyes, as it was loosing power in our territory, but still could kill us if change itself into cat) turned into a normal grey cat now. After finishing eating meat it looked me back deep in my eyes and left and went back ti its own territory. Under the tunnel, the white tigers territory. But i didnt see the normal cat changing into white tiger again. After itvwas all over, I could save many lives. I realised i fight my insecurities and defeated the situation and did what i was afraid to do, coz i thought i was meant to do or born to do aomething extra ordinary.

Dream from 3 years ago and I still remember it (1 Reply ) Asked by G***e

This one dream from 3 years ago, has been bothering me till this day. The dream started with me dreaming at this very bright vast place. It was pure white everywhere that’s why it was bright to me. There was angel, I don’t remember much how she looked like but before I did. She showed me this guy with black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. He had very broad shoulders and a sharp jawline and thin lips not too thin though, and medium sized eyebrows, and a big forehead and head. He was taller than me and I saw myself kissing him. And that other me opened it’s eyes to take a look at the guy, and he was looking at me with peireced eyes and he had this powerful aura but I wasn’t sure if it was bad but powerful aura, kind of. that’s all I can remember about that guy. He also head leather jacket and black jeans and white shirt. Also, I was reading stories about guys like that who dressed up like that and looked like that on a this app called wattpad, full of imaginary stories, and it was probably after 1 or two months the dream happened after reading those stories. The thing is that me had glasses on when I kissed him but when I was looking at myself and that guy, I had no glasses on. It felt a like a whole another dimension and I still remember how that feels, kind of. The angel said he will let me feel everything I wanted. I couldn’t understand that, and I saw Maya Durga ( a good of Hinduism) but it wasn’t actually her face, just the picture one is Hindus see usually when praying. She was trying to say something and had a worried look on her face before leaving. And then I looked at her and thought about that guy in that dream and then he dream ended and I woke up. It felt unreal of course because I didn’t believe it was real at first but Maa Dura our God for us Hindus was in it so how couldn’t I? 3 years later, I still remember and I keep having doubts about it whether the dream was real or not and the real message of this. Or am I just too invested in solving this and solving who the guy is, because ever since then, I have been searching for him. And I can’t find him even through the celebrity world. Please help me and a better understanding of this and what should I do and what all of this means? Pleas reply back quickly. Also I reposted this because I forgot to include some important details. So it would be best if someone could re read this and help me out. Thanks

This one dream from 3 years ago has been bothering me up till now. (0 Reply ) Asked by G***e

This one dream from 3 years ago, has been bothering me till this day. The dream started with me dreaming at this very bright vast place. It was pure white everywhere that’s why it was bright to me. There was angel, I don’t remember much how she looked like but before I did. She showed me this guy with black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. He had very broad shoulders and a sharp jawline and thin lips not too thin though, and medium sized eyebrows, and a big forehead and head. He was taller than me and I saw myself kissing him. And that other me opened it’s eyes to take a look at the guy, and he was looking at me with peireced eyes and he had this powerful aura but I wasn’t sure if it was bad but powerful aura, kind of. that’s all I can remember about that guy. The thing is that me had glasses on when I kissed him but when I was looking at myself and that guy, I had no glasses on. It felt a like a whole another dimension and I still remember how that feels, kind of. The angel said he will let me feel everything I wanted. I couldn’t understand that, and I saw Maya Durga ( a good of Hinduism) but it wasn’t actually her face, just the picture one is Hindus see usually when praying. She was trying to say something and had a worried look on her face before leaving. And then I looked at her and thought about that guy in that dream and then he dream ended and I woke up. It felt unreal of course because I didn’t believe it was real at first but Maa Dura our God for us Hindus was in it so how couldn’t I? 3 years later, I still remember and I keep having doubts about it whether the dream was real or not and the real message of this. Or am I just too invested in solving this and solving who the guy is, because ever since then, I have been searching for him. And I can’t find him even through the celebrity world. Please help me and a better understanding of this and what should I do and what all of this means? Pleas reply back quickly. Thanks

Blood (1 Reply ) Asked by M***1

I dreamt I was in a room where someone was killing woman. It was an amazing amount of blood as if they were drained. Then they were placed in what looked like a white tub. Then the blood would would take them, and I'll I could see was black hair. Eyes closed so peacefully placed, and painted in their blood. It was such a beautiful red substance, so thick as it was surrounding them. I could smell it as I watched him slit their throats. I.often dream of murder,but this nightmare has,had me stumped. It has taken over my thoughts throughout the day.

Standing with a white tiger (0 Reply ) Asked by b***n

i had a dream a few months back around july 2016 and i keep thinking about and wondering what it means. in this dream, which didn't seem long or that i was being physical, i was standing at the edge of a rain forrest or something there in the likes of and beside me was sitting in a calm collective, warm sense of comfort, a large white tiger. i was not in fear of him nor was he in fear of me. we seem to understand one another yet i was over come with a great maybe even an extreme sadness because i was saying goodbye to me dog, who is pretty healthy as far as last check up is concerned. but he, my dog, was walking away from me, i tried to call him but he kept going. i want to say that he might have looked back once but not for a long time if he had looked back. he just kept walking till i couldn't see him and more. once he disappear the heaviness was lifted, but not completely. i was still very sad, but somehow was ok with it and knew i will have to completely let go of my dog and the sadness. but all this time the tiger with bright blue gray eyes kept looking up at me reassuring my feelings it seemed. i remember turning to the tiger saying something, but i not exactly sure what i said to him now. but soon after i said something to this tiger, we continued on whatever journey we were on and it seem like we had been on this journey for a while, a long while, because i felt he and i both knew there was more to go, wherever we were trying to get to on this journey. plus it seem like he had also been carrying some personal still like a water jug and maybe a tent or some sort for housing, on and this whole time i have in my left hand either a long wood spear or wooden staff with just leather wrapped in the middle of it i'm guessing just extra cushion for the placement of my hand. i am pretty sure it was more of a spear than just a staff. and then i awoke, with a feeling of understanding, peace, confusion and a bit of sadness, but over all somehow gracious.