1940, 2000 Chinese Zodiac – Metal Dragon

Years of the Metal Dragon

People born in the year of 1940 (Feb. 09, 1940 - Jan. 26, 1941) or 2000 (Feb. 05, 2000 - Jan. 23, 2001) which is Geng Chen Year are members of the Metal Dragon. For those born before Feb. 09, 1940 or Feb. 05, 2000, they belong to the zodiac animal of Earth Rabbit.

Personality and Horoscope for the Metal Dragon

The metal dragons born in 1940 or 2000 are outspoken, simple and natural in personality. Their emotions often change rapidly and they always change ideas which make them remain something of an enigma to others. They are ambitious with many creative and constructive ideas. But when they carry them out, they will be in a dilemma and don’t know where to start. Therefore, to them, only go through the mill and act sure-footedly could make sure to get some achievements.

The first impression of the metal dragons is usually not good which really stacks the cards against them. So, they need to treasure more about the friends who learn and could understand them. Besides, they have a strong desire to show off thus they are easy to be excluded from a group. So, they need to change the attitude of showing off on everything and try to be conservative and prudent.

The metal dragons usually hope everything in peace and there are usually some happy events happed in their families. However, the elders in their family usually have poor health conditions and are easy to get some minor illnesses. These require them to be filial and care more about the elders.

As for love aspect, the metal dragons are affectionate persons who intend to show kindness and love at every place. Sometimes, they like to flatter themselves and think someone love them so much.

In life, they are usually bon vivant who likes to live extravagantly. They have an excessive need for good things which make them inclined to be lazy under the good care of others. While, they are not really lazy in real, they could afford those very hard works and finish carefully.

The wealth fortune for the metal dragons is usually smooth. They have the ability of earning a lot of money within a very short time. The chances of getting extra money are many which require them to grasp carefully and avoid being too greedy.
Personalities and Future Predictions for the Dragon of Other Elements:
Fire Dragon: 1976 (Jan. 31, 1976 - Feb. 17, 1977)
Wood Dragon: 1964 (Feb. 13, 1964 - Feb. 01, 1965)
Water Dragon: 1952 (Jan. 27, 1952 - Feb. 13, 1953) or 2012 (Jan. 23, 2012 - Feb. 09, 2013)
Earth Dragon: 1928 (Jan. 23, 1928 - Feb. 09, 1929) or 1988 (Feb. 17, 1988 - Feb. 05, 1989)

Also get to know:
Chinese Zodiac - Dragon 2025 Monthly Horoscope Forecast for the Dragons Metal-type People in Chinese Astrology

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