1976 Chinese Zodiac – Fire Dragon

Year of the Fire Dragon

People born in the year of 1976 (Jan. 31, 1976 - Feb. 17, 1977) which is Bing Chen Year are members of the Fire Dragon. For those born before Jan. 31, 1976, they belong to the zodiac animal of Wood Rabbit.

Personality and Horoscope for the Fire Dragon

The fire dragons born in 1976 no matter male or female all own clear-cut faces which make them easy to be liked by the others. Therefore, they usually enjoy a good luck in love. In talent, they don’t belong to the amazingly intelligent type. However, they have a special ability which enables them to get success easily. That’s to make full use of the environment and opportunity to do things or accomplish goals with the help of the right person. They know well about how to act according to circumstances, so always leave an unreliable, changeable or fickle impression to others.

In character, the fire dragons are popular among others and good at enlarging their social circles. However, they are easy to believe others and not good at hiding their motives. They like to say about their wishes or needs frankly to friends. So, they are easy to be betrayed or fall in other’s dark schemes and tricks. They may find their best friends have seized their place when they are making great effort to get a promotion by using right means. So, they need to be more cautious and careful when doing things instead of too outspoken to others including the friends.

In terms of health, the fire dragons are seldom to suffer from serious diseases in the whole life. But, they need to change some bad habits in daily life especially some unreasonable eating habits.

In love or family relationship, the fire dragons are easy to have disagreements or trouble with their partner or family members due to their ill temper. So, they need to always control their temper in order to live harmoniously.

Most of the fire dragons are born poor. Although their youth time is usually hard, they have big dreams and plans. With their hard work, they will become rich in the future. The good wealth fortune usually goes to them rapidly, and they are suggested to do large investment when opportunities come. However, they are not good at managing money.

Personalities and Future Predictions for the Dragon of Other Elements:
Wood Dragon: 1964 (Feb. 13, 1964 - Feb. 01, 1965)
Water Dragon: 1952 (Jan. 27, 1952 - Feb. 13, 1953) or 2012 (Jan. 23, 2012 - Feb. 09, 2013)
Metal Dragon: 1940 (Feb. 09, 1940 - Jan. 26, 1941) or 2000 (Feb. 05, 2000 - Jan. 23, 2001)
Earth Dragon: 1928 (Jan. 23, 1928 - Feb. 09, 1929) or 1988 (Feb. 17, 1988 - Feb. 05, 1989)

Also get to know:
Fire-type People in Chinese Astrology Chinese Zodiac - Dragon 2024 Horoscope Forecast for the Dragons Born in 1976 2024 Monthly Horoscope Forecast for the Dragons

Lastest Questions and Answers

Best day to commence a new job (1 Reply ) Asked by C***y

Hi, I am born on 26 April 1976 (Dragon). Could you please tell me what is the most auspicious/best day to start a new job around mid-September 2021. Thank you.

Woman born on 1st May 1976 - know who is her best Husband match (1 Reply ) Asked by M***i

I am a Taurus, Dragon fire. I have heard that I should mainly look for a Rat, which element, if I am fire? and if I find a Monkey? which element is the best for me? and if it is a Rooster, which element is the best? I would prefer people older than me, and we both to be also professionally successful. I have a daughter (born Cancer, Snake, on 2013) and a son (Monkey, wood, on 2005). your comments please. Many thanks in advance!

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What year and age will I marry ? I am a Dragon my birth date is May 28 1976

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I was. Planning to. Build a new. Home this coming march. When. Is. The lucky day to star? I was born on may 24 1976..year of the dragon