Who is Your Life Partner by Palmistry?

Who is Your Life Partner by Palmistry?

Palmistry tells your destiny through the shape and combination of lines on your palms. You can know about your future partner through a few pretty simple ways below.

Put your two palms together and see the position of heart lines on both palms.

Left Heart Line Higher Than the Right
If the heart line on your left palm is higher than the right, you may fall in love with the one younger than you or the one from another country. You are fairly independent and purposeful, and often overcome difficulties easily.

Heart Lines at the Same Position
If the heart lines on your both palms are at the same position, it means you are calm and reasonable, and dislike any sharp turns in life. Also, you are wise, gentle and very likely to fall in love with a friend around.

Right Heart Line Higher Than the Left
If the heart line on your right palm is higher than the left, you may find a life partner who is older than you. You are good at dealing with love and romance, have an accurate sixth sense and seldom make mistakes.

More Ways:
Sun line and marriage line intersect and the marriage line is long enough: your life partner has better luck for wealth and earning power than you.
Perhaps your life partner is of humble family and suffers in youth but has better luck in middle age. Marrying such a person, you will have good luck for wealth in the future.

Sun line is close to or overlaps with the fate line: your life partner has better career than you.
If you want to know whether your life partner is promising, you can read the sun line and fate line on your palm. If the sun line is close to or overlaps with the fate line, it means your life partner will be talented for leader and big potato, have extraordinary skills, can command the subordinates and play the central role in the overall situation.

Ring of Solomon at the bottom of forefinger or slightly upward marriage line: marry the handsome or the beautiful.
If you have the Ring of Solomon or slightly upward marriage line, it means you deeply care about the appearance of your life partner. Therefore, the one your love must be beautiful or handsome.

Know About the Future of You and Your Love from Palm Reading

Sacrifice for Your Love
If your heart line goes downward at the end, it means your partner will have an affair or your relationship will be intervened by a third party before or in marriage. You may sacrifice for them.

Possible Accident
From the Mars Line that is located within the life line, there is a line goes outward and crosses the life line, which is called the accident line. Since the life line is divided into ages, the position of accident line indicates the age you will take up arms for your partner, which may lead to bleeding though no death.

Live in Peace
The line beside the fate line is called influence line. If the line is imperfect or has an island and crosses the fate line, it means your partner will have an affair but you choose to forgive.

Separate or Divorce
If your marriage line is forked at the end, it means your partner is unfaithful to love and you might be betrayed or cheated; if the marriage line crosses the heart line, it means the illegal love affair of your partner will lead to your divorce.

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