Snake and Snake Love Compatibility Horoscope





You are a wonderful pair.
Your match score is 85%.
You have a tacit understanding of each other. Due to common ideals and concepts, you come together and cooperate wholeheartedly. Both of you are good at independent thinking and analysis, so you won't depend too much upon each other. Thus, you respect your partner's privacy.

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Match

Attitude Towards Love
Active in thinking, levelheaded and wholly responsible, male Snakes are the typical enterprising men. When they meet the loved ones, they would lose the calmness, become flustered and have no idea of how to treat their love well as they are too cautious, serious and afraid they are not good enough. Only with the loved ones can they drop their guard.

Male Snake in Love

Female Snakes, a creature of emotions, value the feeling of being together most. If a Snake woman wants to be with you, you need to offer her a warm and comfortable environment free from too many trifles. At the same time, women born in Snake years are kind, frank, pure and polite, longing for the warm and romantic love and wishing their loved ones can accept them without doing anything else. For them, the most terrible thing is cheating and they hope their men can be sincere and trustworthy.

Female Snake in Love

Snake is regarded to be pliable. Some of the positive characteristics of the people born in the year of the Snake are wise, discreet, agile, attractive and full of sympathy. On the other hand, there is a tendency for them to be lazy, greedy, arrogant and indulging in self-admiration.

Personality Traits for Male Snake

Snake is regarded to be pliable. Some of the positive characteristics of the people born in the year of the Snake are wise, discreet, agile, attractive and full of sympathy. On the other hand, there is a tendency for them to be lazy, greedy, arrogant and indulging in self-admiration.

Personality Traits for Female Snake

Relationship & Love Compatibility
Best Match:Ox, Rooster, Monkey
Avoid:Tiger, Pig

The best companions for the people born in the year of the Snake are the reliable Ox, the dauntless Rooster and clever Monkey. Because the Ox people usually work uncomplainingly and without thought of personal gains or losses, they could cooperate well with the Snake people. Also, the snakes are easy to be attracted by the calm unwavering eyes of the Ox people and follow their advice. The people of the Snake and Rooster signs are both much concerned with their dress and appearance. So, they are easy to have common words. In addition, the Roosters are mostly social swingers knowing how to get along well with the Snake. In terms of the relationship with the Monkey, the Snake could coordinate well with them no matter as a couple or as partners in business.
A Snake can be good friends and cooperate well with those under the animal signs of the Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Horse, Sheep and Dog.

However, the Snake had better to avoid contacting with the challenging Tiger people who don't appreciate the penetrative eyes of the Snake. The Pig couldn't get along well with the snake, as the Snake is mostly sleek and diplomatic while the Pig is honest.
Best Match:Ox, Rooster, Monkey
Avoid:Tiger, Pig

The best companions for the people born in the year of the Snake are the reliable Ox, the dauntless Rooster and clever Monkey. Because the Ox people usually work uncomplainingly and without thought of personal gains or losses, they could cooperate well with the Snake people. Also, the snakes are easy to be attracted by the calm unwavering eyes of the Ox people and follow their advice. The people of the Snake and Rooster signs are both much concerned with their dress and appearance. So, they are easy to have common words. In addition, the Roosters are mostly social swingers knowing how to get along well with the Snake. In terms of the relationship with the Monkey, the Snake could coordinate well with them no matter as a couple or as partners in business.
A Snake can be good friends and cooperate well with those under the animal signs of the Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Horse, Sheep and Dog.

However, the Snake had better to avoid contacting with the challenging Tiger people who don't appreciate the penetrative eyes of the Snake. The Pig couldn't get along well with the snake, as the Snake is mostly sleek and diplomatic while the Pig is honest.
Lucky Numbers
2, 8, 9 2, 8, 9
Lucky Colors
red, light yellow, black red, light yellow, black
Lucky Flowers
orchid, cactus orchid, cactus
Lucky Directions
northeast, southwest, south northeast, southwest, south

Relationship Compatibility for the male Snake:

Relationship Compatibility for the female Snake:

Chinese Horoscope

Select Zodiac
  • RatRat
  • OxOx
  • TigerTiger
  • RabbitRabbit
  • DragonDragon
  • SnakeSnake
  • HorseHorse
  • SheepSheep
  • MonkeyMonkey
  • RoosterRooster
  • DogDog
  • PigPig

2024 Horoscope:

People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Snake may encounter the major opportunities and turning points in some aspects of their lives in 2024. ... [Read More]