Auspicious day for exam (1
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Asked by L***e
Hello! I was born on March 8, 2001 - My zodiac is Xin Si and my Day Master is Geng Wu. I'm going to take the IELTS exam this November 2024, can you please tell what are the auspicious days for my signs, as well as the lucky color to wear during the exam? Thank you.
How to read your calendar and sign specific info (0
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Asked by z***y
Hi, I am a bit baffled by seeing activities say NOTHING in the Auspicious column for a date. Still, under a specific birth zodiac, it says many activities are auspicious. So which one takes precedence? e.g. Jun 16, 2022, it says NONE under Auspicious and Inauspicious, but then under Rabit, many activities are considered auspicious. Also, when a Zodiac sign says BAD for specific hours, does it mean only for that hour? or for the entire day? cos some signs say bad and others say good, and it's not clear if it's for the entire day for that sign. thanks!
Funeral Date and Zodiac Signs (1
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Asked by E***m
Hi I am looking for an auspicious day for my uncle and it looks like November 14th and 15th are good days for a funeral and breaking the ground for a tomb. I am confused by the zodiac sign that clashes... Monkey and Rooster clash but what does this mean? Does this mean they cannot go to the funeral? What can we do to not make it clash? Help!
Auspicious Moving Days (1
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Asked by N***o
Hello, What is the column Evil Direction and does it impact selecting an auspicious moving day? We have the following zodiac signs in the household: dragon and dog. Based on the zodiacs and if I'm reading the chart right, auspicious days are: Nov: 2, 8, 11, 12, 20, 23, 24 26 Can you explain Evil Direction and its impacts if any? Can you confirm those are auspicious days to move? Thanks you so much, NC
auspicious wedding date and time (1
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Asked by S***r
Hello there, Could you please find an auspicious wedding date and time for this young coupe planning to get married on 2022. The lunar zodiac sign of the bride is monkey. She was born on July 31, 1992 at 3:01 pm on western calendar. The lunar zodiac sign of the groom is sheep and was born in western calendar on February 27, 1991 at 5:00 am. Could you please give them a wide options of auspicious wedding dates and time for March, April, May, June since many weddings were being scheduled already. Monkeys, sheep or any lunar zodiac signs should not get marry on the day of their conflict sign. Should this be followed or consider in picking a date? Like for Monkey is conflict with tiger vise versa , Sheep is conflict with ox vise versa and others. Thank you very much. WE appreciate your helps. San