2015 Horoscope for the Sheep
If you were born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, your Chinese zodiac animal is the Sheep (Goat/Ram). You can verify your zodiac sign by using the above 'Find Your Zodiac' tool.
2015 is the Year of the Sheep. So for the Sheep people, 2015 is your Benming Nian (one's year of birth considered in relation to the Twelve Terrestrial Branches). According to Chinese astrology, a year of one's birth sign is unlucky. Click to get a general fortune foretelling for the Sheep people in 2015.
Following are 2015 horoscope predictions for the Sheep born in different years. The prediction is valid for 2015 starting from February 19, 2015 and lasting to February 7, 2016.
Horoscope for the Sheep People born in 1943
The Sheep people born in 1943 may suffer a poor health in 2015. Avoid going out alone in case of suffering any accident. You may make a preparation for surgery if you have suffered a serious disease. Besides, you’d better get a physical examination at the beginning of the year. In daily life, be careful to be cut by knife. If you have time, better to go to temples to pray for blessings.
Horoscope for the Sheep People born in 1955
The Sheep people born in 1955 will have a chequered life in 2015. No matter in career of love relationship, you’ve got to be doubly careful. Dispute in family is inevitable this year. You may also worry too much about your children and grandchildren. While, grandchildren from have grandchildren blessing. Don’t bother yourself to their affaires. Make a good plan at the beginning of the year for your life and work. Learn to hold your tongue to avoid any troubles.
Horoscope for the Sheep People born in 1967
Note: The prediction is for people born between February 9, 1967 and January 29, 1968.
2015 is a good year for the Sheep people born in 1967 to go out for traveling and make yourself a good rest. In terms of financial fortune, be careful with large investment and avoid lending money to others. Look before you leap no matter what you want to do in 2015. For any new plans, you’d better to carry them out next year. When you drive, pay more attention to your safety and especially avoid passersby practicing blackmail to you.
Related Reading: 2016 Horoscope for the Sheep Born in 1967
Horoscope for the Sheep People born in 1979
Note: The prediction is for people born between January 28, 1979 and February 15, 1980.
People born in 1979 are 24 year old in 2015. You are easy to offend Tai Sui who is the legendary God in charge of people's fortune this year. Your feelings will be changeable. A relationship starts suddenly and also may finish soon. Females may get married soon and have a baby. Maintain your love carefully in 2015 especially in July, October and December of Chinese lunar Calendar. Learn to communicate and understand your sweetheart. When meeting things unsatisfactory don’t make the worst of your troubles, confide to your friends or travel to relax is a good way. In March and July, especially drive carefully and avoid any accident.
Related Reading: 2016 Horoscope for the Sheep Born in 1979
Horoscope for the Sheep People born in 1991
Note: The prediction is for people born between February 15, 1991 and February 3, 1992.
The Sheep born in 1991 may meet many blocks at the same time have more new opportunities in 2015. You should make an extra effort to triumph over adversity. Your relationship may have a lot of ups and downs. You may break up with your love and start a new one. For family couples, your quarrel is mainly caused by money. So, you’d better to understand each other to maintain your relationship. In addition, in 2015 try to discover something new to learn that will be a great help for your future.
Related Reading: 2016 Horoscope for the Sheep Born in 1991
Horoscope for the Sheep People born in 2003
The study fortune for the Sheep people born in 2003 is not pretty well. You will find it’s hard to concentrate and impossible to get things done quickly. Thus, you may be average at school. More sleep and rest can keep you a good learning attitude. For relations with your classmates, you are easy to quarrel with them. So, it’s important to be forbearing and conciliatory when get along with others. Health is not a problem in 2015. However, watch your diet and avoid eating cold food on street stalls.
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