Holidays in 2031 China Public Holiday - China Public Holidays

China HolidayGregorian DateChinese Lunar Date
China Public Holiday Laba Festival January 01, 2031 December 8, 2030
China Public Holiday New Year's Day January 01, 2031 December 8, 2030
Spring Festival Eve January 22, 2031 December 29, 2030
China Public Holiday Spring Festival January 23, 2031 January 1, 2031
Lantern Festival February 06, 2031 January 15, 2031
Spring/Blue Dragon Festival February 22, 2031 February 2, 2031
China Public Holiday Qing Ming Festival April 05, 2031 March 14, 2031
China Public Holiday May Day May 01, 2031 March 10, 2031
China Public Holiday Dragon Boat Festival June 24, 2031 May 5, 2031
Double Seventh Festival August 24, 2031 July 7, 2031
Ghost Festival September 01, 2031 July 15, 2031
China Public Holiday Mid-Autumn Festival October 01, 2031 August 15, 2031
China Public Holiday National Day October 01, 2031 August 15, 2031
The Double Ninth Festival October 24, 2031 September 9, 2031

Note: China public holidays( China Public Holiday ) include the New Year’s Day, Chinese Spring Festival (from Lunar New Year’s Eve to the sixth day of the New Year), Qingming Festival, May Day, the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and the National Day (from Oct.1 to Oct.7). Holidays except the Chinese Spring Festival and National Day are usually 3-day holiday that are created by combine the weekends.

Chinese Lunar Month in 2031

Find Chinese Lunar Calendar dates in Western calendar from the following table.
Chinese Lunar Month From (Gregorian Date) To (Gregorian Date)
The 1st Lunar Month Jan 23, 2031 Feb 20, 2031
The 2nd Lunar Month Feb 21, 2031 Mar 22, 2031
The 3rd Lunar Month Mar 23, 2031 Apr 20, 2031
The Second 3rd Lunar Month (Leap Month) 04 21, 2031 05 20, 2031
The 4th Lunar Month May 21, 2031 Jun 19, 2031
The 5th Lunar Month Jun 20, 2031 Jul 18, 2031
The 6th Lunar Month Jul 19, 2031 Aug 17, 2031
The 7th Lunar Month Aug 18, 2031 Sep 16, 2031
The 8th Lunar Month Sep 17, 2031 Oct 15, 2031
The 9th Lunar Month Oct 16, 2031 Nov 14, 2031
The 10th Lunar Month Nov 15, 2031 Dec 13, 2031
The 11th Lunar Month Dec 14, 2031 Jan 12, 2032
The 12th Lunar Month Jan 13, 2032 Feb 10, 2032

Month Pillar in 2031

Month Pillar is seedling, just like that of flowers and trees. Month Pillar represents a person's Siblings Palace, as well as his parents and siblings in the original family.
From (Gregorian Date) To (Gregorian Date) Month Pillar Zodiac
Jan 05, 2031 09:30Feb 04, 2031 09:07Ji ChouOx
Feb 04, 2031 09:08Mar 06, 2031 03:01Geng YinTiger
Mar 06, 2031 03:02Apr 05, 2031 07:36Xin MaoRabbit
Apr 05, 2031 07:37May 06, 2031 12:40Ren ChenDragon
May 06, 2031 12:41Jun 06, 2031 04:38Gui SiSnake
Jun 06, 2031 04:39Jul 07, 2031 02:47Jia WuHorse
Jul 07, 2031 02:48Aug 08, 2031 12:37Yi WeiSheep
Aug 08, 2031 12:38Sep 08, 2031 03:41Bing ShenMonkey
Sep 08, 2031 03:42Oct 08, 2031 07:33Ding YouRooster
Oct 08, 2031 07:34Nov 07, 2031 10:59Wu XuDog
Nov 07, 2031 11:00Dec 07, 2031 04:02Ji HaiPig
Dec 07, 2031 04:03Dec 31, 2031 12:00Geng ZiRat
Solar TermsGregorian DateChinese Lunar Date
Slight Cold (Xiǎohán, 小寒)January 05, 2031December 12, 2030
Great Cold (Dàhán, 大寒)January 20, 2031December 27, 2030
Vernal Begins (Lìchūn, 立春)February 04, 2031January 13, 2031
Rain Water (Yǔshuǐ, 雨水)February 19, 2031January 28, 2031
Insects Awaken (Jīnzhé, 惊蛰)March 06, 2031February 14, 2031
Vernal Equinox (Chūnfēn, 春分)March 21, 2031February 29, 2031
Clear and Bright (Qīngmíng, 清明)April 05, 2031March 14, 2031
Grain Rain (Gǔyǔ, 谷雨)April 20, 2031March 29, 2031
Summer Begins (Lìxià, 立夏)May 06, 2031March 15, 2031
Grain Full (Xiǎomǎn, 小满)May 21, 2031April 1, 2031
Grain in Ear (Mángzhǒng, 芒种)June 06, 2031April 17, 2031
Summer Solstice (Xiàzhì, 夏至)June 21, 2031May 2, 2031
Slight Heat (Xiǎoshǔ, 小暑)July 07, 2031May 18, 2031
Great Heat (Dàshǔ, 大暑)July 23, 2031June 5, 2031
Autumn Begins (Lìqīu, 立秋)August 08, 2031June 21, 2031
Limit of Heat (Chúshǔ, 处暑)August 23, 2031July 6, 2031
White Dew (Báilù, 白露)September 08, 2031July 22, 2031
Autumnal Equinox (Qīufēn, 秋分)September 23, 2031August 7, 2031
Cold Dew (Hánlù, 寒露)October 08, 2031August 22, 2031
Frost's Descent (Shuāngjiàng, 霜降)October 23, 2031September 8, 2031
Winter Begins (Lìdōng, 立冬)November 07, 2031September 23, 2031
Light Snow (Xiǎoxuě, 小雪)November 22, 2031October 8, 2031
Great Snow (Dàxuě, 大雪)December 07, 2031October 23, 2031
Winter Solstice (Dōngzhì, 冬至)December 22, 2031November 9, 2031