Tiger and Dog Love Compatibility Horoscope





You are a wonderful pair.
Your match score is 90%.
You are a couple with a close and loving relationship. Both of you are gentle, amiable and kind, and you know to think more and to leave enough free space for the other party. The male tiger is outgoing and good at communication, but impulsive and quick-tempered. The female dog is tender, virtuous, smart, kind-hearted and considerate. The male tiger admires his wife's generousness and wisdom, while the female dog can put her husband at his ease with her peculiar inspiration.

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Match

Attitude Towards Love
The passionate and brave male Tigers are fearless, full of vigor in love and clear about what to love or hate. With great ambition for career, they attach great importance to work and career prospects and future development of women before starting a relationship. Sometimes, they even choose somebody more their equal. Most of them attract girls with their career achievements, thus quite popular among women.

Male Tiger in Love

Women born in Dog years are meticulous and caring in love. When they do something for their men, they hope to be treated the same. They cannot stand any lies or failures to keep a promise in love relationship and would get very angry against lies told by their men. Unless their boyfriends know what they want and spoil them, female Dogs would not marry and spend the rest of life together.

Female Dog in Love

Tigers are the symbol of brave. People born in the year of the Tiger are friendly, brave, competitive, charming and endowed with good luck and authority. With indomitable fortitude and great confidence, the tiger people can be competent leaders. On the other side, they are likely to be impetuous, irritable, overindulged and love to boast to others.

Personality Traits for Male Tiger

Dog is the symbol of loyalty and honesty. People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They are honest, friendly, faithful, loyal, smart, straightforward, venerable and have a strong sense of responsibility. On the negative side, they are likely to be self-righteous, cold, terribly stubborn, slippery, critical of others and not good at social activities.

Personality Traits for Female Dog

Relationship & Love Compatibility
Best Match:Horse, Dog, Pig
Avoid:Snake, Monkey

In terms of the relationship with the people under other animal signs, the people born in the year of the Tiger can be harmonious with the people born in the year of the Pig, Dog, Horse, Rabbit, Sheep, Rooster and the Tiger itself. The honest and nice Pig can usually help the Tiger to avoid doing things rashly and make the Tiger feel safe. The practical Dog can be good partner with the Tiger and is very loyal to him. What's more, they can not only restrain the Tiger, but also make them rational. The people born in the year of the Horse are active as the Tiger, but usually can forebode the danger much faster than the Tiger. So, the Tiger can benefit from the Horse from it.

However, the Tiger should never challenge to the Ox people, for the Ox would not tolerant the misbehavior of the Tiger and may destroy him. The Tiger is not compatible with the Snake as well. As the Snake is gentle, timid and calm while the Tiger is arrogant, it is difficult for them to live harmoniously. Another person that the Tiger couldn't be friend with is the Monkey. As the smart Monkey likes to laugh at the Tiger endlessly and the Tiger only knows to be angry as a result of being fooled.
Best Match:Tiger, Rabbit, Horse
Avoid:Ox, Dragon, Sheep, Rooster

The Dog and Tiger people could be good brothers because they both have a sense of justice. In work, The Dog could assist the Tiger well making the task finished smoothly. As they have common goals, they are a good pair in love as well.

The Dog and Rabbit people are both conservative and honest. So, they appreciate each other's character. No matter in work or marriage life, they could respect the other and get along well.

Both the Dog and Horse people are ready to help others and honest. They could help others at their own expense. The horses are capable and powerful however don't act steadfastly when doing things. The diligent dogs usually play a complementary role in horses'life.

In relationship with the Ox people, the Dogs have few common languages with them because the great difference in interests and goals. No matter in work or life, the stubborn Ox people hate to be together with the Dogs as they like to criticize them sharply.

The people that the Dog don't trust in and conflict most are the Dragon.

The Dog is easy to conflict with the Sheep as they both are not good at expressing their feelings. If they lack communication, they are hard to be friends or partners.

The Dogs and Roosters don't like each other's character which makes them hard to be lovers. In work, the creative Roosters usually look down upon the Dogs. Disputes will be inevitable in life due to their character differences.
Lucky Numbers
1, 3, 4 3, 4, 9
Lucky Colors
blue, white, gray, orange green, red, purple
Lucky Flowers
cineraria rose, oncidium, cymbidium orchids
Lucky Directions
east, southeast, south east, southeast, south

Relationship Compatibility for the male Tiger:

Relationship Compatibility for the female Tiger:

Chinese Horoscope

Select Zodiac
  • RatRat
  • OxOx
  • TigerTiger
  • RabbitRabbit
  • DragonDragon
  • SnakeSnake
  • HorseHorse
  • SheepSheep
  • MonkeyMonkey
  • RoosterRooster
  • DogDog
  • PigPig

2024 Horoscope:

People born under the zodiac animal sign of the Tiger will have a particularly bad luck in 2024. Unfortunate things may come to them one after another ... [Read More]