Rooster and Sheep Love Compatibility Horoscope



You are a lively pair.
Your match score is 60%.
To maintain your marriage, both of you have to strengthen your tolerance. The male rooster can compromise with the female sheep's independence, but he can't bear his wife's thoughts of reaping without sowing. The female sheep admires the male rooster's dedication to the career, but she can't tolerate her husband's ill temper.

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Match

Attitude Towards Love
The talkative male Roosters have a strong desire to excel and lay emphasis on material life. They could reduce worries in life and maintain stable living conditions since they are good at money management. Also, men under the Rooster sign struggle to create the air of romance, thus always lead a passionate and joyful marriage life.

Male Rooster in Love

Female sheep are rich in emotion and particularly longing for good family life. They would put heart and soul into each relationship and devote affection unconditionally since they go after the marriage. The weak character, however, often makes them disillusioned. What's more, they are so persistent that they won't let it go even if they see the true features, thus finally get hurt.

Female Sheep in Love

In Chinese culture, Rooster represents fidelity and punctuality, for it wakes people up on time. People born in the year of the Rooster are beautiful, kind-hearted, hard-working, courageous, independent, humorous and honest. They like to keep home neat and organized. On the other side, they might be arrogant, self-aggrandizing, persuasive to others and wild as well as admire things or persons blindly.

Personality Traits for Male Rooster

Sheep (Ram or Goat) represents solidarity, harmony and calmness. People born in the year of the Sheep are polite, mild mannered, shy, imaginative, determined and have good taste. On the negative side, they are sometimes pessimistic, unrealistic, short-sighted and slow in behavior.

Personality Traits for Female Sheep

Relationship & Love Compatibility
Best Match:Ox, Dragon, Snake
Avoid:Rat, Rabbit, Rooster, Dog

The people born in the year of the Rooster can get along well with the people born in the year of the snake, because they are complemented with each other in terms of character. The Ox people can make the Rooster's dull life more colorful. As the Rooster and Dragon people are both creative and usually have common goals, the two could be very compatible. The Rooster could assist the Dragon and benefit a lot from his achievement.

The people born in the year of the Tiger, Sheep, Monkey and Pig can be good companions to the Rooster.

However, when a Rooster is together with another Rooster or a Rat, they are easily to fight with each other. The relationship between the Rooster and Rabbit is also not good as they have different personalities. A Rabbit person likes to avoid arguing with his enemy while a Rooster will struggle and quarrel. In terms of the relationship between the Rooster and the Dog, it's changeable. Sometimes they are increasingly intimate and sometimes they are coldly indifferent with each other. They can cooperate well when they need each other. However, it is doomed to be a failure if they marriage.
Best Match:Rabbit, Horse, Pig
Avoid:Rat, Ox, Dog, Dragon

Both the Sheep and Rabbit are mild. They are usually helpful in a tense situation. So, no matter where they are, the place will be full of peace. So, no matter in cooperation or love, they are a good pair. In relationship with the Horse, the Sheep people usually can be guided by the Horse people to have a positive attitude because the Horse people are mostly optimistic and like to think positively. To be together with the Pig people, the Sheep is easy to exercise his creativity. So, they are very good partner especially in work.

The people born in the year of the Tiger, Snake, Monkey and Rooster can be good companions with the Sheep. Also, two sheep people could be compatible with each other.

The Rat people don't like the Sheep because in their eyes, the Sheep are always lavish spenders and lack of confidence. Also, the Sheep couldn't get along well with those under the animal signs of the Ox and Dog because those two people couldn't understand and tolerant the Sheep person's endlessly talking. As the Sheep is weak in character and the Dragons usually have a high requirement, the two couldn’t see eye to eye. In addition, they both have relying psychology which blocks them from cooperating efficiently in work.
Lucky Numbers
5, 7, 8 2, 7
Lucky Colors
golden, brown, brownish yellow, yellow green, red, purple
Lucky Flowers
gladiola, impatiens, cockscomb carnation, primrose, alice flower
Lucky Directions
west, southwest, northeast east, southeast, south

Relationship Compatibility for the male Rooster:

Relationship Compatibility for the female Rooster:

Chinese Horoscope

Select Zodiac
  • RatRat
  • OxOx
  • TigerTiger
  • RabbitRabbit
  • DragonDragon
  • SnakeSnake
  • HorseHorse
  • SheepSheep
  • MonkeyMonkey
  • RoosterRooster
  • DogDog
  • PigPig

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