Chinese New Year Greetings and Sayings 2025
When the Chinese New Year is coming, everyone is prepared to visit your relatives or friends to send New Year wishes. Or you go to a local restaurant and want to show off little. Besides “xīnnián kuàilè! (Happy New Year)”, there are many other greetings and sayings to express your great wish to others for the new year. In Chinese, most of the phrases are composed of four Chinese characters. Following are basic and most popular greetings in English and Chinese with meanings.
Two Words You Should Say before the Greeting Phrases
Greeting an older person or someone you respect is a little different in Chinese from greeting a young person younger than you.
祝您……Zhu nín... - Wish you (older or respected)...
祝你……Zhu nǐ ... - Wish you (younger or informal)...
Greetings for 2025
Greetings for 2025 Year of the Snake
灵蛇献瑞, 福满乾坤líng shé xiàn ruì, fú mǎn qián kūn - Auspicious snake brings blessings, fortune fills heaven and earth!
灵蛇献福, 岁岁平安líng shé xiàn fú, suì suì píng ān - Auspicious snake brings blessings, peace all year round!
蛇年到来好运绕shé nián dào lái hǎo yùn rào - Wish you good luck in the year of Snake!
蛇年大吉: 愿您在蛇年里,万事如意,大吉大利shé nián dà jí: yuàn nǐ zài shé nián lǐ wàn shì rú yì, dà jí dà lì - A great fortune in the year of the Snake!
蛇年安康: 愿您蛇年身体健康, 平安喜乐shé nián ān kāng,yuàn nín shé nián shēn tǐ jiàn kāng,píng ān xǐ lè - Wishing you good health, peace, and joy in the Year of the Snake!
蛇年发财: 愿您蛇年财源广进, 财运亨通shé nián fā cái: yuán nǐ shé nián cái yuán guǎng jìn, cái yùn hēng tōng - May you have abundant wealth and prosperous fortune in the Year of the Snake!
蛇舞新春: 愿新春的欢乐伴随您,如同蛇舞般灵动shé wǔ xīn chūn: yuàn xīn chūn de huān lè bàn suí nín, rú tóng shé wǔ bān líng dòng - May the joy of the New Year accompany you, as agile as snake dance!
祝蛇年给您带来健康、幸福和生活中一切最美好的事物。- May the Year of the Snake bring you health, happiness and all the best things in life.
值此农历蛇年新春来临之际,祝您新的一年吉祥如意,事业有成。- On the occasion of the Chinese New Year of the Snake, I wish you a prosperous year filled with joy and success.
蛇年到,祝你心想事成,梦想成真。- As the Snake ushers in the new year, may all your wishes come true and all your dreams come to fruition.
蛇年,愿您的生活充满欢笑,充满爱,充满家人和朋友的欢乐。- In the Year of the Snake, may your life be filled with laughter, love and the joy of family and friends.
愿蛇年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福!- "May the Year of Snake bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!"
祝好运、健康、快乐伴你度过一个愉快的新年。- "Good luck, good health, good cheer. I wish you a happy New Year."
愿新年满足你所有的愿望并且更多!- "May the New Year bring you everything you desire and more!"
祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。- "I want to wish you a joyous new year and express my hopes for your happiness and good future."
恭贺新禧,祝身体健康、事业发达。- "Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity."
Wish Someone a Happy Chinese New Year in Chinese
新年好 xīnnián hǎo - Happy New Year
过年好 guònián hǎo -Happy New Year
新年快乐 xīnnián kuàilè - Happy New Year
新春快乐 xīnchūn kuàilè - Happy 'New Spring'
春节快乐 chūnjié kuàilè - Happy Spring Festival
恭贺新禧 gōng hè xīn xǐ - Best wishes for the year to come!
Greetings and Sayings for Good Luck
吉祥如意 jíxiáng rúyì - Good luck and happiness as you wish.
心想事成 xīnxiǎng shì chéng - May all your wishes come true.
万事如意 wànshì rúyì - May all your wishes be fulfilled.
吉星高照 jíxīng gāozhào - Fortune will smile on you.
大吉大利 dàjí dàlì - Lots of luck and profits
一帆风顺 yīfān fēngshùn - Hope everything goes well.
Greetings and Sayings for Health
身体健康 shēntǐ jiànkāng - Enjoy good health.
健康长寿 jiànkāng chángshòu - Wish a good health and longevity.
多福多寿 duōfú duōshòu - Live long and proper.
龙马精神 lóng mǎ jīngshén – Wish you as energetic as dragon and horse!
笑口常开 xiàokǒu chángkāi - Wish someone will be always laughing or happy.
岁岁平安 suìsuì píng ān - May you start safe and sound all year round.
Greetings and Sayings for the Family
阖家欢乐 héjiā huānlè - Felicity of the whole family
阖家幸福 héjiā xìngfú - Happiness for the whole family
全家幸福 quánjiā xìngfú - Happiness for the whole family
幸福美满 xìngfú měimǎn - Wish a happy and sweet life.
Greetings for Business and Wealth
恭喜发财 gōngxǐ fācái - Wishing you make a lot of money and prosperous.
财源广进 cáiyuán guǎngjìn- May a river of gold flow into your pocket.
财源滚滚 cáiyuán gǔngǔn – Money luck to roll in.
财运亨通 cáiyùn hēngtōng - May many fortunes find their way to you!
年年有余 niánnián yǒuyú - Surplus year-after-year
生意兴隆 shēngyì xīnglóng - Prosperous business
事业发达 shìyè fādá – Wish you a good career.
事业兴旺 shìyè xīngwàng - Wish your business prosperous.
Greetings for Work
工作顺利 gōngzuò shùnlì - May your work go smoothly.
事业有成 shìyè yǒuchéng – Success for your career
马到成功 mǎ dào chénggōng- Win success immediately.
平步青云 píngbù qīngyún - Have a meteoric rise or a promotion in career.
步步高升 bùbù gāoshēng - Promotions at every step
升官发财 shēngguān fācái- Win promotion and get rich.
飞黄腾达 fēihuáng téngdá - Have a meteoric rise in career!
Greetings and Sayings for Students
学业有成 xuéyè yǒuchéng- successful in study or have achievements in learning
学习进步 xuéxí jìnbù - make progress in study
金榜题名 jīnbǎng tímíng - Success in the important examination
Interesting Greeting
恭喜发财,红包拿来 Gōngxǐ fācái, hóngbāo ná lái - Wish you a fortune!Give me a red packet!(You can only say this to your close friends.)
Chinese Calendar
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
29廿九/29 | 30三十/30 | 臘月 (Dec) 31初壹/1 | 1初二/2 | 2初三/3 | 3初四/4 | 4初五/5 |
5初六/6 | 6初七/7 | 7初八/8 | 8初九/9 | 9初十/10 | 10十壹/11 | 11十二/12 |
12十三/13 | 13十四/14 | 14十五/15 | 15十六/16 | 16十七/17 | 17十八/18 | 18十九/19 |
19二十/20 | 20廿壹/21 | 21廿二/22 | 22廿三/23 | 23廿四/24 | 24廿五/25 | 25廿六/26 |
26廿七/27 | 27廿八/28 | 28廿九/29 | 正月 (Jan) 29初壹/1 | 30初二/2 | 31初三/3 | 1初四/4 |
{{week}}. {{month}} {{day}}, {{year}}
Lunar Date
{{lmonth}} {{lday}}, {{syear}} ({{zodiac}}) Year ({{lyear}}){{sday}} Day, {{smonth}} Month
Clash {{clash}} | Evil {{evil}}
- {{.}} {{/luckly}}
- {{.}} {{/unluckly}}
Auspicious Times
- {{.}} {{/luckyTime}}