Jan 2012
December 26, 2011 (lunar date)
Xin Mao Year, Xin Chou Month, Ji Mao Day
Clash: Rooster   Evil: West
Daily Auspicious Directions
The God of Joy: Southwest
The God of Happiness: Northwest
The God of Wealth: East
Grand Opening
Business Trading
Sign Contract
Marriage Engagement
Buy Livestock/Pets
Bed Installation
Auspicious Times
23:00-00:59(子時) 03:00-04:59(寅時) 05:00-06:59(卯時) 11:00-12:59(午時) 13:00-14:59(未時) 17:00-18:59(酉時)
Decorating House
Residence Relocation
Pray for Good Luck
See a Patient
Digging a Well
Break Ground for Building
Installing a Door
Stove Installation
Inauspicious Times
01:00-02:59(丑時) 07:00-08:59(辰時) 9:00-10:59(巳時) 15:00-16:59(申時) 19:00-20:59(戌時) 21:00-22:59(亥時)

How to check auspicious and inauspicious occasions of the day?

The auspicious and inauspicious events listed for the day is just for general use. You need to check it in each hour to see if it’s good or bad to you combined with your birth year.
Shi Chen Jia Zi Yi Chou Bing Yin Ding Mao Wu Chen Ji Si Geng Wu Xin Wei Ren Shen Gui You Jia Xu Yi Hai
Bazi Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Jia Zi
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Yi Chou
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Bing Yin
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Ding Mao
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Wu Chen
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Ji Si
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Geng Wu
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Xin Wei
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Ren Shen
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Gui You
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Jia Xu
Xin Mao
Xin Chou
Ji Mao
Yi Hai
Zodiac Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
Five Elements Water Earth Wood Wood Earth Fire Fire Earth Metal Metal Earth Water
Gods Direct Officer Seven Killings Direct Resource Indirect Resource Rob Wealth Friendly Hurting officer Eating God Direct Wealth Indirect Wealth Direct Officer Seven Killings
Good or Bad Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad
Clash Wu Wu
1918 1978
Ji Wei
1919 1979
Geng Shen
1920 1980
Xin You
1921 1981
Ren Xu
1922 1982
Gui Hai
1923 1983
Jia Zi
1924 1984
Yi Chou
1925 1985
Bing Yin
1926 1986
Ding Mao
1927 1987
Wu Chen
1928 1988
Ji Si
1929 1989
Evil South East North West South East North West South East North West
Lucky Direction North Southwest Northwest Southeast Northeast South Southwest Northwest Southeast Northeast North Southwest
Wealth Direction Northeast Southwest West West North North East East South South Northeast Southwest