How to Use Chinese Baby Gender Chart?

How to use Chinese Baby Gender Chart to predict your unborn baby's gender?

Chinese Gender Predictor

Use Chinese Baby Gender Chart to predict your unborn baby's gender, please follow the three steps below:

--Step One: Get the mother's lunar age when the baby is conceived
How to calculate the mother's Chinese lunar age?
The age in the chart should be the Chinese age at the time of conception. It's usually 1 or 2 years older than your actual age. To get it, please subtract your Chinese lunar birth year from the lunar year you conceived then plus another one year. How to get the Chinese lunar year? Please use the Gregorian-Chinese Calendar Converter below. 

--Step Two: Get the lunar month of conception
How to get the lunar month of conception?
The month of conception in the following chart should be the Chinese Lunar Month. You can convert it by using the Gregorian-Chinese Calendar Converter tool below. In fact, in step 1, you have converted the conception date into Chinese lunar date. Just remember the month is ok. If you forget, use the tool to check again.

About the Leap Month: In Chinese lunar calendar, the leap month occurs in very two or three years. If your conception month occurs during the first half of the leap month, you should check the previous month as your conception month. If it’s in the second half of the leap month, just use the next month as your conception month.

Gregorian-Chinese Calendar Converter:

Sorry! Date is not correct!

 --Step Three: After knowing the Chinese age and month of conception, please find the age down the left side of the following chart, and find the month during which your conception occurred across the top of the chart. Then follow the column and row to the intersecting point to get your baby's gender.

Let's look at an example now:
→ Example: For one with the DOB of Feb. 1, 1983 who conceived on Jan. 15, 2017.
Step1: Get the Chinese Age:
Check out the lunar year of her birth day and the lunar year when she got pregnant by using the Gregorian-Chinese Calendar Converter above. After converting, we can get the lunar date for Feb. 1, 1983 is Dec. 19, 1982, and for Jan. 15, 2017 is December 18, 2016. Subtracting the lunar year of birth which is 1982 from the lunar conception year which is 2016, we get 34. Then plus 1 year to 34, we finally get her Chinese age is 35.
Step2: Get the lunar month of conception:
In step 1, we have converted her conception date to the Chinese lunar date which is December 18, 2016. So, the conception month for her is December.
Step3: Check the age 35 and month December in the above chart, we can get the baby’s gender is Boy.

Chinese Gender Chart

Boy:   Girl:

Chinese Gender Chart

Use Chinese Gender Chart to choose your baby's sex? Please click Chinese Baby Gender Selection

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