Chinese Zodiac
Talk about your Chinese zodiac animals, ask for your sign's personality, lucky elements, best match, horoscope and more.
My zodiac sign
My name is Akanksha Nitnaware Birthdate is 03/03/2000 Time is 12:45am Can you tell me what is m...
what kinds of yogas are in my natal chart
My date of birth is. 2/May/1997 at 7:45 PM in Gujar Khan, Pakistan. My Chinese zodiac sign is o...
Why is the direction Southwest unlucky and a taboo for tigers?
Why is the direction Southwest unlucky and a taboo for tigers?
Element Compatibility
Hello, I'm a Fire Dragon. I'm trying to understand the elements to figure out how to f...
Marriage year
When will I get married my date of birth is 30 December 1996
Will i have love or arrange marriage?
Name- Kavita Naik D.O.B. 15/02/1991 Time - 8.36pm Place - Goa ,India
Wrong lucky numbers
In the Ox section it says the lucky numbers are 1,4 and the unlucky 3,4. I think you mistyped i...
When could I possibly get married and meet a women in my life
Dob sept 28 1997 2:00am
love life
will 2019 be a better life
XuanWu / Mystical Warrior ( 玄武 ) -- Black Turtle
Hello, I am researching XuanWu for my personal Qigong cultivation, and I was especially wonderi...
Birth date
Should i use my old birth 3/18/1987 or new 4/15:1987 is there any difference? Whats my future l...
help to identify my horoscope sign and 2019 prediction
I am a female born on 05/18/1959 at night after 1 am. Am I a strong or weak earth pig? Will 201...
Born 20.03.64 Will 2019 be financially rewarding?
Western Zodiac??
Hello, I am a Cancer Monkey with Blood type A. Can you write a summary about my personality? Th...
When will I travel or go for studies abroad?
Hi, I want to study abroad and like I applied 2 time but was rejected. So I wanted to know will...
Any predictions for my future.
DOB Sept 28 1997
What sign am ion Chinese zodiac
What sign am ion Chinese zodiac?
Baby in my life
Hi I am Dhanashree,can tell me how many childrens are in my life with their gender? My DOB is ...
my name
My name is Nagalakshmi M G, born on 5th September, 1958. I'm a fan of your astrology. I (do...
What is my auspicious number in playing lottery game? My birth date is dec. 24, 1980.