Auspicious Days

Need help to find lucky dates for wedding, moving, travel, grand opening, break ground, sign contract, build house, haircut…Ask here.

List property for sale this fall

0 Reply Asked by J***t | 8/26/2021 10:31:08 PM

Hello, I’m a metal rat born Oct 6, 1960. I would greatly appreciate it if you could please prov...

When will I get married

0 Reply Asked by L***e | 8/19/2021 12:29:44 PM

Hello please just wanted to know when 8 will get married?

Auspicious date to take an exam

1 Reply Asked by S***n | 8/18/2021 8:41:41 PM

I'd want to ask an auspicious day for taking an exam in September 2021. My date of birth is...

Husband and I are both Sheep

1 Reply Asked by O***n | 8/16/2021 3:47:00 PM

Can you help us find the auspicious day and month for us to buy our new home? Thank you very mu...

Best time for an Exam

1 Reply Asked by K***m | 8/15/2021 10:55:15 PM

Hi I'm a female scorpio born 16 November 2003 and have an exam on the 3rd of September at 8...

Move to new house

1 Reply Asked by V***o | 8/14/2021 1:36:39 PM

May I know the best date to move from 27th August 2021 onwards?

Lucky Days for Exam

1 Reply Asked by K***m | 8/14/2021 3:40:48 AM

Hi, I'm a female born in 16 November 2003 and am taking a 2 hour test, which day is luckier...

Contract signing

1 Reply Asked by K***e | 8/7/2021 8:14:08 PM

Hi my birthday is June 29, 1989. What days during this month of August would be best for contra...

Auspicious day to take exam

2 Replies Asked by K***a | 8/6/2021 8:31:25 AM

I am about to take certification exam related to my course. My birth date is February, 11 2000 ...

Wedding 2022

3 Replies Asked by J***H | 8/1/2021 12:31:54 AM

My fiance and I want to get married in April 2022. He is a 1972 rat. Are there any auspicious...

Lucky day to take examination for August and September

1 Reply Asked by R***o | 7/29/2021 6:51:44 AM

Hi, I am about to take an additional certification exam related to my work. My birth date is J...

Opening small business

1 Reply Asked by J*** | 7/27/2021 8:03:51 PM

Hi, What is the best date to open small grocery business during ghost month or August month to...

Male Rat / Female Dragon

1 Reply Asked by R***v | 7/27/2021 11:42:23 AM

May i ask a suggestion for the most auspiscious dates in getting married next year 2022? here ...

What day of July 2021 can open water refilling station

1 Reply Asked by M***M | 7/26/2021 2:09:57 PM

I need to know what day can I open my water refilling station by this Month of July 2021? Or yo...

2022 Retirement Dates

1 Reply Asked by J***t | 7/26/2021 7:50:09 AM

Hello, I’m a metal rat born Oct 6, 1960. I would greatly appreciate it if you could please pro...

Lucky DAYS & TIME Sept 2021 for - Move in new house, bed placement &altar

1 Reply Asked by C***o | 7/24/2021 10:25:28 AM

Hi, I’m a Rooster female born on Jan 16,1982 - 10pm. I would like to know my auspicious dates ...

Wedding in first half of 2022

3 Replies Asked by E***r | 7/23/2021 6:17:31 PM

Hi, can I check what are the auspicious wedding dates for first half of 2022? I’m Rooster, 4 O...

Opening a business

1 Reply Asked by A***a | 7/20/2021 8:17:57 PM

Can I open a business on August 6 days before the Ghost month?


2 Replies Asked by Y***l | 7/19/2021 7:52:19 AM

Hi, May i ask what is the best day to take my exam on nclex. Birthdate nov 20, 1993 thank you...

Retirement Dates in September and October 2021

4 Replies Asked by E***z | 7/18/2021 6:37:50 AM

Thank you.

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